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Everything posted by Rocketz

  1. thanks guys. I sent a request in to Ken and we'll go from there. I'm looking for custom themes. I don't want my portals to look like Blesta or WHMCS.
  2. I'm using WordPress to power my companies. That part isn't very special, but important to know. I'm starting to offer pricing in local currencies, and using WP, the site and prices shown to each customer will be based on where they are from. So if they are from Canada, the pricing will be in CAD. If in the US, it will be USD, etc. I'm not using Blesta's forex conversion tool. The prices are set, so that I can control what the prices are in each region, regardless of what happens with the conversion rates. So what I'm basically asking is, because there's going to be a lot of prices and plans, is there a way to just edit that pricing in Blesta, and have WP pull that data to display on the site? That way, it only needs to be done once in one place. Thanks!
  3. I have 3 brands I need themed, and they need to look excellent. Not the usual header/footer theming. The blesta portals for each brand need to look like the actual websites, like an extension of them. The order form for each brand also needs to be done to match the overall style. So it's fairly involved, not one of those 30 minute jobs. Who can I go to for this stuff?
  4. Yup, cancelling the subscription is only one part of the problem. It's also the easiest one since we (talking about all of us providers) can do it. It's just an extra step. The problem comes from when a customer edits their service in some way. It means cancelling the subscription, and really coaching the customer on setting the subscription back up, an explaining why it needs to be done this way for recurring payments. Customers mostly understand, but they don't like hearing "well, it's just the way it is with our current software" As a big goal, we should never have to make the customer do anything when it comes to billing and payments. If they want to setup a recurring subscription, they should just be able to set it and forget it. No one likes the hassle of setting up subscriptions again
  5. I keep it up to date, so the latest one Just checked, I'm on version 8.0.8 It happened on previous versions too, I'm just reporting the bug now that I have some free time
  6. It would be great if Blesta could support paypal billing agreements. This way, we can drop paypal subscriptions. If someone downgrades, upgrades, adds a service, etc, you need to cancel the subscription, and have the customer set it back up again. It's a very tedious process, especially when there's something simpler available with Paypal. The goal is the least amount of work a customer has to do, the better. Customers want things to just *work* and not have to perform billing's job. Can we get this feature put in place in the near-ish future please?
  7. When you select multiple tickets, the popup box that allows you to choose what to do with them does not show up in Safari. Not a critical bug, but when on the road, I like using Safari since it's less of a battery hog vs. firefox/chrome. Would be nice to just use one browser for Blesta.
  8. When enabling Multi-Company, how does the support module work? Will you see all the support tickets on the same page, and Blesta then takes care of which company the reply comes from? Or do you need to go into each company's support module to view and reply? Are clients completely separated by company? Or can you view all clients for all companies on one page?
  9. bump? Any ideas?
  10. Solved it. Had to upgrade all the modules/plugins.
  11. I have some SQL errors which I think a reinstall can fix. How can I reinstall Blesta without losing any data in my database? I tried running the upgrader via CLI, but it said I already have the current version installed.
  12. I have Blesta on a full account (subdomain) on cPanel. For example .. Main email accounts are on @domain.com Blesta is on its own account at blesta.domain.com So the subdomain has no real access to the main domain. I've been using IMAP to download tickets, but I'd rather use piping. Is there any way to do this? I tried it out in early beta and couldn't get it to work, so has anyone come up with anything since?
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