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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Just did another test: I just attempted to send an email with "Test" as both the HTML and text content, it failed (as expected) but the summary still appears empty in the email log and clicking "Resend" does not auto-fill the email form.
  2. Ah, that may be my problem. Thanks for looking into it, CubicWebs.
  3. I clicked "Resend" from the Email tab in Tools -> Email Log and was redirected to the "Email Client" page with most fields auto-filled. However, the e-mail content was empty. I am assuming this is unintentional and I have done very limited testing. We need confirmation/denial from other parties.
  4. Try sending the message with HTML only and no text alternative. That is the only difference between what you and I did.
  5. I've never worked in a QA department before. Blesta Great to see you here on a Saturday night, Paul. That's the kind of commitment every company and product needs.
  6. For those testing: Clients -> Select a client -> Account Actions (left sidebar) -> Show All Actions -> Email Client -> HTML tab content
  7. Hey guys, In my testing of the "Email Client" feature I have found that content typed under the "Text" tab will be delivered but anything typed in the "HTML" tab is never delivered. I have only tested this minimally so it needs confirmation/denial from other parties. (We don't need HTML for our stuff, so we have no incentive to further test this, but it may matter to other Blesta users.) Cheers, Alex
  8. Hey guys, I am fairly confident stating that using SMTP w/ SSL on port 465 does not work with Blesta. I am able to get piping and SMTP w/ TLS on 587 working fine but I have tried 4 separate e-mail providers using SMTP w/ SSL on port 465 that I can verify work with the same settings on other clients but it never works with Blesta. Specifically, I get the same error in the Blesta logs for all providers: Connection could not be established with host sub.domain.tld [Connection timed out #110] (Don't ask if I actually put that host in our config. Just using it as an example/placeholder for the various providers I have used for testing.) Thanks, Alex
  9. If said e-mail provider doesn't get their act together quickly this may actually be less of an issue for us as we may stand up our own mail servers which can support standard AUTH. But, I would still advocate for this feature as we would prefer to use the more secure AUTH methods, regardless of the mail server.
  10. Alex

    Release 3.0.2

    I noticed that the footer of Blesta showed version 3.0.2 upon logging in after uploading the new patch files but prior to running an upgrade at /admin/upgrade. This could be a bit misleading to some. If it's a feature of patches that don't require database updates, etc. then it should probably be documented. Otherwise, may want to avoid updating the version number until an upgrade has actually been run.
  11. Ditto. My passwords are of similar length and also use special characters and it works fine. I'm also on PHP 5.4.17.
  12. Yes, this would indeed be a useful feature for both cPanel and SolusVM.
  13. Thanks!
  14. Can anyone confirm?
  15. Sounds good, thanks Paul. Should I email Cody or just await a response here?
  16. Perfect! That sounds great. That's exactly what my mail clients have. Do you have a release schedule for 3.1 and 3.2? Any chance of getting the run down on how I can patch my own copy of Blesta to support this in the meantime? No, it still just uses your password (or IMAP key in my case, but that's another story), it's just a different way of exchanging it between the client (Blesta in this case) and the mail server. It doesn't require anything from you other than ensuring that your mail server supports it. (cPanel/WHM e-mail accounts do not yet support it)
  17. Every mail server I've ever used besides Exim via cPanel/WHM (sadly) supports it and it's supported in all major clients. Exim already supports it (http://www.exim.org/exim-html-current/doc/html/spec_html/ch-smtp_authentication.html) and a feature request has been submitted to cPanel (http://features.cpanel.net/responses/add-cram-md5-as-an-email-authentication-method) so it's reasonable to believe it will soon be supported in the one place I know of that it isn't already. Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CRAM-MD5) says It's usually called "Encrypted Password," especially in email clients, instead of the more technical "CRAM-MD5" which I suspect is why you don't recognize it.
  18. Does Blesta support it already? I hate to find out the hard way. Our mail servers force SSL on 465 with CRAM-MD5 auth for security purposes. If not, I will send Paul the PHP code necessary to support it and hopefully we can integrate it easily.
  19. I'm looking forward to see what comes of this.
  20. Alex

    Release 3.0.2

    Thanks guys. I'll report more bugs soon, only I'll use the forum this time.
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