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Everything posted by richwalker

  1. richwalker


    I have been asked to provide a list of customer services & there value & its recurring date (1 month, 1 year, etc etc) does anyone know how to do it please?
  2. I would be interested too
  3. richwalker

    Custom report

    Is there anyway to get a list of all of the services & money value using custom reports, If so how?
  4. Has anyone got Xero integration setup with blesta yet? I know there has been talk about it.
  5. richwalker

    Blesta Cache

    Hi Michael, yes mate. should it just be the navigation?
  6. richwalker

    Blesta Cache

    I'm not sure if blesta cache is working for us. In the cache folder i have a folder called 1 & in that there is just 1 html file. I have caching set to true in the core.php file. We are runing php 5.6 with the latest version of blesta with the hotfix installed.
  7. Hi I am looking to customise the order form using the Universal Module. I know how to do the input fields but I what to put a description above the field to tell customers what to do. Do I just hack the template or is their another way? Thanks
  8. Yes, Chrome and FF
  9. Hi Sometimes when creating an invoice blesta creates 2 invoices (different invoice numbers). It appears to happen when i click create. Blesta then saves the draft and then creates another invoice. Is there anyway to stop blesta saving a draft? Thanks Rich
  10. Hi Tyson I have checked and checked again. I have even typed the Live Secret Key manually. Below is the logs from blesta Input from the logs ( i have changed the user info to protect the client) https://api.stripe.com/v1/charges a:3:{s:6:"amount";i:100;s:8:"currency";s:3:"gbp";s:4:"card";a:10:{s:6:"number";s:16:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";s:9:"exp_month";s:2:"xx";s:8:"exp_year";s:4:"xxxx";s:4:"name";s:13:"BOB ";s:13:"address_line1";s:16:"1 My Address";s:13:"address_line2";s:0:"";s:11:"address_zip";s:6:"AB123CD";s:13:"address_state";s:3:"ABC";s:15:"address_country";s:3:"GBR";s:3:"cvc";s:0:"";}} Output https://api.stripe.com/v1/charges a:0:{}
  11. Just the process of switching from paypal to stripe. When putting a live transaction through i get Oh noes!Cannot use object of type stdClass as array on line 303 in /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.co.uk/httpdocs/components/gateways/merchant/stripe_gateway/stripe_gateway.php Server error logs PHP Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.co.uk/httpdocs/components/gateways/merchant/stripe_gateway/stripe_gateway.php on line 303, referer: https://mydomain.co.uk/admin/clients/makepayment/168/14913/ 2016-04-03 20:28:02 Error PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'UnknownException' with message 'Invalid callback Session::sessionWrite, cannot access private method Session::sessionWrite()' in Unknown:0, referer: https://mydomain.co.uk/admin/clients/makepayment/168/14913/ 2016-04-03 20:28:02 Error Stack trace:, referer: https://mydomain.co.uk/admin/clients/makepayment/168/14913/ 2016-04-03 20:28:02 Error #0 [internal function]: UnknownException::setErrorHandler(2, 'Invalid callbac...', 'Unknown', 0, NULL), referer: https://mydomain.co.uk/admin/clients/makepayment/168/14913/ 2016-04-03 20:28:02 Error #1 {main}, referer: https://mydomain.co.uk/admin/clients/makepayment/168/14913/ 2016-04-03 20:28:02 Error thrown in Unknown on line 0, referer: https://mydomain.co.uk/admin/clients/makepayment/168/14913/
  12. richwalker

    Move Service

    Tyson Would this be something i could pay you guys to do for me?
  13. richwalker

    Move Service

    I have 1200 services that are using the Universal Module. I need move them to the opensrs module. I just can't find away of doing it. Any ideas people?
  14. +1 as well
  15. Hi I am trying to find the secure way of having a domain name checker on our main site and post in the domain name order form. I know i can disable the CSRF but this isn't recommended. Can we have a secure way of doing this please?
  16. Would you like access to my live account for testing?
  17. Hi It only happens client side. Admin side is fine. When you click on the whois tab should the fields have the domain details like name, address etc? Mine are blank in admin & client side.
  18. Sorry there's no difference. The error is still there.
  19. Sorry to be a pain. If you login as a client and click manage. Then click change package you get. Oh noes! Undefined property: stdClass::$meta on line 875 in /var/www/vhosts/domian.com/httpdocs/components/modules/opensrs/opensrs.php The registrant, Administrative, Technical & billing information is missing
  20. Hi PauloV I am getting the following error when trying to registering a .co.uk oSRS Error - Incorrect call. on line 51 in /var/www/vhosts/domain.com/httpdocs/components/modules/opensrs/apis/commands/domains/provisioning/provSWregister.php
  21. Hi Paulov How you getting on with the update?
  22. I want to make another donation can you PM with your details.
  23. Yes licensecart & no we don't allow customers to change their currency. Thanks
  24. We have updated blesta to 3.4.2 & since then random clients invoices have changed to AUS Dollars. We have never used Dollars, only pounds. Not sure why this has happen. Does anyone know which database table has the client currency stored so i can check they are all set to pounds? Is there anyway to remove the other currencies as we have never used them and never will. Thanks Rich
  25. Thanks Paul, deleting the user and creating a new one did the trick!
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