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Franz last won the day on November 13 2022

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  1. What variables did you remove and from which templates? I am having a similar issue.
  2. I suggested this over on the feature requests board you should add your vote and comments there https://requests.blesta.com/topic/domain-manager-default-nameservers
  3. Sadly, this is still the case the order flow currently isn't suited for shared hosting and it's target audience, majority of these customers don't understand how webhosting works they're just looking to get a website. As a result they need to be guided, pick this package > do you have a domain > no > get one here > checkout and in reverse add domain to cart > do you need hosting > yes > pick a package > checkout.
  4. Franz

    PHP 8 Support

    @PaulIs php8.1 now approved for production?
  5. Unfortunately, they will not they got out of the module making business some time ago (Official ResellerClub WHMCS Module) to focus on their API. I was looking at using the universal module for this but I have no idea how to...but I think it's possible.
  6. Was there any further thoughts given to this? There's a feature request here https://requests.blesta.com/topic/product-recommendations but it only has 3 votes ?‍♂️
  7. Has there been any more thought given to this? I'm using Mailgun inbound routing to create tickets currently and it is great would love to keep that functionality when I switch to blesta. SwiftMailer is no longer being maintained and Symfony Mailer is it's replacement and it does have support for Mailgun https://symfony.com/doc/current/mailer.html#using-a-3rd-party-transport
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