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Everything posted by MemoryX2

  1. MemoryX2

    Enom Status

    Looks like we will be controlling domains manually for awhile longer. Thanks for the update.
  2. I started to rebuild my client area but I changed my mind because I got to thinking that every update I have to rebuild the entire thing. Good luck.
  3. Wow!! I just started looking at this more and it is fantastic!!
  4. Is it possible to use custom client fields to specify a clients group automatically? Example, how did you hear about us? If client answers with wht then they are in wht group If client answers with google then they are in google group. I would like to do that but I currently do not know how. I think it's a long the same lines as what Mikes asking which is why I put it here in this thread.
  5. I would like for clients to be able to see if they have any credit available. Just underneath the My Information box on the client side, display how much credit the client has.
  6. How can I apply a clients credit on a specific invoice? I know that I can record a payment as in house credit but when I do that it does not deduct from the clients credit? Thanks EDIT: It seems that it has been done automatically. However I would still like to know more about how it works.
  7. Very very nice! I wanted to do that with our WHMCS site in the past but I couldn't get it to work properly in the TPL stuff.
  8. Looks nice!
  9. That would be great to have. Plus 1!
  10. Me to.
  11. MemoryX2

    Enom Status

    Are there any updates on this? Thanks
  12. That may actually be a great thing to have on a case by case basis. I say that because sometime their may be a confidential attachment, and emailing it isn't secure. But other times it may just be something that it doesn't matter. Perhaps a check box to send attachments in email would be nice, with a default of no.
  13. That's what I did, it should work..
  14. MemoryX2

    Piping Emails.

    I'm just glad I had a pre 2536 support ticket data base backup.. I restored so that I didn't have to mess with that
  15. Maybe tomorrow :-)
  16. MemoryX2

    Piping Emails.

    Dang that fixed mine.. EDIT: Maybe not. I have a loop somewhere because now I have 2536 tickets all from support@memoryx2.com which is a ticket department....... 2536...
  17. MemoryX2

    Piping Emails.

    The hasbang has to be readded to index.php or it won't work.
  18. I use them but they are higher than I would prefer.
  19. Sounds like you will probably have to use IMAP or SMTP
  20. I know there was a core- something for this, but can support manager be updated so that it uses https:// for gravatar rather than the insecure http? /plugins/support_manager/views/default/admin_tickets_reply.pdt on line 135 plugins/support_manager/views/default/client_tickets_reply.pdt on line 103 Those lines in each file can be updated to https:// and then clients/admin will no longer receive the insecure content
  21. I think it would be awesome, but I have no idea how to do it. WordPress Site with auto login
  22. I was actually just working on my email templates..
  23. OKay so in the cPanel module if a client has a service it lists under services. You can click the module and it gives the username & password then an option to log in. Would it be possible to use the universal module to do this except rather than logging into cpanel directadmin or whatever we were logging into wordpress? This would be awesome if it were possible.
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