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  1. How is this not a thing still?
  2. I remember why this happened its because there are variables in the message subject and body that do not exist anymore. I removed those from the email templates and all is well.
  3. I've seen this error before how can we fix this. [2022-02-04T06:01:05.199891+00:00] general.ERROR: Uncaught Exception Error: "Call to a member function send() on bool" at /var/www/vhosts/projectseven.us/public_html/core/app/models/messenger_manager.php line 587 {"exception":"[object] (Error(code: 0): Call to a member function send() on bool at /var/www/vhosts/projectseven.us/public_html/core/app/models/messenger_manager.php:587)"}
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