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Everything posted by Brashquido

  1. Thanks for that. Though Paypal does not seem to return to my site if a payment is made using a credit card without logging in with a Paypal account. After doing some reading it would appear that this is by design. I might use your method Michael to provide a link to some "How-to" information for getting back to our site after payment for those not wanting to use/register for a Paypal account.
  2. It appears I was right. The support ticket I raised with Paypal has gotten nowhere yet, so in the meantime I created a new Premier account, generated the API credentials and put them into Blesta. All payments are now being processed as expected which is a BIG relief. Still have a few questions however I am unable to issue refunds using these new API credentials. Would I be correct in assuming that this is because this is a new account and all payments go into pending before being available? Payments appear to break when I enabled encrypted website payments. Is there anyway we can use our own encrypted Paypal button over the one in the Paypal Payments Standard module? I would like to enable the Paypal auto-return option so customers are returned to my site without having to click a link. This requires me to define a return URL in my Paypal settings. Is the following URL correct, if not what should it be? www.myblesta.com/client/pay/received/paypal_payments_standard/3/
  3. Thanks for the replies. From what you are saying, it sounds as if this gateway should be as simple to setup as it looks. I have checked [Tools] > [Logs] > [Gateway]. The only entries there pertain to the transactions I made using my developer API credentials. As stated I removed all email addresses from my Paypal account apart from the one specified in [settings] > [Company] > [Gateways] > [PayPal] in Blesta. I am getting payment notifications to that email address so it is definitely what is set Paypal side. The fact my sandbox credentials work and my live credentials do not have me thinking this is a Paypal issue rather than a Blesta issue. Especially as the gateway logs show no communication for my live creds. I'll raise a ticket with Paypal and see how I go. Thanks for the help.
  4. Hi All, I have a verified business Paypal account and am having all sorts of issues getting the Paypal Payments Standard gateway to work. Payments are accepted and processed fine on the Paypal site after which the user is returned to my site, however the invoice never shows as paid and there is nothing in the gateway logs (have waited hours, now days). It's as if Paypal never tells Blesta what the status of the payment is. Perhaps even more frustrating is that everything seems to work fine using developer mode. Upon paying an invoice with my sandbox account I am returned to my Blesta 3.0.6 site and can see the payments in pending mode (which I assume is where they are intended to stay in developer mode?). As soon as I remove my sandbox API credentials and put my live one back in, no payments work. I have re-entered (copy/paste) my API username, password and signature more times than is probably sane, as well as re-requesting new API credentials. Same thing every time, no details come back from Paypal as to the status of payment and there is nothing in the gateway logs. I have also removed all Paypal email accounts now apart from the one used in Blesta so that there can be no mismatch. On the Blesta side it looks pretty straight forward. Not too many places to go wrong. Just wondering if there is anything other than the API credentials I need to ensure is in place on the Paypal side for it to work. One thing I have noticed is that the API username is based on the primary email account. The live API username I have is based on an email account no longer linked to my account, however the API username for the sandbox account I created a day or two ago is based on the email I actually use in Blesta. Could this cause an issue? I doubt it, but I am clutching at straws a bit here seeing as I've got no information it seems to go on. Any assistance here would be greatly appreciated as it is driving me a bit nuts.
  5. Thanks again Michael, the help is really appreciated . As I suspected, most of my questions knocked off in one hit. The only show stopper is this Paypal issue. Might start another topic for that though.
  6. Hi Module Developer, Just wondering how things where progressing with your WordPress intergration module? Essentiall all I am looking for is secure intergraded user registration/logon and the ability to easily embed any other Blesta forms into WP. Would these things be covered in your module?
  7. +1 for this functionality
  8. Hi All, New user to Blesta and have multiple questions, though I feel a good bunch of them will be straight forward for the seasoned user so I will post them all together; Billing 1. I created a $1 test invoice (manual entry) for my test user and paid via the Paypal payments standard gateway. This appears to have gone through fine and the money is in my Paypal account. After exiting the Paypal site I land back on the payment received landing page which says my payment is being processed, however this invoice never shows as being paid in Blesta. Any ideas why this might be? 2. Is it possible to have the invoice numbering scheme as something like "<client-ID> - <invoice No.>" ? 3. I'd like to use the offline payment module as an option for local business to avoid Paypal fees. I can't find much in the way of documentation for the instructions section. Is this intended for just text/HTML or something else? If logic can be built in here are there any examples published anywhere? 4. On the checkout page of the order form, I would like to rename "Offline Payment" to something else more relevant. How can I do this? 5. On the "Almost There..." page of the order form I would like to change "Almost There..." and also remove the "To complete your order click the pay button below." sentence. However, I only want to do this for orders using offline payments. Is this possible? 6. When creating coupons, is it possible to only have them to apply to to specific terms? For example, valid for a 12 month but not a 1 month subscription. Universal Module 1. How can I associate costs to services when adding them to a package in the universal module? 2. I take it the fields labeled add, edit, suspend, etc are so you can integrate Blesta into your own systems for automation? If so, is there anything in existence which can be used to output a customers order to an XML file? I'm developing some Microsoft Powershell scripts which build servers based on values in an XML file. Namecheap Module 1. Domain registrations obviously cost various amounts depending on namespace. Is there anyway I can account for these differences when generating my pricing other than creating a load of different packages? 2. When creating a SSL Certificate package, the options under the "SSL Certificate" type are exactly the same as when using the "Domain Registration" type. Shouldn't I be seeing options relevant to the sort of certificates on offer via Namecheap? Intergration 1. I'll be looking to use Drupal, Wordpress or Joomla as the front end to my website. In addition to the shared login system, what else would I need to integrate things such as forms? Apologies for all the questions, and thanks for any help!
  9. There it is, hidden in plain sight. Cheers.
  10. Hi All, Paypal Payments Standard is the only payment gateway I have installed currently into which I have place my relevant Paypal API username, password & key. Under accepted payment types I only see credit card and ACH where I only have credit card selected. Is there anything else I need to do to get payments to work via Paypal? Reason I ask is that when trying to pay a test invoice I raised for my test user I am getting an error saying "The gateway does not exist or is not enabled", and can't for the life of me see anywhere else in the system to set payment gateway options.
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