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Everything posted by MemoryX2

  1. We are really excited for 3.2. I think every one will really like it
  2. True true. I poked him a little . Have you installed & tried this yet?
  3. I used it to ddos my buddy
  4. Yeah I installed it. It's freaking sweet!!
  5. I'm working on getting my buddys IP address
  6. What happens to the client when this is running?
  7. I know I've mentioned it once or twice, but just so I don't miss a place where 3.2 was mentioned, I can't wait until 3.2 comes out ;-)
  8. MemoryX2

    Release 3.1.3

    I think the guys have done a great job so far. I'm looking forward to 3.3-3.4 myself, but for now 3.2 seems like it will be a huge release. I think the domain manager will be a very sweet plugin, and a mass mailer will be huge. Their are just lots of exciting new features coming.
  9. MemoryX2

    Release 3.1.3

    Ken, I think on every topic, related or not if 3.2 was mentioned, hinted at or anything, I've added an I can't wait!
  10. MemoryX2

    Release 3.1.3

    I can't wait! :-DOh yeah, upgrade went good, no problems.
  11. I can't wait for it to be released!!
  12. That task is currently private, but don't worry about it. I will be seeing it in action very soon, forget reading about it
  13. This is planned for an upcoming release. Not sure which one yet, but I know it's planned.
  14. I have no doubt's that it's true. But that didn't mean it isn't sad.
  15. If what you posted is true then this is ridiculous!
  16. If you do create this plugin, I think that the security aspects of it should be sent to blesta in encrypted emails.
  17. I think it should most defiantly be in the core. Theirs already three plugins that can take advantage of it. Order system Client registration Tickets Password reset I think their are several places it could be used if it were in the core.
  18. Okay, it would be so much easier if I could manually email clients their invoice reminder right from the billing > invoice tab. Currently I can individually open up a client that has a due invoice (after going to the billing > invoice tab to see which have due invoices), click a check box and then send a payment reminder. I would like to see this part stay the same because it allows me to specify the email address. What I would like to see is on the billing > invoice tab, a link under options to quickly send an invoice reminder. This link should automatically send to the default address(s) on file, using the default invoice template. I think it would be great just like the following edit, view, pay, send reminder or just Remind. This is not a huge feature request or a huge priority. This is just one of those things that would make a huge impact on usability. Having this here would make the flow of things much easier, and it would go along perfectly as one of the many not really noticed but slick as butter features that Blesta has. Again, I think this would make a huge impact. People probably don't send manual invoices that often but when they do, this would be perfect. Thanks
  19. Sounds awesome Paul!! Really looking forward to it! I will certainly be interested in the beta, and alpha if their is one.
  20. I would certainly ship it along. I'm not currently using it, but their are people who currently do, and who would if it was included.
  21. I'm going to start testing it out a little later today.
  22. I can't wait for 3.2! Are we close to beta?
  23. It's looking awesome to me. I'm gonna be really keeping an eye on these guys. I might even spin up a VM and do some testing later.
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