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Everything posted by EidolonHost

  1. I'm not entirely sure. I might've been messing with the live chat plugin... but I honestly am not sure because I hadn't played with it recently. Edit: That is to say, I installed a few different modules and uninstalled them when I realized I wouldn't be needing them but it was fine in the available screen... at least, when I left it. /edit Any way to find out what happened to my poor Blesta install? heh
  2. And I have indeed enabled blesta error reporting... but that's not even showing up. Same for php.ini's display_error issue. It's... odd, not getting any output at all. Not even view source gives me anything. I'm not sure what happened here but modules installed shows the following to be installed: BuycPanel InterWorx Control Panel Namecheap Blesta Universal Module Should I reupload the modules section to try overwriting the files or...?
  3. That's quite alright. I'm switching away from VestaCP either way. It's good for a small server but requires you keep up on the patchings from Github... that is, if you want to keep up to date in order to ensure you're keeping up with the changes until they decide to release an official update to the next version which I have neither the time nor the patience to do so.
  4. Uh, not InterWorx for the billing system. That'd be VestaCP. Probably gonna shift it to InterWorx for easier time in managing this sort o' thing. Yes, it's on the same server. This is already configured for the most part. I think I need to do a bit more configuration but I'll be checking into this some more. Or have someone do this for me because I suspect I've got tunnel vision thing going on here. I'm pretty sure I looked at the link you linked earlier, though but I'll give it a look in a few minutes.
  5. EidolonHost

    E-Mail Pipings

    Christ. I've been reading for hours trying to figure out the best way to switch from Google Apps to our own in-house e-mail solution. Basically, I'm trying to figure out how to get e-mail piping... and I guess I just don't understand how this works. I mean, I can set up an e-mail server and configure it... and that's fine. But e-mail piping. This drives me up the wall. Can someone explain to me how I can make the switch and do e-mail piping for multiple departments, such as support@domain.com, sales@domain.com, security@domain.com and all that fun stuff and ensure it all goes to the right department? Also... I'd much prefer to mess with web servers over e-mail any day.
  6. Basically, yeah. Can you also group servers into a overall status? Like say... you have 200 of shared hosting servers, 500 of reseller servers, and 2 dedicated servers, just for giggles. Then you group them into three groups, respectively naming them shared, reseller and dedicated and show the server status for each group instead of individual ones, if so desired. Is it possible to have an overall status of the servers and have a... indicator of sorts for a server having issues? That way a customer can click on the indicator and be shown the specific server having issues... or something. Or does Cachet already have something like that?
  7. Nice... I think I'll most definitely be using this when this gets released. We have our own status page... but it's at Pingdom and... while that's great, as a server status page... it's not great for letting customers know that "Yes, we're aware of the issue and are working on it. Here's what's going on." This presents that nicely, I believe... although I do have a question: What happens when you get into the hundreds or thousands of servers?
  8. Er... no, not yet. I'm having trouble accessing my legacy server. If anyone else has a WHMCS install they can check for us, that'd probably help... although I'd suggest making this request over in the WHMCS importer thread instead of here?
  9. Personally, I'd recommend ModuleBakery if you're looking to do paid module development.
  10. Articles are stored in SQL... just like everything else in WHMCS. I'd need to fire up the WHMCS instance to look specifically, but I'm pretty sure it's in the SQL somewhere because there are those who sell pre-made KB articles for WHMCS... and what they have you do is inject those articles right into the database for WHMCS and presto, you have premade articles! So... yeah. It's basically HTML and such stored in the database.
  11. Blast. Alright, thanks. I'm still working on getting the Social Media icons to show up for me. Ironically... I see they show up on your browser, just fine... so we're experiencing the same issue, just in different ways. I dunno. Something is funky somewhere and it's been driving me up the wall.
  12. Odd, yeah I see them in your screenshot. I'll get to work on the fix for this. This shouldn't be happening and I suspect I know what the issue is. Can you check and see if https://eidolonhost.com/billing is experiencing the same issue as well?
  13. 1. Done, looks a lot better as you suggested. 2. What browser was this on? Chrome and Firefox shows this to be fine and ending within the darker section?
  14. Hi, So, I'm working on my site... it's actually a completely new redesign. It's still not fully done but the integration with Blesta is pretty much done, thanks to LicenseCart. Basically, it's minor tweaks here and there right now. We're working on getting the logo replaced, so I'll post back an update when we get the new logo uploaded, but for now, we're using our extremely old logo as a place-holder until this happens. Without further ado, here's our site — EidolonHost! We'd like to know what you think of the site, what needs changing and whatnot, so please post your feedback here! Edit: Before I forget, yes, the order buttons are not linked to the billing system... that's on purpose.
  15. Probably? I posted here to see if anyone else had tried to convert WHMCS KB articles to Blesta articles. But you're right, manual edits would be necessary anyway. I do have an install of WHMCS... it's a legacy one but it's been kept updated to ensure we'd be able to grab whatever we needed from it just in case. The main reason why I posted is mostly so to save myself the effort of having to basically remake the categories, the article names and pasting the article content and making sure the styling looks good. Well, mostly the look good part you'd have to manually make sure anyway, but I figure... this is something that should be automatically converted too, in the importer or at least some script that could do that for you, you know? Maybe we should request that one be made, separate from the WHMCS importer.
  16. Hi, So, I realized I had some WHMCS knowledgebase articles still lying about left unused and thought, "You know... I should convert them to Blesta-compatible KB articles..." because as you know, rewriting everything in Blesta is a pain and extra work. Is there a way to convert JUST the KB articles? Or do I need to throw up a WHMCS instance and let the WHMCS importer do its thing?
  17. You should be able to get a developmental license from Blesta directly... but you'd need to talk to Paul about it, as LicenseCart is correct in that Paul issues dev licenses at his discretion. We have an Owned Unbranded license with LicenseCart and I was able to get a development license directly with Blesta when I asked if I could have one. I haven't set the dev install of Blesta up yet as I've been researching and planning how to implement the module we intend to develop. We suspect it'll be a fairly large module as it requires quite a bit of work to make it happen. And... yeah, LicenseCart is crazy-fast in responding through various mediums. In fact, more often than not, when I'm posting somewhere, he usually shows up almost directly after I've posted. Just a little bit scary... but in a good way! If you want flexibility with selling licenses and the like to your own customers... LicenseCart is the way to go. I'd go with LC over BuycPanel any day, that's a fact.
  18. Either I'm blind... or the download doesn't work.... it seems to just show me text instead of a downloadable archive?
  19. I dropped development of VestaCP/Blesta module a while ago... maybe I should pick it up again... but right now we're working on a completely different module ourselves.
  20. I remember needing to ask this before too, for having multiple product groups on the order form and I know the answer is here somewhere... but I can't remember it, either... as I need that answer myself, amusingly enough.
  21. D'oh! That did the trick. I was confused as to why I kept getting this. Fixed, now.
  22. Done.
  23. Hold one, will provide screenshot. Edit: See: http://eidolonhost.com/umscreens Edit2: The um2 screenshot shows those options popping up inside the package add screen... but this only happened after I selected the UM as the module to use.
  24. Hi, So, I'm messing with the Universal Module again to create packages for our dedicated server offerings until we can either contract out a general dedicated server module development to someone or contract Blesta directly for that development. After having configured a UM package, following this guide: http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Universal+Module ... including the example input rules because you don't want those things to be empty. I went to create a new package with the pricings and the like right? Now... after inputting prices and all the usual test-related stuff to the package add screen, I get the "hostname is required" as well as the other stuff that I marked as required messasge... IN the package add screen. This shouldn't be happening while I'm trying to add the UM dedicated server configuration package to the order screen package. If a screenshot is necessary, I'd be happy to include one... but is there anything I can do to work around this issue while I'm trying to add products and the like with UM?
  25. Nothing yet, so far... but I will do that whenever I come across an unlicensed install.
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