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  1. Hi, In the home page of the module, i list all the server with it's details. It has an edit link. When clicking it, it's taking me to a form to edit those server details, but i can't see the already existing details of the server. the url of the edit page is http://mydomain.com/index.php/admin/settings/company/modules/editrow/7/5/, where mydomain.com is blesta server domain. Code snippet is below public function manageEditRow($module_row, array &$vars) { // Load the view into this object, so helpers can be automatically added to the view $this->view = new View("edit_row", "default"); $this->view->base_uri = $this->base_uri; $this->view->setDefaultView("components" . DS . "modules" . DS . "snomone" . DS); // Load the helpers required for this view Loader::loadHelpers($this, array("Form", "Html", "Widget")); $this->view->set("vars", (object)$vars); return $this->view->fetch(); } View <?php $this->Widget->clear(); $this->Widget->setLinkButtons(array()); $this->Widget->create($this->_("Mymodule.edit_row.box_title", true)); ?> <div class="inner"> <?php $this->Form->create(); ?> <div class="title_row first"> <h3><?php $this->_("Mymodule.edit_row.module_title"); ?></h3> </div> <div class="pad"> <ul> <li> <?php $this->Form->label($this->_("Mymodule.add_row.server_label", true), "server_label"); $this->Form->fieldText("server_label", $this->Html->ifSet($vars->server_label)); ?> </li> <li> <?php $this->Form->label($this->_("Mymodule.add_row.ip_address", true), "ip_address"); $this->Form->fieldText("ip_address", $this->Html->ifSet($vars->ip_address)); ?> </li> <li> <?php $this->Form->label($this->_("Mymodule.add_row.port", true), "port"); $this->Form->fieldText("port", $this->Html->ifSet($vars->port)); ?> </li> <li> <?php $this->Form->label($this->_("Mymodule.add_row.username", true), "username"); $this->Form->fieldText("username", $this->Html->ifSet($vars->username)); ?> </li> <li> <?php $this->Form->label($this->_("Mymodule.add_row.password", true), "password"); $this->Form->fieldText("password", $this->Html->ifSet($vars->password)); ?> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="button_row"><a class="btn_right submit" href="#"><?php $this->_("Mymodule.edit_row.add_btn"); ?></a></div> <?php $this->Form->end(); ?> </div> <?php $this->Widget->end(); ?> Form is coming without any values in it, why it's so? Can anyone help me?
  2. Hi, Is there anyway to call an api call written in a addon opr module after a pckage is created in blesta? I mean trigger an api call after package is created ? anyway for that ?
  3. He (jkmorayor) is trying to create a module to register domain with synergy just like namecheap module. We can use module for that, right?
  4. Mike, I'm doing this plugin for Paul
  5. I got a link to find out domain registration steps, the last step i found in it is attached as a screen shot. It was not an English website, so still i don't know weather it's the final step. Anybody can help me to see the whole steps?
  6. Hi Michael, I just found the video once more, link is http://screencast.com/t/w1lkxv5u I did the configurations as told in the video. Video has domain availability check part . It's checking weather google.com is available or not. And it says not available. But if a domain was available what will be next steps. Let me know if you need more info.
  7. Hi Blesta Mates, I already did those three steps, and i got domian availability check page in front end. After domain availability check i got a page with a order button in it. Screen shot of both of those pages are atatched with this Can anybody show me screen shot of other pages that will come after this order page?
  8. Hi Blesta mates, I am now developing a blesta module to register and transfer domain with the help of synergy api. I am using namecheap module code as a reference. I couldn't set up the namecheap module in my blesta. Can any body send screen shots of domain name registeration steps with namecheap module as a customer? http://screencast.com/t/w1lkxv5u this is a video posted by mike from license cart, and was a good help. But that video has just check availability part. What all are the steps after that? Can someone record video or send screen shot of steps so that i can do same for synergy. Hope i will get help from some one quickly. Thanks in advance.
  9. Hi blesta mates. Please go through http://projects.levoirsolutions.com/blesta-bridge/ and let me know your comments? Blesta customer side is integrating with wordpress now. A lot of fine tuning is left in terms of look and also features. Could you please let me know some comments to make it a perfect solution.
  10. As the alpha version was bit slow, we are now redoing the plugin with another approch. But unlike bridge using curl, new approch needs lots of effort. Right now we are not in a position to give you latest version code, just have a look on the new version here. http://projects.levoirsolutions.com/blesta-bridge/?page_id=64
  11. Tyson, Thanks a lot for the reply. your reply helped us to fix the issue. I have another issue now, When i try to create a New Package Group using the code, $data=array("vars"=>array( "company_id" => 1,"name" => $_POST['names'], "type" => $_POST['type'])); $addgroup = $api->post("package_groups", "add", $data);it returns below error. stdClass Object ( [name] => stdClass Object ( [empty] => Please specify a package group name. ) ) Do you know why i am getting that error?
  12. Tyson, Thanks a lot for the reply. your reply helped us to fix the issue. I have another issue now, When i try to create a New Package Group using the code, $data=array("vars"=>array( "company_id" => 1,"name" => $_POST['names'], "type" => $_POST['type'])); $addgroup = $api->post("package_groups", "add", $data);it returns below error. stdClass Object ( [name] => stdClass Object ( [empty] => Please specify a package group name. ) ) Do you know why i am getting that error?
  13. Hi,When i try to create a new invoice using, $response = $api->post("invoices", "add", $vars);it always shows error like, Internal error: Failed to retrieve the default valuestdClass Object ( [error] => stdClass Object ( [message] => An unexpected error occured. [response] => Internal error: Failed to retrieve the default value ) ) even if i hard code all the values same error comes Same problem comes in Add Acount Section also Below is the var array i used. $vars = array( 'client_id' => 1, 'date_billed' => date('2014-08-16 11:04:03'), 'date_due' => date('2014-08-120 11:04:03'), 'currency' => "USDD", 'lines' => array( array( 'description' => "Line item #1", 'amount' => "5.99" ), array( 'description' => "Line item #2", 'amount' => "3.75", 'qty' => 2 ) ), 'delivery' => array("email") );
  14. @wfitg I'll be happy if you can provide me a test server with blesta installed, we are rewriting the module for better performance. Just PM me a server details that i can use.
  15. Thanks Mike for the reply. We are trying to install the trial version in local for testing our blesta bridge. jkmorayur (Our developer) is gettinhg that error in local. We can install blesta trial version in localhost?
  16. Hi, I can help you to fix the issues, please send me PM or mail to nasir@levoirsolutions.com. One issue i am facing now is i don't have any blesta license. If anybody can help me to test it that will be great help.
  17. One note, to use this plugin you have to disable CSRF tokens on the login page. Please check http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/510-login-form-outside-blesta/ and http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1480-login-with-curl-to-blesta/
  18. Hi @medfordite I have got your email and noted your forum post too. Let me try to reproduce the issue you faced.
  19. I'm writing a tutorial on how to use blesta bridge, will post link here once it's ready.
  20. Could you please register at http://www.alltoolkits.com/user/register ? It's very simple. We would like to record download history as we like to send updated versions to blesta bridge users.
  21. Hi Blesta members, We had a discussion about wordpress integration here, http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1725-blesta-wordpress-bridge-screen-shots/. Many asked me how i can download it and try. So for all those, i am sharing link to download and try alpha version. Please download and let me know your thoughts on the alpha version. It needs lots of improvement, we will be working on those asap and will release beta. And we will be distributing it for free Link to download blesta bridge is http://www.alltoolkits.com/toolprofile/wordpress-blesta-bridge
  22. Hi Dear blesta community, Thought to share my knowledge of fresdesk api, Check below links http://www.alltoolkits.com/blog/php/using-freshdesk-api/ http://www.alltoolkits.com/blog/android/freshdesk-solution-category-api/ and let me know comments
  23. @Paulo, Can you list some of your free plugin in my AllToolKits.com once it's released? The site do have feature to list free tools too, so that users can download them without any payment.
  24. @Mike, Thanks a lot for your review. Going to use new slider. Creating those @Paulo, Thanks for your review, great to know that it's good in Android Samsung S4.
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