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Everything posted by SkylarM

  1. Two things that would be nifty to have: Cancellation reason -- when a client cancels, give them a text box to say WHY they are canceling. Configurable credit for remaining time - if a client cancels with 25 days left, I'd like to issue an account credit for the remaining amount.
  2. Yeah I found it after some digging it popped up. Very nice. Outlook or gmail...... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  3. Edit: Ran into it. Ugh I use Outlook for almost everything, but this looks so good...... WHY GMAIL WHY. WHY?!
  4. Oh my pricing comment was with everything included. None of this "pay for each module" bullshit.
  5. If HB kept their prices around $300 and didn't change prices every other day and didn't charge for support, they would be much higher up there for the higher-end dedicated/colo stuff like Ubersmith, but again the issue lies in the owner's bipolar business practices. If you have to wake up every morning asking yourself if your house loan is randomly going to change this pay period, you need to get the hell away as fast as possible.
  6. Except the guy at Hostbill could very easily change the cost and decide to charge a renewal fee. He's done it already before. A few people have said they bought a license like yours and he suddenly wanted more money from them.
  7. Nobody speaks of Ubersmith because they don't have a wheel they spin every 2 hours to see if they change prices or not. Sorry, but I'm not looking to play "The Price is Right" every time I load up a billing software's website. Sure hostibll is advanced and has these awesome dedicated modules blah blah, but the guy is so bipolar that I'd be scared for my business. Who's to say next year when you have to renew there isn't a $599 fee again that you have no choice but to pay, and if you don't pay it you don't get your data, and then you cannot migrate to other software etc? With the price changes daily, that's definitely something that moron that codes Hostbill is capable of doing. COME ON DOWN, YOU'RE THE NEXT CONTESTANT ON THE PRICE IS RIGHT!
  8. https://my.crissic.net/ CubicWebs is basically done with it. Nav at top changes dependent on if you're logged in or not. Great job Logged in:
  9. 1) They saw hostbill's bipolar pricing changes and said "HEY WE CAN DO THAT TOO!" Kidding of course
  10. Sent you a pm
  11. Well yeah header/footer is what I'm looking for. Seems like the css may need some specific tweaking though as I did my best and things just don't work well for some reason. If you're up for it I'd like to get it done though!
  12. Anyone selling site integration for blesta yet? I'm awful with coding, I've followed the guide in the Contribute section but the CSS doesn't play nicely with Blesta at all from what I gather. Would be awesome! Don't plan to use it in production for a while but I want a fully usable mockup so it's easier when I do migrate off of WHMCS.
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