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Everything posted by evolvewh

  1. evolvewh

    DST Still a Bug

    version 4.1.2 CORE-295 is not the task but I know there was one awhile back (maybe 6-10 months ago) that was supposed to address this issue.
  2. evolvewh

    DST Still a Bug

    The cron task is set to auto debit at 10am MST. Until yesterday, it ran at 10am MST and now it runs at 9am MST. The setting is (UTC -07:00) Denver under Localization.
  3. evolvewh

    DST Still a Bug

    I couldn't find the task but Blesta still isn't recognizing daylight savings time so every cron is running an hour earlier now. I did check the server time and it's accurate. If there is something else I should check, please let me know. This is with Blesta 4.1.2
  4. No we have not made any changes to it.
  5. There is only one phone number on this account and the type has been 'phone' for 3+ years now. The format entered right now is 111-111-1111 and it has worked with close to 100 other domains for this same client. Since it wasn't provisioned right away because it was missing namservers, I keep wondering if the issue comes into play when it was submitted the second time with all of the correct info.
  6. I checked and the phone number wasn't passed in the Input. The system should automatically use the contact details provided within the Blesta account, right?
  7. This is the output error: https://httpapi.com/api/contacts/add.json {"status":"ERROR","message":"Required parameter missing: phone-cc"} I don't think the input is going to tell you anything because I'm going to block out all of the customer information and it's a success. Let me know if I'm wrong about that part.
  8. The same number has worked for a couple of years now to register and renew 50+ domains for this client so I don't think that's the issue.
  9. evolvewh

    Restore a Domain

    It's not really clear what you're trying to do. 1) Do you have any payment gateways setup? You'll need Offline payments setup to accept a check payment. 2) It looks like these domains show as 'active' in your setup so you'll need to click 'manage' off to the right of each service and then schedule cancellation for each if you don't want them to show up in the clients account. Does that help or did I miss something else?
  10. A long standing client purchased a new domain but left off the nameservers in the original order. Once that was manually corrected on the admin side and ready to provision, the following error was returned: Required parameter missing: reg-contact-id This is a client who already has a lot of domains registered so I'm confused as to why this error would appear. Any insight? When I look at the logs, it's telling me that the phone number is missing which is not the case because that's a required client field and a phone number is present for this customer. This is with Blesta v4.1.2 and the current CORE logicboxes module.
  11. Thanks for the update. Looking forward to that plugin once it becomes available.
  12. I agree 100%
  13. Is there a short term to automatically sync the dates? It's way too easy to miss when a company has a large number of domains and I know it's possible in other plugins such as TheSSLStore. I would hope it is a feature in the new domain plugin that you guys are working on.
  14. So the domain did have a renewal date of 2020-04-22 but the invoice was generated because we didn't catch it in time and manually update the correct renewal date after it was transferred in to us last year. At one point, I thought the module would synchronize the dates on it's own but have learned since then that it doesn't and we have to manually check these dates. Even with that being the case, why wouldn't it go through and add another year to the expiration? I could understand it if the domain was already registered 10 years out.
  15. The task is in their current sprint: CORE-2473
  16. And that's the issue. There should have been an error logged instead of just showing 1 input and 1 output marked as 'success'. I think there should have been a 2nd 'input' and marked as 'failed'. If I hadn't manually checked this one, it would have never been caught and the customer gets charged for a renewal that never actually happened.
  17. Input: https://httpapi.com/api/domains/details.json a:4:{s:8:"order-id";s:8:"removed";s:7:"options";a:1:{i:0;s:12:"OrderDetails";}s:11:"auth-userid";s:6:"removed";s:7:"api-key";s:32:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";} Output: https://httpapi.com/api/domains/details.json {"domsecret":"removed","privacyprotectedallowed":"true","isprivacyprotected":"false","orderstatus":["transferlock","resellerlock"],"classkey":"domcno","orderSuspendedByParent":"false","isOrderSuspendedUponExpiry":"false","classname":"com.logicboxes.foundation.sfnb.order.domorder.DomCno","customerid":"removed","allowdeletion":"true","recurring":"false","isImmediateReseller":"true","productkey":"domcno","domainname":"removed.com","parentkey":"removed","productcategory":"domorder","creationtime":"1398131194","orderid":"removed","endtime":"1587519994","multilingualflag":"f","bulkwhoisoptout":"t","moneybackperiod":"4"} Here is what is interesting compared with one that actually went through: On one that has gone through, there are two inputs and two outputs with this message at the end of the second output: "actionstatusdesc":"Domain renewed successfully"} So for the one that happened yesterday with an issue, there was only 1 input and 1 output and off to the right, 'success' was the message from Blesta.
  18. Blesta did log a response for something that didn't happen. I've looked at the Blesta logs (module and cron) and at the Transactions list for resell.biz. This domain was renewed just last year so I know there isn't an issue with the order-id I'll see if they can give me the latest API request. Thanks for the tip.
  19. We've never had an issue until now with any domains being renewed so I'm not sure if this was due to a recent update or an isolated issue with this particular domain. If nothing was sent and logged within resell.biz, why would Blesta report that it was successful?
  20. We just had a domain renewal paid for and Blesta shows a success in the cron and module logs. When I look for the actual transaction in resell.biz, there is no record of this renewal. I can provide the success logs if needed but I don't think that will do any good. Process service renewals runs every 15 minutes and I've waited an hour to make sure. Everything here is standard with no customizations.
  21. I get that but as a business owner, you should make sure that all of your customers and their services were properly transferred. Your clients shouldn't have to suffer because a mistake was made on your end when you sold your company and transferred things. They're helping to support your business and you're hurting theirs when this happens. It's basic customer service and I can sympathize with them. Rather than blaming this and that, it would be wise to apologize and figure out how to make it right with them. You seem to have a lot of clients and ones that like to praise your services when things are going well. That's the best form of advertising you can have and other businesses would love to have that same type of support and recognition by their clients.
  22. Based on the description in @Serverhosh first post, it's very clear that it's a monthly Blesta license and not a CMS license.
  23. Remote Key Access hasn't been disabled after v64 but it is going away soon. You can still use the remote key with Blesta's cPanel module for now and they do have a task on the radar to update to the new API Key.
  24. This time it was manually added on the admin side and it was a cPanel transfer so I did not provision the service with the module. We have moved back to the core cPanel module after @cyandark was kind enough to write a plugin to migrate from cPanel Extended back to the core module.
  25. Thanks for the help. This is the first time I've seen this so I'll watch for a bit and see if it continues with others or if it was a one time thing.
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