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Everything posted by evolvewh

  1. I know there is a task for this but it's been there for awhile. I'm going to write my own code to delete tickets and I want to double check to make sure support_tickets is the only table I need to clear data from. Can someone confirm?
  2. Betas and full releases are always available for download in your Blesta account area. Are you using a Beta release for a live site? You mention that a customer tried to login and got the error message.
  3. Isn't this related to CORE-2314 ?
  4. Interesting. I thought it would take the Total Revenue and subtract anything that was refunded even if it's at a loss for the day. I guess I could see it being reported either way. Ex. Revenue Today: $500 Refund: $150 New Revenue Today: $350
  5. In this case, I refunded 3 transactions today that were made 2 days ago and there was no change in 'Revenue Today'. It should deduct those amounts, right? It's a bit hard for me to test with a live example using v4 right now.
  6. On the billing overview screen, 'Revenue Today' does not include any voids or refunds made. v3.6.2 with no modifications made
  7. It varies but we do have large dollar amounts on certain invoices and that can significantly effect this total. I haven't looked into the coding but it seems that if the database query could look at the amount in the 'due' column instead of the 'amount' column, that could solve the issue.
  8. If there is a partially paid invoice, the Outstanding Balance on the Billing Overview shows the original amount and not what is actually due. Example: Original invoice is $800 and $650 has been paid. The Outstanding Balance on the Overview screen will show as $800 when it should be $150. This is with v3.6.2 but I'm sure it effects all 3.x versions
  9. Hi Paul, Can you confirm if there is a task for this? I don't like the policy but there is no way around it and every other registrar seems to have this already in place. Thanks and Happy New Year!
  10. This would work. Could it make it for v4.1 maybe?
  11. Why is lock a radio button on the Settings tab for the Logicboxes module?
  12. That's more than likely the case. I'm not running php7 yet... but want to!
  13. I just saw CORE-2312 and when I logged in as an existing client during checkout, the item remained in the cart. I logged out after and the items were removed which I think is normal, right? I then added a domain, went through checkout and created a brand new account and the item remained in the cart through the process. I did see the issue with CORE-2314
  14. I would agree that certain fields should be mandatory and if not, make them configurable within the admin area so that we can make them mandatory. At a minimum, First Name, Last Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Email and Phone Number should be required.
  15. Right now, there is a tab for Nameservers and a tab for Settings. If someone wants to update their nameservers through the client area, they are naturally going to go to the nameservers tab, make the changes and click update. Everything appears to be ok, however, if 'Lock' is set, nothing will happen. I can add the language but it would be nice if there was more clarity for the user to let them know that 'Lock' needs to be disabled in order to make changes to nameservers.
  16. Adding a validation to require 2+ or 3+ characters for the first and last name would be nice. We're getting some clients registering with an initial only.
  17. I would think that it applies to any service regardless of the gateway being used.
  18. https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Company+>+General#Company>General-ContactTypes
  19. Yes, this code fixes the issue in all versions (3.x and 4.x). Do not use a beta version live, please. If you are testing it, just wait until b5 is released and the code will be there. To re arrange the fields, you'll need to know how to read code and reverse the coding in this same file to have the routing number first. This was only a bug for a one time payment and there's no bug when adding a payment account.
  20. There are no days in between. If you set it to 3, it will try the first day (based on Auto Debit Days Before Due Date) and then it will try two more days in a row at your scheduled cron time.
  21. CORE-2096 v2.0 Captcha was released in v4.0 b1 so you can find it in all of the beta versions of 4.0
  22. It's under development and a part of v4.0. It's not a part of any other Blesta version.
  23. Awesome. Lines 13 - 18 for anyone else reading this. <div class="form-group"> <?php $this->Form->label($this->_("ClientAccounts.ach_info.field_accountnum", true), "account"); $this->Form->fieldText("account", isset($vars->last4) ? str_pad($vars->last4, 9, "*", STR_PAD_LEFT) : $this->Html->ifSet($vars->account), array('class'=>"form-control", 'placeholder'=>$this->_("ClientAccounts.ach_info.field_accountnum", true))); ?> </div>
  24. Actually, after thinking about this more, I think the domain questions need to be first since the hosting fields are going to ask for the domain they want to use. If they want to register a new domain and it's not available, it's better to find out in the first step vs. in the 2nd step and having to go backwards to re edit the hosting details.
  25. I think it would be a good idea to reverse those two. As much as we (and I'm sure other companies) like to sell new domain names and get customers to transfer from other providers, I think having the hosting signup portion at the beginning would be more logical and then ask them to select one of three options: 1) I'd like to register a new domain 2) I'd like to transfter my domain from another provider 3) I'll update my nameservers
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