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Alex Vojacek

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  1. I am sorry but WHY on earth would you want a system that penalize a customer if he doesn't pay in time?. This feels like you want to put the customer into a school regime were the admin will yell at him if he misbehaves. I dont see this working in any meaningful way, it will just harm the customer-service provider relationship and I'm sure it will provoke more users to leave your services for good. You don't penalize a user for late fee, PERIOD. You can add the "late-fee fee" but that's about it. I've never seen any system that worked this way, why are you trying to reinvent the wheel. Concentrate on making something that will add value to the customer instead of trying penalize them.
  2. It should be friendly to the customer and the admin... you nailed it on all your points.. That's EXACTLY what a billing system, or any system used for humans should be.
  3. Everyone "aparently" needs?. Blesta is NOT ICANN approved, period. And then mass mail that people "aparently" needs?. Dude, you need to seriously reconsider the words you're using, this are not stupid request, this are in fact 2 VERY IMPORTANT features that are used almost all the time in the hosting bussiness. Lower down your tone a little, there are actual customes reading this, this is not the way to speak to them, at all. If all of this is too complicated to do because you're doing some serious work on a future version you need to reconsider how the developer cycle is working, since you seem to be getting all your priorities wrong. I can't put on hold essential features because I'm hoping a future version will include them and then go and ask for patience. If a customer don't see a feature he/she needs, I can't ask him/she patience because my billing doesn't support it... the customer will send me flying and get another hosting company that works the way he/she wants, period. That's how bussiness works, re-prioritize the development cycle.
  4. I left blesta because I couldn't handle domain management, at all, and the current state it is now it's almost ilegal to manage domains through blesta since it wont comply with ICANN, so... how is this feature that all the major billing systems already has, something like: "They can't make it any faster as 4.0 isn't out and they have over 30+ tasks to do on that before they can waste a whole version on modifying and changing the way domains work. " I stopped reading that phrase.. and I will re-phrase it. The developers CAN'T waste any more time on other features that are not as important as this one. The sole fact that your clients are asking for this feature and you take it so lightly saying it's a WASTE doing such a task speaks volumes on what you'll get with the hosting market. You definely made a billing system that is NOT hosting friendly at all and you don't recognize this.. no, it's even worse, you wont accept what your clients are asking for. This attitude is not good. Clients ask for important stuff and developers should follow through and this is not an non-important feature... this is something all the other major billing systems already have and this is a feature that, as it is now it's not ICANN approved, turning all your hosting clients into an almost ilegal sellers of domains... Developers should VERY concerned about this situation. When I left blesta, the only new feature I had was "Mass Cancelation" but I didn't have (and still isn't available) MASS EMAIL, a featured that is soo much more important than Mass Cancelation. If I have downtime expected on the datacenter I won't be able to let my customers know about this, but, I would be able to Mass Cancel all of them if they complain !! This is not the way you build a billing system. If I come here and seems to be complaining is because I felt I was not taking into consideration when I had my tons of problems with Blesta and developers were always doing more important stuff than the things I was asking, hence.. I left for WHMCS, when I customer goes, it should make you take notice of why it was, this is a good way of improving your attitude and your product. Nobody asked me why I left, they lost my opinions about it the same way you'll loose the next customer that complains by replying "they can't waste time...".
  5. May I suggest the developers to take this problem seriously and include the "test for the session path" onto the installer? It will save a lot of time to people who comes from a VPS trying to install blesta onto CentOS (which is the OS of choice for hosting). Since CentOS clearly set this session path wrong, it should be mandatory to test for this to work properly before installing the software, this will avoid weird error messages (like the one I had) and the debugging should be much more easy then.
  6. The problem lies in blesta trying to use php include path, but the include path which is default for CentoOS does not have proper permissions, so, you have to force a path with a proper permission in there and IT WILL WORK. I don't know what blesta is doing but i suspect it uses RSA to decode something and php is trying to put this into the session path, which not having the correct permission will not work and then php will throw an error in the RSA. I repeat this so it's clear, Centos will NOT work on the default path, you have to manually include the path as I stated and it will work. I tried this 5 times in a row on a new VPS just to be sure it was this and I confirm it once again now. Solution: Put this into /etc/php.ini include_path = /usr/share/php make sure the directory has correct permissions and restart php and installer should work properly.
  7. Ok, this is driving me nutz. I redid the whole VPS and used Apache instead, tried apache 2.2 and apache 2.4 same thing, same error, my friend moved blesta to our interworx installation and now it's working, i want to find out WHY it's not working on my webserver, i did EVERYTHING by the rules. Can anyone profficient enough with blesta point me in the right direction? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25854207/access-denied-on-paypal-ipn-verification This guy found out that if paypal does not recive a header with at lease a User-Agent: something it wont work, i forced the header on nginx and apache to no avail...
  8. With Linux, there is no such thing as "strange", at least in my book
  9. With php.ini and include_path = /usr/share/php Current include path: /usr/share/php Modifying include path to include: /home/blesta/alex/test/includes Include path is now: /usr/share/php:/home/blesta/alex/test/includes Success. Attempting to a include file. Should print "SUCCESS!!" below... SUCCESS!! Centos recently installed with EPEL + remi + nginx + php-fpm default (no tweaking at all) Current include path: .:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php Modifying include path to include: /home/blesta/alex/test/includes Include path is now: .:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php:/home/blesta/alex/test/includes Success. Attempting to a include file. Should print "SUCCESS!!" below... SUCCESS!! Be adviced that the default "didn't" worked with me and gave me errors in RSA.
  10. This is FANTASTIC news !. I'm sure it's one more step to iron out installation issues and I'm sure a lot of people using nginx will appreciate. Thanks so much for your hard work Cody !
  11. This is not my day it seems. I did backup the database twice for blesta before doing the upgrade but now i try to restore the database backup i did on my brand new installation of blesta and i get this window: I tried to recover the original blesta files but the same error displays. Does anybody know how to recover from this?
  12. Well, i can confirm this happens when you install nginx, since it wont have the values specified in that thread by default, in fact, it has the admin value set and not visible as default. Just to state this for any people experiencing this issue with any VPS using nginx, you need to manually add this value to /etc/php.ini include_path = /usr/share/php and Blesta will install perfectly without a single hitch. This was a really good find, it should be documented since the majority using apache wont face this issue. Thanks to all and specially to Max for finding the issue.
  13. Thanks Max for finding the problem !
  14. I don't mean to be rude with my problem, I already know how to manage a server, this never happened to me before, probably because the value was already set and the new packages simply removed the value and set the admin value by default. I'm just saying this is not easy to find and probably the installler could be more specific to this problem since it WILL show it's ugly face on any VPS installation with CentOS, and I did try like 10 combinations already.
  15. The val Just so you know, the value is NOT there in CentOS 6.5 installing with remi repositories, is not there either if you install nginx from EPEL, it's simply not there, not the include_path nor the admin value. I had to manually add the value as stated in the previous post, why this bug was driving me nuts ! Anyone using a clean CentoOS installation with nginx will experience this same issue. Adding it to php-fpm.conf didn't work, it needed to be added to /etc/php.ini
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