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Everything posted by Morningstar

  1. I do not think there is a way you can resolve your issue , sorry and as you see no body here have enough knowledge with this charecter issues.
  2. If utf8_general_ci is used instead of using ÀÁÅåāă simply A is substituted
  3. Most diffiuclt part is how to convert them !
  4. Thanks but that does not seem right . I have to spend a huge time comparing files and it is not a professional way and it is not practical for all those translation strings . Naturally it is developers job to tell us what has changed so we can upgrade properly .
  5. As admin or staff Is it possible to receive an email notification when a service is suspended and unsuspended? This can help be aware of any accidental issue
  6. Thanks what about if I have 3 languages but I just want one of them not to appear in client area so I can set it up for customer manually?
  7. Yes but it is possible that the words and charecters in the database is not exactly utf To make sure try to find the word that does not look correct in your blesta then try to find the same word inside your WHMCS database inside phpmyadmin table see if that charecter is showing correctly inside phpmyadmin of whmcs database.
  8. Well not a good sign It seems I need to watch this thread ? What version are you using any modules etc ? so I can test myself too?
  9. Go to your phpmyadmin and look to see how the charecters look like there. Is your database charecterset in whmcs same as blesta ? look in both whmcs and blesta in phpmyadmin and check to see. I think Blesta guys are not experienced with different languages and mostly work in English but hopefully in future things will change
  10. Sorry I did not understand so when new blesta comes how am I supposed to know what has changed as regard to translation so I can translate? Whmcs puts comment on every version and there is an override folder where you put any customization Is there any trick for me to know?
  11. I want see the language changes in different upgrades... Whmcs clearly mention that in each language file what about blesta?
  12. Most of my clients use the default language , I have a few that use another language and I want to manually set them up with it without putting the language choosing option globally Is that possible?
  13. Any tool to do a clean conversion from whmcs to blesta ? I use latest Blesta
  14. Thanks for reply , I did and I also created app password in google apps admin section but no matter what It does not work. I am sure if Blesta guys make a video tutorial or some thing it will be helpful to many. I need help
  15. My installation is on sperate server blesta.mydomain.com I want to use my main email Google apps support@mydomain.com Any tutorial how to do this? Do I need to use pop or imap ? I do not want to use support@blesta.mydomain.com
  16. I am curious . Guys ! Every body give ideas of using Blesta for any thing else not just web hosting ?
  17. Guys what do you use for inventory? As dedicated server provider I mean
  18. I had whmcs, I spent days and days to translate but every time whmcs updated I had problems at last I gave up. What about blesta ? As you develop your software, Terms , words will change or added. How will you handle those ?
  19. I want to translate only the client area, Nothing more . What files should I modify?
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