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Everything posted by wdfee
In earlier versions it was possible to edit the html code of email signatures. The introduced editor doesn't allow that anymore and is very restrictive. As a minimum of customization I want to use my own company colors e.g. for links, but it is even not possible to use own colors. In old version I used to have an html table with my logo left and address right. This now looks terrible and is not possible to adjust. Could you please enable html editing of the whole signature again?
Hello, since update to 5.4.1 there are: 1. overview tables missing in client dashboard 2. main pages services, order and invoices not reachable for client I guess there either must be something wrong in my installation or this is a bug. Steps: 1. overview tables missing in client dashboard - login as client or visit dashboard when already logged in as client - everything shows up, but not the overview tables for invoices, services, transactions -> I already tried de-and reactivating the tables as admin in layout settings, didn't help. URL: /client/ error 500 in server error log for: "GET /client/invoices/?whole_widget=true HTTP/1.0" "GET /client/services/?whole_widget=true HTTP/1.0" "GET /client/transactions/?whole_widget=true HTTP/1.0" (all together) 2. main pages services, order and invoices not reachable for client - login as client - click on navigation items: services, order -> order history, or support -> tickets - OR click on any card (services, invoices, orders, tickets) - [ no problem at navigation items: dashboard, support -> knowledgebase ] - [ no problem at making payment or editing client / contact data ] - page opens with white screen URLs: /client/services/index/ /client/invoices/index/open/ /order/orders/ /plugin/support_manager/client_tickets error 500 in server error log for: "GET /client/services/index/active/ HTTP/1.0" "GET /plugin/support_manager/client_tickets HTTP/1.0" "GET /order/orders/ HTTP/1.0" "GET /client/invoices/index/open/ HTTP/1.0" (depending on the page visited of course) Blesta 5.4.1, PHP 7.4.30 (also tried 7.3.33 and 7.2.34), 10.1.48-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.18.04.1, mysqlnd 7.4.29
Hi Michael, this is going offtopic, I don't want to start political discussions here. I don't know where you're from, but I'm pretty sure that spreading destructive political opinions is not the best marketing technique towards customers. I've been following this topic since months now and assumed by your name that you belong to Blesta, and I was close to quit because of this. Now I took a deeper look, you're just distributor and I really hope, the Blesta team doesn't share your opinion. Thanks @Paul for investigating and clearing up. That's a good starting point but time is running and I will take a look at other software, then decide.
Any news on this, yet? I took a look into the subject https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-2463 with subtasks - most unassigned and unresolved. So I'm from Germany and all of my clients are in the EU. If Blesta won't be compatible with the GDPR in two weeks, I have to quit blesta and use another software. I absolutely cannot understand the ignorance regarding this topic by some commentators here.
yes, two nonmerchant gateways I wrote myself out of the offline gateway, did work great until the update. I took the fresh install, deleted all old files, no patch. I readded my custom files. In between I tried restarting the server, updating to PHP 5.6.31, and then to 7.0.22, but no changes.
Hello, maybe this is related to this thread: https://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/7453-upgrade-via-web-didnt-show-a-succes-or-redirect-to-admin-dashboard/&tab=comments#comment-46633 But in my case my installation (dev) is completely blank (admin, client and frontpage). error log shows multiple errors, but I don't want to post the log here publicly. Can I send it to you private? Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS‬, Apache Server, MySQL 5.5.49, PHP 5.6.30 (FastCGI) Thanks, Fee
Hello, in Blesta 2.5 it was possible to include the balance info in the invoice email. Even better it would be if this could be included in all payment reminders for unpaid invoices. My clients often ask me, oh how much was it, can you please send it again ... When they click on the payment link they can see the debt of the one invoice the email belongs to, but no complete balance (and some clients have more than one unpaid invoice). Thanks, Fee
Billing Overview: Add Yearly Statistics And Graph
wdfee replied to wdfee's topic in Feature Requests
sounds good :-) for me an option in the dropdown would be fine. If I want to see the other graph, I can change the option. -
Hello, I wish a yearly billing overview / graphs similar like in blesta 2.5 It seems it's only weekly / monthly now. Thanks!
Allow Coupons To Be Taxable Or Applied Before Line Item Tax
wdfee replied to wdfee's topic in Feature Requests
yes. I think it's because it's added like a line item (without tax), after the promoted product line item (with tax) -
Allow Coupons To Be Taxable Or Applied Before Line Item Tax
wdfee posted a topic in Feature Requests
Hello, I'm trying the following: One service costs $ 5.00 incl. tax, that's $4.20 excluding tax. This service is created via package (using Universal Module). Now I want to offer a coupon for the whole $5.00 amount. But when the coupon is now applied to the service, it's calculated down to $4.20 - so the client has an invoice about $0.80 instead of free. (Per order form / api) I also tried setting the coupon to $5.95 - this would be $5.00 + tax. But this one is also calculated down to the $4.20 of the line item. Request: A. Allow coupons to be taxable. Maybe a checkbox when creating the coupon. This should be applied automatically. B. (Much better): Apply the coupon to the line item before it is taxed. This would make more sense to me, because nobody has to tax $0.00 - right? Thanks! -
Hello, one question about this feature: I view a client dashboard, then manage one service. Here I've the option to Upgrade/Downgrade this service. I used Universal Module for creating the service package and added select options to the module service section. For every option I created a package. The client has now one of these packages as service. But when I select another option on this client service managing site, and save, nothing happens. Can you explain to me something about this feature? Do I have to configure something specifically that it works or ... ? Thanks in advance, Fee
I use values with 4 decimal precision nearly everywhere. That's because I have to precalculate the tax, I mentioned that in another thread. My clients prefer round numbers in the totals. In Germany we have a tax of 19%. This makes a low decimal precision unusuable. E.g. try to find a value for the line item, that will be 17.00 including tax. 17 / 1.19 = 14.2857143 In Blesta 2.5 I could not do this, 14.28 gives a total of 16.99, and 14.29 a total of 17.01 ... Fortunately the calculation with the 4 decimal precision works now! :-)
It seems the failure was caused by the gateway. The $amount was sent in another format than inside the $invoice_amounts array. And it was triggered by using another currency format (##.###,##) - so sometimes the numbers were interpreted as string, sometimes as number. It's not persistent. E.g. when I add a manual payment for the client as staff, the first field forces numbers in format ##.##, the second field, where amount is applied to specific invoices allows ##,## - in the line items and service packages I always used ##,## - so the ##.## at manual payment was a little surprise. For me I got it working now by forcing the gateway to use persistent number formats for both amount variables. And using ##.## for manual payment entries.
Sorry, something's wrong in my post above (but this is more strange): Invoice #1 was total $ 28.4706, the client was billed for $ 28.47 -> the invoice got closed Invoice #2 was total $ 49.6779, the client was billed for $ 49.68 -> the invoice remains open Here an partial output of the transaction arrays: Invoice #1: [amount] => 28.4700[applied_amount] => 28.47[credited_amount] => 0 Invoice #2: [amount] => 49.6800[applied_amount] => 49.6779[credited_amount] => 0.0020999999999987 Question: Where does the credited_amount go to? I didn't find an entry for this in the db. And what happens with the due of 0.0006 of invoice #1 ?
I experienced this problem, too. Two thoughts about the possible cause: 1. Calculating: I see that the amounts are saved into the database in 4 digit format. But payments are usually processed in 2 digit format. So in some cases the client stays on a milli digit due. e.g.: Invoice #1 has total $ 49.6779, the client is billed for $ 49.68 -> ok, invoice gets closed Invoice #2 has total $ 28.4706, the client is billed for $ 28.47 -> the invoice remains open previous_due always stays on $ 0.0000 After checking this I tried to put a manual payment about the remaining digits to the client. It was saved, but didn't help: Now the due of the client is shown with a minus, but invoice still remains open. I'm not sure about the calculating behaviour, but this could be the cause, I think. Suggestion: save totals in 2 digit format or round it up / down, so that the last two digits are zero. (btw the 4 digit values are set because of calculated taxes.) 2. Order of cron tasks: I wondered when using a payment gateway that the client still gets an unpaid invoice per mail. So I checked the order of the cron tasks. I think the run in the order of their ID: |1|create_invoice |2|autodebit |3|payment_reminders |4|apply_payments |5|provision_pending_services |6|cancel_scheduled_services |7|card_expiration_reminders |8|deliver_invoices |9|backups_sftp |10|suspend_services |11|exchange_rates |12|deliver_reports |13|cleanup_logs |14|backups_amazons3 |15|process_renewing_services |16|unsuspend_services |17|license_validation |18|accept_paid_orders |19|poll_tickets I'm not sure, but could it be, that "accept_paid_orders" should be before "deliver_invoices" and before "apply_payments" ? I think the best would be if "deliver_invoices" would run at last and "accept_paid_orders" at the beginning.
ah, there! thanks so no bug -- just a little bit hard to find. I checked: all my staff mails are sent in English, the support ticket notices, too. So this is not related to the order system but to the core. I think that's because staff has no language selection. Could you change the default behaviour to use the default language for staff mails then?
btw. the email I get now (after my db inserting) is the English one, not the used default language. That's not so important, but when you devs look into this you could check this, too.
this screen is empty for me (as admin), just says: "There are no email BCC notices available to your staff group." and in [settings] > [system] > [staff] > [staff groups] there is no checkbox for this in the bcc notices. When I check all those checkboxes they appear on the /myinfo/notices/ screen, too, but there is no box for order mails.
The database table "order_staff_settings" is empty, so no staff can be found where to send to. I don't see any option to set this in the blesta interface. But I see this is processed in order_orders.php. So I stepped once more into the database and inserted a new row into "order_staff_settings" with valus '1', '1', 'email_notice', 'always'. And hooray, I got emails as admin So, there should be an option or admin page anywhere where staff can be applied to order emails.
When a new order is done, the client get's an invoice and his service get's activated. But admin and staff doesn't get a notification email that a new order is received. The email template for "Order Received" is activated and has a correct email address. The mail isn't in the logs, too. Other emails are sent. It is not the same problem as I had with support manager mails, for the order email templates all languages are provided.
...the other email templates are there in all installed languages.
in the blesta settings interface for email templates, there is only one language (English) provided for the ticket mails. So it could only be added directly in the db.
so ok, I went into my database and made a copy of the email row of the Ticket Update Mail, set language to de_de - and now the emails are sent.
think I got the answer - and would call this a bug: it doesn't work if the default and/or client language is set to another than English. The support manager plugin serves only english email templates, so other languages are not processed. I don't know why it works for staff mails, maybe because it seems that staff hasn't any language settings.