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  1. I am trying to setup our order form and so far I am able to list and place an order. But I cannot see the order placed in admin dashboard. I even tried to mark the payment as done; but I cannot see the ordered anywhere in admin dashboard. I am also not getting the alert for service order. Do we need to install anything else than the "Order Form" plugin?
  2. Thank you for the reply. Mo_sec was actually causing issues, which I did not checked. For anyone experiencing similar issues, check Mod_sec log as well ( conflicting rule for us is 1234123440 ).
  3. I am facing an strange issue to add a new product. I go to [settings] -> [Modules] -> [Available] -> "Universal Module" -> Manage ; when I try to add a new product or edit an existing product changes are not reflecting. There is no error displayed but the page just reload with the page to add / edit product. I have checked all settings, but it still does not let me to add or edit a product. Any clue? Blesta Version installed :- 3.4.3
  4. Is it? Do you have any link explaining how to configure login share?
  5. When we can expect this?
  6. Hello, I have added the following email tag to "Email Template Staff Ticket Updated" email template. Client: {client.first_name} Subject: {ticket.summary} Among these "Subject: {ticket.summary}" is working; for "Client: {client.first_name}" I get an empty response. Eg: Priority: Medium Department: Support Client: Subject: Lost module extension You can see client files is empty. Please let me know how to fix it or what else email tag I can use to get client name / email address. Additionally it will be a great help if you can re-enable http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Email+Template+Tags. Thank you, Nibin.
  7. Hello, We have purchased new blesta license and have been testing the support plugin features today. While testing, I noticed that any ticket responses via e-mail do not change the ticket status ( like from awaiting-reply to open ). Is it a bug or am I missing something. I confirmed it with my license provider, whom are also experiencing the issue. Any insight guys? Thank you, Nibin.
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