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Everything posted by webwise

  1. I finally got time to work on this. That sent me in the right direction (I use AIM by the way). After a few tweaks by changing what was required, this now works. Thanks for the help! Adam
  2. Tyson, Thanks for the reply. First, my apologies as I was clicking on the "Authorize.net" and it was taking me to the module configuration. Now I see where I can get more information and would have posted that the first time had I paid more attention. Anyway, both the input and output were labeled success. In the output, I assume this is the part that is important "https://secure.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll3|2|33|Customer ID is required." There is a lot more, but I don't see anything that would be a problem, but let me know if you need more. Thanks! Adam
  3. Good afternoon, Just upgraded to Blesta 3.0.5 and love it. I have one problem though, when I go to process a credit card, I get the following errors: "An error occured when processing the request with the gateway.: and "The payment gateway returned an error when processing the request." I looked for any details on these errors and couldn't find any attempt at a transaction in authorize.net and didn't find any details in Blesta. I even tried regenerating my API key. Any help or direction you can send me is appreciated. Thanks! Adam
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