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Everything posted by evolvewh

  1. With solutions like this already done for the Blesta team, why can't they get added into the core? If it's a matter of money, increase the $39 support fee. That amount is very little and we would gladly pay to have features like these added much faster for our daily use.
  2. It looks like maybe this task is designed to take care of it? https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-2412
  3. Right now, we want to allow our clients to change the term of their service but there is an issue with domains and we'd like the ability to change terms based on the module perhaps. Our issue with domains is that clients who have privacy protection (which is manually done as an add on right now) don't get charged when they change the registration term. Example: Client has a domain scheduled to renew every year and has the add on of domain privacy. They change the term to 5 years of renewal and there is no way for the privacy portion to be calculated and invoiced for as well. Because of this, we can't turn on this option or we're going to lose a lot of money or have to do a lot of explaining to clients that we have to go back and invoice for privacy protection. This would be a great feature to give our clients to change hosting packages but we can't until we can control this by module or type of service. Anyone else running into similar issues?
  4. @Tyson the client has placed an order and we are accepting the order on the admin side after manually reviewing it. I did check the database and there is an 'account_count' and 'account_limit' stored in the `module_row_meta` table and the values are accurate. We'll keep an eye on it over the next couple of weeks and see if the issue happens again or not.
  5. I am sure I'm missing some other things but in the module.php file, I see 'account_limit' and 'account_count' mentioned. In the cPanel files, I see no mention of 'account_count' anywhere and it makes me think the module isn't taking into consideration the actual count. I don't know if this would be the place for it or not: components/modules/cpanel/cpanel.php Line 472 public function addModuleRow(array &$vars) { $meta_fields = ['server_name', 'host_name', 'user_name', 'key', 'use_ssl', 'account_limit', 'name_servers', 'notes']; $encrypted_fields = ['user_name', 'key'];
  6. We just recently migrated back from the cPanel Extended module but I've seen it a couple of times now (wasn't paying close attention at first). We've stayed current with every version of Blesta and haven't customized anything other than the support manager plugin. You're welcome for all of the help with this and I appreciate you making it a high priority since we can't resend welcome emails if we had to change a server because of this.
  7. That wasn't the case with us this time but I could see where your example could be another issue. The server that the service was assigned to has been maxed out for a long time now (6+ months).
  8. Yes I was talking about the 'Assigned Servers' section in the server group and talking about the stats that are pulled from each cPanel account for each client. I didn't figure this was an issue but I thought I'd double check so that I didn't send you off in the wrong direction when you're looking for the cause of the bug.
  9. Just to confirm, having both servers listed as 'assigned' shouldn't matter right? I've always thought I need to leave them both there so that the statistics load in the clients account area.
  10. No code has been modified in module.php There are 2 server groups setup for cPanel with 4 different servers at the moment (2 in each group). 1 server is full in each group and 1 is not and the issue occurs within each server group. I have not seen this happen with any other module.
  11. I look in the logs and I don't see anything that jumps out. Everything is a success. For the servers, every full one is showing maxed out (ie, 250/250) and 'force server limits' is checked under the server group settings and Add Order is 'first non full server'. Can you give me any other places to look? Any other log files elsewhere? I don't see anything in /home/user/logs_blesta/ either
  12. Thanks for the update. Really looking forward to being able to use these features.
  13. I was curious if these are going to make it into 4.2? I see they are tagged for the beta. We've really been waiting for these 2 for quite some time now as CORE-2355 will be extremely useful for Modules including theSSLStore and I'm sure others and CORE-2212 is very useful as well.
  14. Thank you!
  15. I'd have to say it's a bug too
  16. When the box is checked for 'force server limits' and 'First non full - server' is selected, what is Blesta looking at to determine this? I have 2 servers added in a group at the moment and one of them is maxed out for the 'Accounts' I setup. We just had this service provisioned and Blesta added the account on the server that was already full based on what's entered for 'Accounts'. This is using Blesta 4.1.2 and cPanel v2.5.0
  17. I got the success message too but it was actually a failure because the long name isn't actually accepted! I tried adding it 5-6 times with various combinations and the shorter lengths always work and the longer ones don't.
  18. I am trying to add an order form and /order/main/index/truebusiness-id-wildcard works but /order/main/index/geotrust-truebusiness-id-wildcard does not work. Does Blesta truncate the length that the label can be? This is with v4.1.2
  19. I've just noticed that an individual clients account says 'unsent' for Invoice status but the logs show under the Email tab that they are sent. I clicked on a row in the logs to see more and noticed this message: Expected response code 250 but got code "", with message "" What does this mean and what needs to be done to fix it? WHM mail delivery reports shows the email was sent.
  20. By default, you can't set the pricing levels. This task should take care of it once it's ready:
  21. I think this particular version is dead and won't be upated but @cyandark is in the process of developing a fully updated version:
  22. Blesta 4.1.2 with the core cPanel module (no modifications) A new cPanel account was added manually for 6 months and we use the pro rata feature. We did not generate the invoice but had the confirmation email sent. In the system after it was added, it showed Dec 1, 2017 as the renewal date instead of June 1, 2018. My guess is that Blesta wants to invoice the service on Dec 1 because an invoice was not generated at the time the service was added and this is not right.
  23. @Paul is there any update? I know you've said you'll let us know when something is ready to test but we didn't realize it was going to be this long. Please give the community an update.
  24. evolvewh

    DST Still a Bug

    Good news. CORE-1485 was the original task I was looking for.
  25. Personally, since this topic was started over a year ago, we would be happy with no other updates (aside from major bugs to the core functions) until this core feature is added in. I realize we are in the US and stick to more of the core features (authorize.net, cPanel, etc) but I wonder why it's such a big push to introduce all of these other gateways and plugins yet the domain manager isn't in Beta yet. Are these other gateways and plugins that popular and really going to boost the popularity of Blesta or would a better domain feature accomplish this? I'm quite certain we are losing a lot of domain sales but have no real way to prove it. I do know from an admin standpoint, we are doing a lot of manual work to handle transfers, privacy, etc. @Blesta Addons has been a huge asset to this community helping many people out and it would be a real shame to see them go away to another platform. Paul, is there any update on this plugin even it's not at an alpha or beta stage yet?
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