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Everything posted by evolvewh

  1. This worked just fine. The only change I made was to put each nameserver on a separate line. It printed ns1.domain.comns2.domain.com Thanks again Tyson!
  2. It appears that the number of accounts active are not registering to the 'Account Limit' set within the settings. Because of this, each new account provisioned doesn't go to the right server (I have a few that are full and I'm trying to force the system to use the server that's not full). Maybe I'm setting something up the wrong way but I haven't been able to figure it out. Is anyone else experiencing this? I have v4.3 installed. Do I need to remove the Full Servers from 'Assigned Servers'? I was afraid to do this because I thought that would cut off the 'Extended' features to our clients.
  3. Try this. It has been working for us: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/5300-auto-debit-cron-stopped-since-dst/page-2#entry40034
  4. Awesome! Thank you for taking the time to look at and support a module that isn't a core part of Blesta. I really appreciate it.
  5. This is what I used last: Nameservers: {% for name_server in module.name_servers %}{name_server}{% endfor %} Got it from licensecart and most of it looks identical (I know he gave me a different way to make it display) so I think it's something to do with this module. Could still be wrong though. Once again, I appreciate all of the help.
  6. Thanks for the help. Line 786 in the file components/module/cpanelextended/cpanelextended.php is what needs to be changed with this module. I do have the nameservers defined under [settings] -> [Modules] -> (Manage). I'm wondering if it's an issue with this specific module?
  7. @ModuleMatic - You may already know but this plugin is only supporting up to 8 characters for a username vs. 16. Is there a quick fix or is it more involved?
  8. Not sure what's going on but now it only prints out Nameserver:
  9. The only thing I've seen mentioned is 'v4.1 is dedicated to improving domain management' but there hasn't been anything said as far as details are concerned. If I'm not mistaken, I thought I saw a post somewhere saying that they haven't really mapped any specifics out yet.
  10. So, this didn't work. It was a blank space on the email: {% for name_server in module.name_server %} Name server: {module.name_server}{% endfor %} When I look at the available tags for cPanel extended, there isn't one for nameservers. I'm using v4.3
  11. Thanks for the recommendations. I see that authorize.net is needed with e-onlinedata (which is no big deal) and then there is a planned gateway for EVO. Are they separate companies? I know nothing about them and I see that EVO is based here in Denver.
  12. I can't remember if they had a pre filled option or I typed it in but it definitely said it was hosting and development and that all of our transactions were accepted online. Strange but oh well. I will take a look at the link you provided. We used Bluepay for 3 years but they were frustrating to deal with. Going to talk to our bank real soon as well. Thanks!
  13. Has anyone applied for an account with them? I find it interesting that there's a module, we fill out the application and they send a letter back saying 'we're not accepting applications for your business type'. Interesting....
  14. evolvewh

    Support Tickets

    I ended up going into the database and assigning the client ID (was NULL) and that worked. It's probably not a polished thought but I'm thinking something as simple as an option to change the client ID when viewing the Support Ticket.
  15. evolvewh

    Support Tickets

    This is something that I don't think is a feature now and I may end up moving it to feature requests. I have some support departments setup so that tickets are not opened if the clients email is not registered. I now have a client who signed up but had a support ticket opened (to another department (sales) that doesn't require a registered email to open tickets) with an address that isn't on their account. Now that I've added that email address as an additional contact to their account, is there a way to 'merge' this ticket into their account so they can view it through their portal area?
  16. Yes I send reminders and they appear correct. Those go out 2 days before it's supposed to be auto debited (3 days before the actual due date) Timezone is UTC -7:00 Denver in Blesta and php time is the same. Every invoice gets auto debited the day it's due vs. 1 day before. I can give you many examples of this. Auto Debit runs at 9am MST and invoice creation runs at 7am MST. It's not every invoice. Here is one that was auto debited the day it was due: date_billed | date_due | date_closed 2016-02-08 14:00:02 2016-02-16 06:00:00 2016-02-15 16:00:04 The database shows the wrong due date and when I look at the date in the admin area (list of closed invoices), it's real due date is the 15th (even though the database says the 16th) Here's one that worked properly (1 day before): date_billed | date_due | date_closed 2016-02-10 07:00:00 2016-02-17 07:00:00 2016-02-16 16:00:04 Within the admin area, everything displays the way it should and it was auto debited 1 day before. It's strange. I can look up more examples that are like the first one here. I also notice that the time is different for every due_date. Could that be throwing things off? Some are 6:00 and some are 7:00 in the DB due_date column.
  17. I agree. Not really bugs but I wasn't sure where they should be posted.
  18. Your {payment_account.type} Account ending should be Your {payment_account.account_type} Account ending client area at {client_url} should be client area at http://{client_url}
  19. The charge will be listed as being from {company.name} on your credit card statement. Prints this: The charge will be listed as being from on your credit card statement. v3.6.1 with no modifications. If you need other details, let me know.
  20. No worries. You'll need a reseller account with them and then you can enter your credentials into the Enom modules that comes with Blesta.
  21. Not all gateways require you to be compliant but it is a good idea to be. The non merchant gateways do not require it and some of the merchant gateways don't, including Stripe, Paypal Payflow Pro and possibly others. When we used Bluepay, we had to be PCI Compliant. Not sure what you mean about the domain sales / api.
  22. Good eyes! I've made the change and hopefully it works. Thanks again!
  23. Hi, Just wanted to let you know that this in the welcome email: {% for name_server in module.name_servers %} Name server: {module.name_servers}{% endfor %} Displays: Name server: Array Name server: Array All other tags work properly in v4.3. Thanks!
  24. Is there any way that this is tied in with the 'Auto Debit Days Before Due Date' function? I have ours set to 1 day before the due date and it never charges 1 day before. It's always the day of. I have looked through all of my settings including the settings for client groups and there is no conflict there.
  25. Thanks. That's what I needed.
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