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Everything posted by wavesource

  1. For the record, I have been having issues with clients being unable to login (loading blesta as a client results in a blank page, so there's an issue with maybe htaccess or more likely the customised templates I am using etc. ) - and worst of all, my Stripe payment gateway module has not been able to process payments. Still haven't resolved the system health thing, but I can definitely say, you can trust that damn little widget! So I've just rolled Blesta back to 4.3.0 and all is well again. I will have to install 4.4.0 in a subdirectory and do a clean install with a copied database, and remove any plugins and modules and just rebuild it to try and debug what these issues are.
  2. No, "Standard" is the default one. You are set up OK. You can delete the html_invoice directory if you want, I don't think it get in the way of anything if you leave it there. FYI, when I say mPDF, Blesta uses TCPDF which is a fork of the same sort of library. mPDF, rfpdf, TCPDF etc. are all similar and yet not the same. I was just too lazy to look closely at Blesta structure and I'm more familiar with mPDF from my own development. So the first approach we took was one where I thought, perhaps the method of invoking footers in TCPDF has changed, and Blesta invoice has been updated not to use it, hence we need to confirm you are using latest build template. This was sort of supported by comments made on this forum around the fact the templating has changed in 4.4.0 Poking around on the web, here's the sort of error you're seeing: https://www.drupal.org/project/print/issues/1188232 This is from obviously a Drupal CMS context, but the response suggests that it is a TCPDF library issue. A build this person used had deprecated or mistakenly removed this class and then they put it back in again. Sometimes strange things happen when developers merge things for a release. However, updating TCPDF library gets things back on track. So grab the latest Blesta archive, unzip and then find in the /vendors directory the /tcpdf directory, and just replace the tcpdf contents on the host with the latest. This gives you then the TCPDF library Blesta have tested and have released, and removes any doubt around the provenance of the files you have been given by the host installer. If you still have an error, then it's time for Blesta support ticket, as this would suggest the error lies elsewhere. But it's hard to imagine that to be the case with the specific error you are receiving.
  3. I personally avoid using any automated installer. I am assuming Sofaculous has installed the latest Blesta version - this post refers to Blest 4.4.0. Which it may not have (go to first line of this post). In this case, this is an error thrown from mPDF Interesting thing is if you look at the location of the templates, html_invoice is not a subfolder in the latest Blesta 4.4.0 release. It's default_invoice, ie. on your system it's /home/katycomputer/public_html/billing/components/invoice_templates/default_invoice So I would go to Settings => Company => Billing/Payment => Invoice Customization and make sure your Invoice Type (5th input down) is set to Default. If it isn't, that's your problem. If it is, then open your host file manager, and take a look at that directory structure and see what you can see. 4.4.0 comes with default_invoice, perforated_invoice and quickbooks_invoice subfolders in invoice_templates - they should be there. If you're using 4.4.0 and they are not, download latest Blesta from your customer login, extract, and upload just those three folders into the correct location and see if that helps
  4. As mentioned, I've cleaned out the blesta root, installed 4.4.0 clean (except company directory), reset the invoice back to default. Unsuspend services task is timing out still, but let's look at logs: This general-warning entry is a new friend since 4.4.0: [2018-11-18 21:15:03] general.WARNING: E_WARNING: imap_open(): Couldn't open stream {:110/pop3/novalidate-cert} {"code":2,"message":"imap_open(): Couldn't open stream {:110/pop3/novalidate-cert}","file":"/home/USER/public_html/plugins/support_manager/vendors/php-imap/ImapMailbox.php","line":36} Aside from the usual legitimate chatter, that's about it - there's a swiftmailer deprecation warning but that's not going to get in the way of anything Paul: re data structure, if I wanted to query services linked to clients owned by company ID = X, what am I looking for? Until I am sure there aren't any of these lurking around, I can't state there's a real error with Blesta.
  5. I'm still getting errors with unsuspend task - however, I did delete an old unused company and perhaps that had one or two services still in it. Wasn't my company, I asked the user to migrate to their own system, so they may have left some services going... Still running tests, but it's probably all my own data screwing Blesta around.
  6. I did a barebones upgrade. On attempting to manually email invoices, I at least now could see an error re invalid invoice template. I might have had a customised one... can't remember! So I flipped back to default, and now can send out invoices by email OK manually. The system status is still giving me woe re cron jobs, so I will keep an eye on that while it moves through its queue, maybe within a day it will have zeroed out all pre-existing errors. Will report progress. Cheers
  7. First time ever with Blesta (been a user for years and years) since 4.4.0 upgrade, I am getting a health warning in the system status on the homepage. Advisory points to cron jobs not completing. Visiting the cron panel, I can see Payment Reminders and Deliver Invoices are showing loaders and never stop... Time of cron start advances every 5 minutes or whatever the cron period is, so the cron is being fired, but the scripts are not completing execution. Visiting client panels, I can see invoices building up with Unsent remaining their status (ouch) I attempt to trigger invoice delivery to myself and receive nothing. Has anyone else seen this or even better have a fix? Meanwhile, I am going to try barebones 4.4.0 reinstall Cheers!
  8. Hi Paul, Tyson and co. I am here looking up custom fields per line invoice item. It's something I've had to do in the past for another client with Blesta, and it's now something I need for myself. Scenario - setting up a business with a partner and we need to track different types of tasks. In accounting software you have collations or categories for types of income and expenditure, so we need to assign a category code to each line. Eg. my partner does SEO and keyword research/social media, I do the server side development etc. We might issue an invoice containing a mix of components, and within each half of our business responsibilities, we might also like to track how a subtask is performing, ie. assign all keyword work to a separate sales category. I have an export script that dumps the data as CSV into a format that Xero likes to eat, and in seconds we have our sales in Xero where our accountant wants them, split into categories. Now, currently we manually add codes to the end of item lines with a pipe delimiter, and I parse these with the export script to create the separate column, but with Blesta looking so nice these days, I do wonder why this feature has yet to be invoked as it seems to me a basic requirement of accounting software. But that's just me, and it doesn't sound like hordes of people are lining up requesting this. Maybe we're all quietly hacking our own solutions...? Anyway, just my 5 cents on the issue. I personally don't like in-script hacks as it just complicates upgrades, so wouldn't be using this solution.
  9. I would find it very useful to be able to search descriptions text field contents across all the invoices of a specific client. Currently I have to crack open phpMyAdmin and do it via query. Cheers!
  10. OK - I've coded up my own solution: Note the highly visible View Invoice button, plus I've tarted up those other links as well so the bank nobs know where to click. Only a very small hack to the client_invoices.pdt template. The View Invoice page shows full individual invoice in site chrome very similar to PDF version (but with more, as I've added my own terms and custom payment options data), with option to further open same inline invoice layout in new window as printable version without site chrome - shown below, with ubiquitous Print button. Fingers crossed, that should get me over the line with the bank.
  11. By querying the data to construct the PDF, Blesta has everything in place except for the fact it pushes the output to the PDF library rather than to a web page, so on the surface, to provide a link to View the sale data on the client payment page, and rename (for example) the View link to Download Invoice, would do the trick. Meantime I will just look into hacking Blesta to do what I need it to do. As to "changing banks": that's easy to say, but harder to do. Maybe in other countries it is a simpler process to change, but I'm a sole operator. Over the years, to have had my company set up, then get the manual payment gateway, and now this process of "upgrading" the gateway to allow for live payments through Blesta - then change banks? I prefer to focus on work, and invoice clients! It's just not cost effective for me to spend time stuffing around like that.
  12. Any indication if this is entering your minds for looking at?
  13. Perhaps so, Cody, but what I can see is that tax, while included in the full amount shown on the Bleta Payment page, is however not separately itemised. So it falls at that point at least. Who knows with these bank gnomes whatever else will come up... By payment page, they mean the full detail of each invoice, on a web page, not just in PDF format. I can see how throwing everthing to a PDF is nice an simple, but once again, that is where my bank is drawing the line. I have already turned to them and said, paraphrasing, "hey, Blesta is a well known, highly secure and trusted script for taking payments online used all around the world, these guys know their shit, all the details are THERE, in the PDF - it's all electronic, isn't it?" and they just don't give a shit - they want to see a traditional webpage output per invoice with details. They are troglodytes, for sure. But I am at an impasse.
  14. Further to this, the issue is not the interface between Blesta and whatever payment gateway, it's about whether the bank will accept payments taken through your website, regardless of which 3rd party gateway you are using. So it's not about Stripe, or eWay, but about Blesta compliance with banking guidelines. BTW, I just looked up and Stripe is now available in beta for Australia. Thanks for the poke, I had emailed them a few months ago and they said, not yet...
  15. Can't use Stripe in Australia yet, otherwise I would I am not sure it's a payment completed page they are looking for, but itemisation on the webpage of full invoice contents prior to payment. Unless that's what you mean.
  16. I have been wrangling with my bank for over a month now over a live gateway for client payments via Blesta. I was able to sign up for an eWay account in a few days, and they are ready to take live payments for me using the Blesta eWay module, and it works nicely. However, my bank has blocked payments via eWay pending a review of the Blesta system for compliance to their own internal guidelines, and they appear about to not approve my website for any live payment gateway based on the fact that line detail for all invoices is only available by viewing a PDF. Yes, I would agree, an electronic document is surely legally binding in whatever form, but they need to see the same detail visible live on the webpage as is visible on the invoice - linking to the PDF copy is insufficient for compliance. They need to be able to see line details - item quantities, tax (if applicable) sub totals, and grand total - per invoice. So ideally I would like to see customers to be able to click on any individual invoice and open that as we can see in the admin section. That should guarantee compliance with any bank. This is the full transcript of recent discussion from them (Bank of SA, Australia): After pointing them to the attached screenshot, the reply was:
  17. Thanks for that, didn't realise it was released.
  18. Howdy - for Blesta 3.0.1 - for installations not in root. Note that since update, the URL tokens appeared to be working for installation in a subdirectory, but only for invoice/emails manually triggered. Anything triggered by cron seems to still have URLs showing default installation URL as if in root. I've edited the email address for the From field and this is correctly propagating in both emails, manual and cron, so that's solid. Cheers David
  19. Hi guys - just a minor bug encountered when editing the email templates... System shows error on saving Service Suspension template. I didn't do anything more than open the template to change the From Email, so its apparently in default template text... I'm assuming something doesn't like the "=" character in the conditional token in the email body. Very minor... Cheers David
  20. I bought from Blesta direct. I had a login under their previous site, since updated. account.blesta.com has no method to create a new account, and as I received notification by email from Blesta re the release, they have my email already
  21. Hi Blesta people I've been frigging around with my Blesta 3 install parallel to my Blesta 2.5, done it twice as I changed my mind about approach, and now my license key is blocked, I assume because I've changed installation directory... I can't login to Client section as I have attempted password reset and never receive an email, assuming my username from previous Download section is still valid. So I am posting here as a last resort. User name is wavesource. Email address should be either admin at or accounts at wavesourcedesign . com Help! and Cheers! D
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