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Everything posted by EidolonHost

  1. Alright, finally starting to get back into developing the module. It will take me a bit to start cranking out a fix for all the current issues that I've notated in the OP and made sure the module's properly set up. I need to refamiliarize myself with the module again since it has been a while since I last worked on it. Of course, as always, comments, code-fixes and suggestions are always highly welcomed.
  2. Everything's resolved but I just wanted to say thanks for clarifying why this was happening. Now that I know this, I'll be making sure I do the appropriate rituals next time upgrade time rolls around for both my development and production environment. So, TL;DR: Forcibly overwrite /app/app_controller.php if you can, otherwise, save blesta.php in config/ outside of where the billing system and download the new copy of the software, put blesta.php back where it belongs. Along with relevant modules and do ~/admin/upgrade. Should help someone else next time someone else runs face-first into this and tries a search. (and future me, as well)
  3. Yup, with this plugin. Talk to Sales about reselling Blesta Licenses. I did, and they enabled the ability to resell Blesta licenses for me since I also have an owned license with LC.
  4. Ah, gotcha. Yeah, I saved it. Thanks for your help. I've resolved all but the license manager issue... that should've been Captain Obvious to me... although.. I am still curious as to why the system didn't properly upgrade until I basically did the nuke from orbit option... eh. So long as it works, it works, right?
  5. ... Uhhhhhh, I don't think I did. Just the blesta.php. Why? Edit: Looks like I gotta raise a tix to 'em about not having access to that.
  6. Mine's VestaCP. I had to forcibly rm -rf and unzip the new copy of Blesta 3.6.0 since FTP was for some reason refusing my connection as well. SSH was the only thing that worked. Not even SFTP. But it seems to be all good, aside from that error at the end of the upgrade process. Edit: Looks like I spoke too soon. Checking the modules and hitting the Blesta License Module upgrade button results in the License Manager throwing an error, as seen above in the earlier post. Edit2: Oh wait, I derped. I'll have these fixed shortly. Edit3: The errors I had are fixed... but the one above, I'll need to grab the License Manager module... and I don't seem to have access to that in my account with Blesta. Edit4: Had to remove active packages. Tried uninstalling the module then installing it. It's now no longer present in the system. So uhh... yeah.
  7. Footer says 3.5.1. I mentioned that in the OP, rather, I said I'm on 3.5.1, which is the same thing. Checking database now. I did get the immediate redirect to the dashboard but no successful message regarding the upgrade. Database version says 3.5.1, as well. Edit: Also, I made sure to overwrite all the files when I unzipped the zip directly on the server. No change at all. It's really odd. Edit2: I decided for the nuke from orbit option since it wasn't wanting to work properly. Here's what I did: rm -rf everything in the billing area after copying blesta.php to a safe place so it doesn't get nuked. Redownload 3.6.0. Unzip everything. Use hotfix to enable it to work on the latest version of php... then finally, copy blesta.php back to the config folder. Hitting admin/upgrade did the trick... but I shouldn't have had to do that. Database now reports that it's at 3.6.0-b1 Edit3: Sidenote, this occurred after I hit admin/upgrade: Oh noes! Module 'BlestaLicense' does not exist. on line 29 in /home/eidolon/web/eidolonhost.com/public_html/billing/components/modules/modules.php Printing Stack Trace: #0 /home/eidolon/web/eidolonhost.com/public_html/billing/app/models/module_manager.php(910): Modules::create('blesta_license') #1 /home/eidolon/web/eidolonhost.com/public_html/billing/app/models/module_manager.php(356): ModuleManager->loadModule('blesta_license') #2 /home/eidolon/web/eidolonhost.com/public_html/billing/components/upgrades/upgrades.php(316): ModuleManager->upgrade('4') #3 /home/eidolon/web/eidolonhost.com/public_html/billing/components/upgrades/upgrades.php(85): Upgrades->processExtension('module', NULL) #4 /home/eidolon/web/eidolonhost.com/public_html/billing/app/controllers/admin_upgrade.php(102): Upgrades->start('3.5.1', '3.6.0') #5 /home/eidolon/web/eidolonhost.com/public_html/billing/lib/dispatcher.php(111): AdminUpgrade->process() #6 /home/eidolon/web/eidolonhost.com/public_html/billing/index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/billing/admin/...') #7 {main}
  8. So... obviously with the release of 3.6.0 out... First thing I did was try to upgrade. Unfortunately... it pretty much hilariously failed. As in... every time I tried to do /admin/upgrade it simply redirected me to the dashboard. I'm on 3.5.1, but I'm having trouble trying to get the system to upgrade to 3.6.0. Is the upgrader missing? I'm looking through stuff and I can't seem to force an upgrade at all. It's driving me nuts.
  9. Alright, so. I created this thread so that we can all discuss things we need to talk about in the Tasty InterWorx module by ModulesBakery now that it's been released as Open-Source on Blesta's Github here. I've already done some preliminary testing and while the module does work, it has some issues that needs to be resolved. We can discuss about those here and how we'd resolve them here, so as not to clutter up the ModulesBakery closing thread. We should talk about documentation for the module here, as well, I think.
  10. Also, sorry for opening a New Issue in Github so soon. I'll be listing all the Oh Noes! errors I come across in the New Issue post I opened. Edit: Phew. That's all the Oh Noes errors I came across in the client dashboard. Edit2: Going to create a thread discussing the Tasty InterWorx module and how to fix it.
  11. Very nice! Also, grabbed the modules to test them out. Note: Your modules need to be renamed exactly as the php files in each are described. ie, if you plan on using the digital ocean module, you will need to do a mv operation on the file. By default, that's module-digitalocean-master if you wget the master.zip from Github. You'll want to rename it to digitaloceanmodule if you want it to show up in the Available listing under Modules.
  12. Alright, another friend of mine has noted that I wasn't actually properly comparing. This final script should properly compare, now. It also now correctly e-mails on bad md5sums.
  13. Script in OP is now updated to work properly, for the most part. The only remaining issue now is that you still get an e-mail regarding the failure of the md5sums. But if you go to actually check the md5sums for the GeoLite2-City database, you find they're the exact same. I'm not sure why this is, just yet... but by and large, you should be able to just throw this into a script, set it up in cron to fire when MaxMind updates their stuff each month.
  14. @Paul Can you point us at the github repository in question when ready?
  15. I think you should open-source everything you have, except those that have had clients insist on you transferring the rights to the code to them. That way developers and even yourself can continue working on the developed plugins and modules. Why let all of your work go to waste? Those that need the modules will use them and those that can work on the modules to keep them updated, can and will do so. There's no real reason to not open-source everything all at once.
  16. I think they will be open-sourced. The e-mail states that anyone that purchased any of their modules will be given the source-code free of charge.
  17. Ouch, that sucks. Hopefully you're able to!
  18. They probably should open-source everything they previously had for sale... at least, this way their work won't go unused...
  19. First thought, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Second thought, "Dammit, I enjoyed working with them even if we hadn't gotten anything started with them... what the hell happened?!?!"
  20. You should also add the ability to manage updates for licenses. ie, attach a updates package to a license. That way resellers can see which one still has valid support and which one doesn't. Edit: Oh, and invoice customers for updates, as well through the reseller module.
  21. Ahhh, I gotcha now. Herp. Yeah, I believe you're right on this. Hopefully that's all it'll take.
  22. I don't think that'll be an issue. I meant having the ability to have Blesta download the DB for you on an automated basis. As you said, you just can't distribute the DB with Blesta but you can set it up so that it'll download it for you on an automated basis.
  23. At first there was a glaring issue in that Start Menu wasn't working... up until I connected to the Internet, anyway. Seems to be okay now. No issues here... yet, at any rate. Except for SorensonVRS's nTouch PC app constantly restarting for some reason. Edit: Oh, and not being able to fully shut down. Someone on Reddit had the solution for the issue. Turns out that by default, Windows 10 does fast restart, instead of a full shut-down. Power Options > Choose what closing the lid does. Click on the blue Change settings that are currently unavailable. Untick fast restart, save. Shut down as normal, force a hard reset then log back in, shut down again and it should work as you would expect.
  24. Nice. When you guys do that, will you guys be including the functionality to update the databases as mandated by MaxMind? Or is this script the preferred way to do it?
  25. Ack. Sorry about that, I'll need to shellcheck more carefully. Edit: OK, I think I've got it... it works for me now that I've corrected the issues. Can I have someone else test and confirm? It should work now. I'm not the greatest at bash scripting. :c Edit2: Er... looks like it works fine but not quite in the way I intended. I just got an e-mail from the server about the md5sum results... it was supposed to e-mail me on failure of the md5sum test. Looks like I need to fine-tune it a bit more. Edit3: This is a bit frustrating, trying to fine-tune the script to e-mail on md5sum error failure.
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