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Everything posted by DandyDandy

  1. As suggested before sign out of Blesta and log back in with one of the admin users which was moved over from WHMCS > Blesta see if that makes a difference.
  2. This means one of your clients or admin users is missing an entry to there last name within your WHMCS installation. It would be better if this error was changed to "Please review your WHMCS installation for any users or administrators missing a last name entry"
  3. Who's going to maintain this and keep it secure the same development guys as Blesta?
  4. I get you now I'll give it a whirl later and report back. Would it be possible to make an offical page with all this information listed with also a link back here so people can ask questions it'll be a great help for others.
  5. This needs working on pretty quick to be honest there's a growing number looking to jump ship from WHMCS I wanted to do that today but I can't without the tickets being imported. thanks
  6. Is anyone having issues with migrating tickets from WHMCS to Blesta? Also I feel the developers should add a note about server settings when attempting to use the migrator as I had to edit the timeout settings to get the migrator to complete correctly. I also disabled mod_security since I didn't want that playing havoc with anything. I strong advise the developers to make people aware of this before they attempt any migration as it will save them time and help ensure a clean migration.
  7. Any more feedback on this?
  8. So I've attempted to migrate my database from WHMCS to Blesta. So far am happy with Blesta but the Migrator isn't all that great. I thought it would of had the option to manually import not entering database details and clicking "Continue" Apart from having to contend with various issues, importer not connecting, timeout settings, last name fields it appears when having done a 15 minute audit on everything which has been imported there are no tickets and this is important for us that all tickets are moved since they provide a history of any problems clients have faced. The only error the importer really flaged a part from it not wanting to connect firstly but re-uploading the files fixed that it was "Please enter a last name." which on a closer inspection a test account within WHMCS didn't have a last name so droped the tables imported a backup Blesta database and started again which that time it completed fully without error but no tickets. I've tried it twice but still everything else is imported accept the tickets. Am at a lost why tickets are not being imported being it's a critical part of the system and client history. Any ideas? P.S: How big is the database your using to test the migrator on?
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