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Everything posted by evolvewh

  1. There is a 'recurring invoice' feature where you can setup the number of times to charge again and the frequency. You can alter them after the invoice has been generated by editing the invoice but you would need to set it up so that the invoice isn't automatically emailed (you would manually do this after you've edited it).
  2. It's interesting because all of the other tabs load. It's somewhat low priority but it would be nice to have it work eventually.
  3. The page continually tries to load and never does. There are no error messages.
  4. I just wanted to let you know that this still doesn't work in 5.1 but I also want to thank you for keeping this module actively updated. 5.1 fixed the issue I had from the last update where all of the tabs and functions were lost. Thanks!
  5. I agree and I think it has been brought up before. I'm not sure there are any plans to make changes regarding this but I would guess it's low priority.
  6. The only way to do it now is by going into the database and assigning the client_id to that ticket in the `support_tickets` table.
  7. I'm not following how 29-08-2016 became the end of term. Wouldn't it have been 05/09/2016? I've always seen blesta add another year automatically to the term as soon as an invoice has been generated to renew. I'm hoping the new void fixes they are working on will update this when the generated invoice is voided.
  8. Take it one step further and add a column to the right of Price for 'Promo'?
  9. So it was a mailparse PHP extension issue all along?
  10. If you're asking me, yes. I've been using this since 3.0 came out.
  11. Use 700 for the pipe.php file permission, make sure the hashbang is included and you should be all set.
  12. Thanks for the explanation. I don't remember the interval that they were auto responding but I ended up blacklisting them to stop it from happening.
  13. The closest is CORE-639 but it's based on client groups and not on the gateway used.
  14. Do you have any plans to support Apple Pay?
  15. Can you write quality code any faster? I'm sure the team wants to get it released as soon as they can being that it's a huge release and it's take a considerable amount of time so far. Be patient and keep using 3.6.2 for the time being, just like the rest of us. Have you tested it and provided any quality feedback to help speed up the release?
  16. There will be a beta 2 at a minimum with a handful of new features that aren't in beta 1.
  17. I know there is supposed to be a feature in place to stop email loops so I'm wondering if it's supposed to work in this scenario: Someone emails a department that is restricted to clients only and they have an autoresponder for their system as well (I have no idea if it's Kayako, WH..., etc) but the loop continues between our system and theirs. Is the loop supposed to be stopped in this case or not?
  18. v3.6.2 I have 'In House Credit' set as 'Credit' under payment type. I issued a credit today and it was applied to an open invoice for the client. The Billing Overview graph now shows that applied credit amount as 'Revenue Today'. In my mind, that's not revenue. Am I missing something?
  19. I'm only referring to creating the hosting packages that you'll sell to your customers. I agree creating the client accounts manually is old school and that's why we're using Blesta to handle that type of setup work.
  20. You can create packages within WHM that store these values as well as the feature list, Maximum Hourly Email by Domain Relayed, Max FTP Accounts, Max Email Accounts, etc. Once you do this, there is no real need to set it up in Blesta again. That's why you weren't seeing these functions in the standard cPanel module that comes with Blesta. The cPanel Extended module does give you the option to override these values if you want to. Personally, I like to set these up within WHM but it's up to you and how you want to configure yours. https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/ALD/Add+a+Package
  21. I think it is unique
  22. Let me make sure I have everything correct: a) You have a reseller plan purchased from another hosting provider? If so, all you need to do is create packages and then you can add accounts. You are the 'reseller' in this case and it looks like you're trying to create 'sub resellers' under your 'reseller' account. I'm surprised this hosting provider even gave you access to the 'resellers' section of WHM. If you're doing something different than this, let me know so I do a better job of helping you out.
  23. Do you have package(s) created in WHM? If so, are you able to connect through the Blesta cPanel module after you enter your server IP, root password, etc?
  24. evolvewh


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