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nirays last won the day on January 6 2014

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  • Gender
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  • Location
    Bangalore, India
  • Interests
    Mobile and computer programming.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I will check this out
  2. Final issue fix going on
  3. nirays

    Oh Noes!

    That is the screenshot from Tools->log I guess.
  4. Webmin I will start the work from 29th onwards. I will set up a VPS and check that out.
  5. The problem is that we do not have any set up to test other that cpanel. This is the main hurdle that prevented us in creating a generic module. If someone has a testing environment we will be happy to extend it. We will make incrementally, let's say next DA then Webmin and so on .
  6. nirays

    Release 3.1.0-B1

    Great news
  7. Hello all, We are working on integrating Pagseguro payment gateway. We have almost completed the development but we were not able to get a test account with Pagseguro. It will be of great help, that someone can share a test account with Pagseguro. We will be able to complete the development of this gateway only after testing. Let me know if anyone is willing to contribute one account with Pagseguro for testing. We will need this account for 1-2 days only. Hope someone will provide the account.
  8. Currently is is under testing from Bitpay team. I dont know the time line for release. Hope to see this soon
  9. nirays

    Payza Gateway

    Currently the module is under tesing by Blesta team. Once it is tested they will publish. We have already send the code to Blesta. Please be patient. We hope the testin is smooth and go through with out any problems.
  10. Please look at the Bitpay integration for blesta. http://youtu.be/viARecm0UcE http://nirays.com/download/
  11. If interested please see the online tutorial for bitpay. http://youtu.be/C6ndV0yf0Ws
  12. This module too will be handed over to Blesta team.
  13. nirays

    Payza Gateway

    These modules are developed for Blesta itself so I dont think some one need to buy this. We will transfer the ownership to Blesta team.
  14. nirays

    Payza Gateway

    Payza payment gateway integration is complete. The details of the gateway is available in http://nirays.com/downloads/
  15. Bitpay gateway module is completed. Please visit the link for more details. http://nirays.com/downloads/ It is not officially released yet.
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