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    Alberta, Canada

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  1. OK.. When editing /etc/aliases file Now if the bash that worked for me (no bounce errors - although don't know where the mail went either)... is using #!/usr/local/bin/php -q Does that mean in the aliases file I should be using /usr/local/bin/php and not /usr/bin/php as show in the example quoted below from the DOCs* support: "|/usr/bin/php /home/user/public_html/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php plugin/support_manager/ticket_pipe/index/1" So should I be using the one below with /usr/local/bin/php used instead, in the aliases file??? support: "|/usr/local/bin/php /home/user/public_html/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php plugin/support_manager/ticket_pipe/index/1" Currently I'm using the TOP VERSION, and mail didn't bounce - but I don't know where it went now after changing over bash to #!/usr/local/bin/php -q -Scott
  2. PIPE issue: OK... after changing bash to #!/usr/local/bin/php -q I sent an email, and it has not bounced, but I don't know where it went either... lol :/ -S
  3. Working on the IMAP part... while I'm waiting to see if the other bounces... When I send email to support@ which is setup as IMAP, the Tools/Log section said the following regarding the reply it tried to send out: Connection to tcp://imap.albertahost.ca:465 Timed Out 1. If it tried to send a reply - where is the test message I sent to support@ (controlled/configured via IMAP). 2. I looked all over for that "get mail / tickets' button, and i can't find it - where is it located? -Scott
  4. KK - Going to go try that right now...
  5. Thanks for the insight Manchester But I really would prefer to keep it all working in Blesta. If I can't get support working then I'll dump it completely and go over to WHMCS (sorry to swear in this forums like that.. hehe ). But I need the automation component, I'm a small operation and automation matters. I've also tried to setup a simple (or so I thought) IMAP config, which I've worked at establishing first with support@ But when that wouldn't work, I thought OK, I'll pipe it instead - but that isn't an easy task either. I think I'm missing something in the mix (obviously), and if it can work, then it should work, as this is a fresh cpanel build with nothing that special for bells 'n whistle addons. I'm running on a CentOS box, with Linux Cloud on top for security & resource control, then cPanel and a few addons, nothing that special. Cheers! -Scott
  6. I have a montthly Blesta licens through buycpanel.com, and I'm having some problems getting the pipe and/or imap to work with my Blesta installation. I've had the above errors as listed in email with certain config parameters, and I've tried 2 varitions of pipe.php; one gives simliar erros to above, the other has problems with the " . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ".." statement. I would open a ticket, but I'm not registered on Blesta to do so in buying thru a reseller. Any help I can get resolving the issue is sincerely appreciated. When I use BASH at the beginning of the php code (see below), with file chmode 755, I get the following errors (see below code). #!/usr/bin/php -q <?php try { include(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ".." . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ".." . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "lib/init.php"); // Dispatch the Web request if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) Dispatcher::dispatch($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); // Dispatch the CLI request else Dispatcher::dispatchCli($argv); } catch (Exception $e) { try { // Attempt to raise any error, gracefully Dispatcher::raiseError($e); } catch (Exception $e) { if (Configure::get("System.debug")) echo $e->getMessage() . " on line <strong>" . $e->getLine() . "</strong> in <strong>" . $e->getFile() . "</strong>\n" . "<br />Printing Stack Trace:<br />" . nl2br($e->getTraceAsString()); else echo $e->getMessage(); } } ?> PROCUCED THE FOLLOWING BOUNCED EMAIL BACK WITH ERRORS: This message was created automatically by mail delivery software. A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed: pipe to |/home/admin/public_html/ store/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php plugin/support_manager/ticket_pipe/index/1/ generated by SALES@DOMAIN.CA local delivery failed The following text was generated during the delivery attempt: ------ pipe to |/home/admin/public_html/store/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php plugin/support_manager/ticket_pipe/index/1/ generated by sales@albertahost.ca ------ /home/admin/public_html/store/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php: line 2: ?php: No such file or directory /home/admin/public_html/store/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php: line 3: try: command not found /home/admin/public_html/store/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php: line 4: syntax error near unexpected token `dirname' /home/admin/public_html/store/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php: line 4: ` include(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ".." . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ".." . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "lib/init.php");' ------ This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ------ THEN, If I use this code layout for pipe.php, with chmod 755 <?php try { include(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ".." . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ".." . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "lib/init.php"); // Dispatch the Web request if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) Dispatcher::dispatch($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); // Dispatch the CLI request else Dispatcher::dispatchCli($argv); } catch (Exception $e) { try { // Attempt to raise any error, gracefully Dispatcher::raiseError($e); } catch (Exception $e) { if (Configure::get("System.debug")) echo $e->getMessage() . " on line <strong>" . $e->getLine() . "</strong> in <strong>" . $e->getFile() . "</strong>\n" . "<br />Printing Stack Trace:<br />" . nl2br($e->getTraceAsString()); else echo $e->getMessage(); } } ?> Produced the following BOUNCED ERRORS:: This message was created automatically by mail delivery software. A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed: pipe to |/home/admin/public_html/ store/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php plugin/support_manager/ticket_pipe/index/1/ generated by SALES@DOMAIN.CA local delivery failed ------ This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ------ I'm close, but it's not working, I"m missing something. I've been chasing this around for a coupld days - I would like to get it resolved. Would appreciate any insight I can gain on my errors. If you need access to check it out, let me know. you can email me at albertahost (at) gmail {dot} com and I can give you the logins you need (blesta, cpanel, whm?). -Scott
  7. Getting the new server deployed :)

  8. Wow! Such great news And the plugin is released tomorrow? Fantastic! As a new Blesta client, I appreciate the fact that time has been invested to create the shared login module. I will be deploying it soon as I can download it Thank you, thank you, thank you! Makes my life considerably easier
  9. Looking forward to working with Blesta as an integral part of deploying our services online

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