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Everything posted by Rocketz

  1. Is there a way to set a per-department email name when tickets are received and updated? I.e : Support would be "Support. Sales would be "Sales" instead of all just one name?
  2. Good idea! On that first image, will we be able to customize how it looks to customers?
  3. Heh, this is something I was thinking about too, but a bit differently. Options are good If a cart is empty, redirect to the main page (or to cart, depending on what the admin wants to do) If someone wants to add a new product/service, redirect to the site (or cart) Some sites, are better laid out for services than a cart is.
  4. Can't there be an account dropdown on the top right once they're logged in? I.e : If you have 4 actual accounts, at the top right or wherever makes the most sense, you can an account dropdown and can select it there. That's how we managed permissions with designers who had access to multiple customer accounts at my previous company.
  5. The rate limit is a bandaid solution though, unless it doesn't work as I expect it to Vendor notices can range from abuse notices to legal documents. Sometimes there are multiple reports coming in at the same time from the same vendor. If the rate limit only looks at the email address sending it and stops the reply loop, does that mean all further email from a specific address will no longer be piped for a certain period of time? If so, that doesn't work. Companies need to be able to communicate with each other via their automated systems, without the possibility of those same communication channels being closed by a rate limiter. A super simple example of this is a server monitoring service. There are alerts per port/per service. When you get to a certain size, there are a bunch of notices that can and do happen at the same time. Rate limiting those kinds of notices seems self-defeating and should never happen. Paypal is another one. We need to keep records of each transaction. So the notice comes into the Paypal queue, Blesta auto-replies, Paypal sends an email back saying they don't accept replies via email. Do that within the time-frame of the rate limiter, and what happens? Paypal notices no longer come in? The easy solution would be the ability to either set certain departments to not auto-reply, or do this to specific emails.
  6. The implementation leaves me a bit confused. What do you mean by "ban"? I don't believe that all 3 of those systems should be linked to one banlist Orders - Should be its own banlist. Orders are orders, and are not communication and should not hamper the ability to login to view past invoices/tickets. Think of this as an abusive customer wanting to come back and order services, or someone who performed a chargeback for a recent charge, but was a valid customer for years. Login - The logic is explained above. Logging in and viewing past history should not be prevented by an order system ban Support - This I'm not sure about. Vendors/partners who send notifications need to be piped into the system and placed in the right queue so the right people work on those notices right away. But they should not get an auto-reply or a "your ticket has been updated" reply. It would create endless loops between both support systems. But yes, there also does need to be the ability to ban ips or emails in support. Namely spammers, fraudsters, lots of reasons for this. Does that all make sense? I don't mind going into further details and explain how things were implemented. I ran the department that was always in the helpdesk and billing system so I saw this first-hand through hundreds of thousands of tickets and customers and probably came across every situation you can think of
  7. Yep, that's how it worked at the company i used to work for. We had a custom helpdesk, and in order to prevent email loops, we added certain email addresses and domains to an auto-reply ignore list. Really need that in Blesta.
  8. bump?
  9. I suspected this on some level but couldn't find the error until hours later. It was a syntax error inside php.ini with regard to mailparse. Everything works as expected for now Thanks all!
  10. That's a setting in WHM you can toggle on or off. It's under "password strength configuration" If you don't want to turn it off, you'll probably need to provide random passwords to your customers rather than letting them choose their own.
  11. Further troubleshooting, I got it somewhat working. The ticket is now piped into Blesta, but getting an RFC bounceback : ------ pipe to |/home/blestauser/public_html/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php plugin/support_manager/ticket_pipe/index/1/ generated by support@blesta.domain.com (ultimately generated from support@domain.com) ------ Action: failed Final-Recipient: rfc822;|/home/blestauser/public_html/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php plugin/support_manager/ticket_pipe/index/1/ Status: 5.0.0 I have a fairly default setup right now to test this. Main domain email, created and forwarded to blesta subdomain, which is also a real email account, and then piped to Blesta.
  12. Oi, getting a headache I've been through the forum threads where piping has been discussed, and performed all the fixes, such as CHMOD 755 pipe.php and added "#!/usr/local/bin/php -q" at the top of pipe.php too I keep getting this bounceback. Username and domain have been edited for privacy The following text was generated during the delivery attempt: ------ pipe to |/home/user/public_html/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php plugin/support_manager/ticket_pipe/index/1/ generated by support@blesta.domain.com (ultimately generated from support@domain.com) ------ /home/user/public_html/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php: line 2: ?php: No such file or directory /home/user.public_html/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php: line 3: /**: No such file or directory /home/user/public_html/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php: line 4: access-logs: command not found /home/user/public_html/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php: line 5: access-logs: command not found /home/user/public_html/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php: line 6: access-logs: command not found /home/user/public_html/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php: line 7: access-logs/: Is a directory /home/user/public_html/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php: line 8: =: command not found /home/user/public_html/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php: line 10: try: command not found /home/user/public_html/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php: line 11: syntax error near unexpected token `dirname' /home/user/public_html/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php: line 11: ` include(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ".." . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ".." . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "lib/init.php");' Action: failed Final-Recipient: rfc822;|/home/user/public_html/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php plugin/support_manager/ticket_pipe/index/1/ Status: 5.0.0
  13. That works for one way. What happens if they want to order an SSL or website security as their own individual service? I would need to create a second group?
  14. I'm not sure I follow. How can piping be done when there's the email server, and then the blesta server? They are completely separate. Are you saying to forward from public-email@domain.com (in this case, let's say support@domain.com) to email@blesta-subdomain.domain.com ? And how would piping work in this case? What email address does the customer see on ticket replies?
  15. There are SLA's for a lot of things, not just uptime. And the world is not just hosting When you sign an SLA with a customer, it can be for uptime, support, speed, access, latency, escalation procedure, etc. It's basically a guidebook on what you're guaranteeing, what you are prepared to do about it, what the customer should expect from you and when to expect it. For example, let's say some critical flaw is discovered in a patch I just released. The fictional in this case SLA, would be something along the lines of - A response within 5 minutes of notification - Escalate to a systems engineer within 15 minutes - Communication with the customer every 5 minutes - Test patched flaw against a backup of the customer's systems within 30 minutes - Deploy to the customer's system - Monitor - Provide an RFO within 3 days with a full explanation Each of those steps is in the SLA and must be followed. The customer pays a good deal of money for this kind of SLA and it has to be followed.
  16. I'm not saying it's an implementation issue I'm saying that for a certain customer segment who have strict SLA's and escalation procdures, a delay of up to 5 minutes can make a very big difference.
  17. I'm having trouble setting this up in Blesta. There are some main services that are offered. And then on checkout, I'd like to have a section on the order form that allows you to order a second service. For example, GoDaddy does this really well. If you order hosting from them, on their order form, you can then select an SSL, Website Security, and a few other things. Each of those is a service, using its own provisioning module. So "addon" groups don't work for this as far as I can tell. How can I set this up?
  18. Disable Ticket updates per department too. Since that creates the same email loop
  19. There's a few departments that should not have an auto-reply to them. For example, vendor notices that go into a certain queue, if there is an auto-reply, it creates an endless loop of auto replies. How do I remove auto-reply per department?
  20. I set the Blesta cron to 1 minute, but can't set the download tickets task to less than 5 minutes. There are SLA's to meet, and 5 minutes is a long time for a very specific customer segment. How can I move the task to 1 minute? Piping is not possible as Blesta runs on its own server, apart from the website. Emails are on yet another server too.
  21. Yup, just noticed you can. But it's not very intuitive, and I don't feel like you should have to click to get that kind of high level view of what's going on. Two things I feel can make this better: 1 - On the package > browse view, Have each group shown there, and the packages that are active, show up under that group, no need to click to expand 2 - Being able to re-order groups and packages, so the admin can decide what he sees first. Of course, building in a filter system to be able to view packages that meet certain conditions would be great too. Retired packages, legacy packages, active packages, all hosting packages... but one thing at a time
  22. I'd like to be able to separate domains from other services. Right now, my main concern is in the client view, but overall I'd like it to happen in the backend too. Customers have been trained, for better or worse, to recognize that domains are not services. At GoDaddy, for example, and other big companies, they have a dedicated "Domains" tab in their interface, separate from other services. When customers login, they expect to see a "Domains" section. In the short term, I'd like that separation to happen in the client area. In the long term, I'd prefer core changes to Blesta that would reflect how domains are perceived and work.
  23. Both I didn't mention the client view, but I should have. But this post was mainly about the admin view, when you click on Packages > Browse, in Blesta's Admin interface.
  24. I'd like to be able to view plans by separate groups instead of one big list. As plans get moved around, retired and updated, it makes it harder to get a clear overview when everything is jumbled together. For example, how I'd like to see it is pretty simple. If a plan is part of group 1, just show all plans that are part of group 1 in a list. Then Group 2 under it, and so on. Along that same line, I'd like to also be able to re-order plans and groups in the plans listing page. Some of my most important plans were created first, and are now found after X amount of pages, buried behind newer plans.
  25. How do you currently have a customer sign up for a domain while signing up for a hosting service? The only way I've been told is as an addon to the hosting service, but that invites a ton of problems.
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