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Everything posted by MemoryX2

  1. What is your order url? I believe you may have made a mistake when integrating. I had an issue almost exactly like this then was able to fix it. Here is for the first screen shot: https://www.memoryx2.com/members/plugin/order/main/preconfig/personal-hosting Then the second: https://www.memoryx2.com/members/plugin/order/main/index/personal-hosting/?skip=true https://www.memoryx2.com/members/plugin/order/main/index/personal-hosting/?skip=true
  2. On the homepage I think it would make things alot easier if the system overview widget had a field on the left under recurring invoices that showed the number of tickets awaiting reply. I think this would help make Blesta even more user friendly.
  3. I think this is a pretty straight forward request and doesn't take much explaining. I would love to see the same two factor authentication available to admins be also available to clients. When modifying a client account there is a section called authentication. It would be awesome to have a radio button at the bottom with something like enable two factor authentication. Thanks
  4. I definitely cannot argue that, but I can say a few things I have personally noticed around here that is much different from other systems. Blesta is built to be modular. Almost everything is a plugin, which is awesome because I may want something in my system that you don't, in which case you don't enable it and you have nothing to worry about. Another cool thing is, all of these modules, and plugins can be updated independently so for example a bug in the cpanel module can be fixed without messing with the directadmin module. And also because it is a module it has less effect on the core system. Blesta is built on a much better and much more stable base or core system than the other billing system I used. Also, the developers here are developers, and they fix things.
  5. Don't get me wrong, Paul. Its not that I don't love v3 because I really really really do, its more of a sitting back and just thinking if v3 is this awesome I can't even imagine how cool v4 will be!
  6. I did modify my structure.pdt before but that it the only modification and is also probably the problem. I will do some checking but this doesn't appear to be a bug since you guys are not having issues.
  7. Windows 7 Latest chrome browser V3.0.0
  8. I have a padding issue. I know how, and have fixed it but i thought it should be reported. The options for domain, and password are too far over on the left. See screenshot (and yes I did a ton of cropping to get it into the 31.53k size) This line in order css is what I think is causing it. .order .inner .pad.content ul.no_border li {border: none; margin-bottom: 11px; padding: 0px;} I can change it to: .order .inner .pad.content ul.no_border li {border: none; margin-bottom: 11px; padding: 0px; padding-left: 12px;} And it fixes it.
  9. Just as an update my integration can be viewed at https://www.memoryx2.com/ I went live with my new site & integration and I have not yet reset all of my developer things my integration is no long located at dev.memoryx2.com
  10. I think I'm more excited about Blesta 4.0 than anything lol, hopefully then there will be enom, a knowledgebase, project management, proxmox module, expanded portal plugin so that custom pages can be created and managed from within Blesta..
  11. Really looking forward to a knowledgebase.
  12. Yes, I do too. It's an awesome feature!
  13. Yup that was the problem! Thanks!!
  14. When editing certain email templates I am redirected to the client login page when I click update template. I realized that if Blesta is unable to parse something this can happen but I am not even changing anything except the from email and from name. I click update and bam redirected to the client area and the template is not updated. Happens on these tickets: Client Emails Edit Email Template Auto-Debit Pending Edit Email Template Service Suspension Plugin Emails Edit Email Template Order Received Edit Email Template Order Received (Mobile) And possibly more template but those are a few. My info: CentOS 6.3 cpanel 11.38 Php: 5.3.26 MySQL 5.5
  15. I actually had to install it on my server but it was no big deal haha
  16. This is possible. I have Geoip enabled, but I also have mbstring installed.
  17. MemoryX2

    Piping Emails.

    Thanks!! That solved my problem also! I had to tweak mine because of differences in setup. The 1 at the end signifies company number 1, and then most people also don't have the members/ in their url. /usr/bin/php /home/username/public_html/members/index.php plugin/support_manager/ticket_pipe/index/1/ This is solved!
  18. I'm certainly interested in this. Great idea!
  19. Looks Awesome!
  20. I like it!
  21. MemoryX2

    Enom Status

    Is there any news on eNom registry module? I know you guys are slammed right now, but honestly I would take anything you've got for the time being even if it's pre alpha. I am certainly willing to test beta's for this as it is highly needed. Thanks.
  22. MemoryX2

    Piping Emails.

    This is aggravating. Not just to us but the devs to, I thought this was closed but something is coming up
  23. MemoryX2

    Piping Emails.

    I don't know what happened, this previously worked. I know other people had trouble with it in the first betas but I had fixed mine and then once I went live it won't work... Wish I could remember what I did.... lol
  24. MemoryX2

    Piping Emails.

    I'm having the same problem.
  25. It most definitely works. I have no problems with it. Edit structure.pdt...
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