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Everything posted by MemoryX2

  1. I agree. I think this would be extremely cool and even more than that very handy. However, that being said to me some of the other features you guys are working on are more important to me at the time being. Like bootstrap, which is almost done, and a mass mailer. One thing that would be really cool though is if like previously mentioned it worked similar to WordPress where the core can be updated or reinstalled, and plugins can be updated. Since the core and plugins are separate, you guys could push out updates to plugins, or bug fixes independent from core releases and I think this would make it easier for both the end user, as well as the blesta devs.
  2. It's gonna be awesome! Can't wait!
  3. I feel like I've mentioned this before, but check out WordPress and the way they do custom menu's. I feel like they have a great I implementation. Be able to customize two menus, one for logged in users and one for logged out would be awesome!
  4. This will be really nice!
  5. I would love to see a better cart system! I like the ajax idea, but I really like the way other industries do this also. When I want to order something, going through Blesta is confusing. I mean I'm the one selling the product and it's confusing. I've never had any trouble buying something from Amazon, their order process is not confusing at all. I realize that they are selling something totally different but I think their is a lot of room for improvement in the ordering system. I actually like the way IP does their ordering, it seems pretty clear. Step 1: Pick license type, https://www.invisionpower.com/pricing Step 2: If license pick what products you want and how many users, easy, http://www.invisionpower.com/buy Step 3: Information / login https://www.invisionpower.com/clients/index.php?app=nexus&module=payments&section=pay&id=504940 Step 4: Pay It's just easy, super simple, and their layout looks awesome!
  6. I'm sure Paul has already got you fixed up by now, but one more option is to purchase a monthly license. They are very cheap, that's what we did in the past to do our testing.
  7. This does sound pretty cool. I think the best way to do it would just be to add the option onto the paypal gateway module.
  8. I'm certainly keeping a very close eye on this thread.. I have been using stripe so I'm not very sure what to do now. I, like everyone else didn't realize tokenized transmission wasn't supported.
  9. Didn't you say the theme for 3.3 is I voices? If so, maybe global terms would be a good idea, but especially a variable font would be nice.
  10. Me to! Even worse though is when I'm at a restaurant and see someone not wash their hands!
  11. I have no idea why, but this still doesn't work for me
  12. What do I need to edit within this so that it will work with a custom route? Is it possible that a future version can get the route or be independent of the route or something? Thanks for your hard work
  13. I wasn't able to get this to work probably because I'm not runnning the entire modified support plugin. I really like the changes you've made they look awesome (although I'm not yet using it) As far as voting goes, personally I'd rather seem changes merged into the official release especially since you're doing this to help people out.. At least as long as your coding matches up and looks good.
  14. I haven't tried this yet but it looks awesome! Good work!!
  15. What is the estimated timeline for the new domain module? Also, is it a paid feature or included?
  16. It's instant for me also. Sounds like some php.ini issues
  17. Duplicated post removed
  18. What kind of time line are we looking at? I would much prefer to use the blesta module, it's just some of the extended functions are very appealing. I changed a package to the extended module, and then went to a client that was using the package. When I tried to update details at the bottom I got an oh noes page. As I said I much prefer yours Paul especially if it had more features, which is something I would even be willing to pay some on.
  19. Is their any way to switch from the cPanel module to the cPanel Extended module without removing the client's service and recreating it? Thanks
  20. That's nice!!!!!! Good job! I'm going to try and start using this module now I think
  21. On a similar note, invoice date per package would be very nice. Have the ability to override the default. This would be great for domains.. Invoice domain 12 days before due date rather than the standard 10.
  22. While it may not be specifically a built in feature I really see that as a bug.
  23. Sounds good Paul. It's not the end of the world by any means if it doesn't make it into 3.2 I was just thinking it would be a cool feature. I also really like how the core numbers are listed as links to where we can read more about it!!
  24. Actually I have a question about 3.2 You guys have been talking about having something in the future where custom code (analytics, etc) can be deployed to, lets say the footer area of the structure and preserved even through upgrades. Is that something you guys are looking at in 3.2 or is it further on down the road?
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