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Everything posted by EidolonHost

  1. Invoice and charge. There's only just one client group. Due notices. Edit: Note, the day's difference in the invoice and charge and the other one was mostly an attempt to troubleshoot which one was the culprit. ie, day 4 and day 3, respectively.
  2. That's what I've done for my system, as described in the original post. So...
  3. Hi, So, I'm puzzled by this issue right now. As it stands, everything is running nearly perfectly... except for this one odd issue. I checked the Client Group as well as the invoice options found in Invoice and Charge Options. Both areas are set identically but I am still seeing the Invoice Due and Invoice Due: Reminder e-mails being sent out on the same day as if they were set up to be sent on the same day when I didn't do that. What should I set to do the following: Send e-mail for next invoice 7 days in advance -- this seems to work fine. Send e-mail for the invoice to be paid on due date. This seems to also work fine? I can't tell for sure but I may as well mention this. I'll double-check this and see if it matches the recommended setting for this. Send e-mail reminder for the now past-due invoice 3 days after the date. This is not working.
  4. That would be a great place to have such a tool be present. I think it's long-past time that Blesta had one. I mean, sure, we have documentation that we can use to look for how to do things. But... that documentation deals solely with how to set up Blesta. Not with how to fix whatever issue you're having with Blesta. A diagnostic tool like you're suggesting plus a section of the documentation that deals solely with issues with Blesta would be great to have. Edit: Also, that status widget? It's sorely under-utilized. This addition to that widget would go far to making it more useful.
  5. I was indeed referring to this setting. I had found it once before in the documentation in the other thread I'd linked to in the original post of this thread. I think an e-mail being queued and sent by cron would be a perfect solution. Maybe as part of the Basic Setup process? I'd phrase it such that it's obvious that the e-mail sent should be used to help determine whether or not the settings're correct. As far as the web server configuration... previously as mentioned by someone else in the other thread, the documentation regarding this specific setting wasn't available. Or not clear at all. As far as the previews go... perhaps a mixture of cron and preview page for it, in the event that someone wants to set it up without having to utilize an e-mail server to get e-mails for the links?
  6. So... it appears that -q was the culprit. It now sends e-mails with the correct link. Man... such a tiny little thing, yet so much damn trouble!
  7. If you edit the cron jobs via crontab -e in SSH, it'll show up in InterWorx's interface, too. The interface is simply doing the same thing that crontab -e does in SSH. As far as mailto... some of them go to different e-mails, for other applications I've got running. One of the mailtos is to an e-mail-to-sms gateway that texts me if it detects something's wrong.
  8. Nope. I edit the cron jobs directly via crontab -e. I do have mailto for other crons, but not specifically for this one.
  9. Interesting. I feel like we have a bit of a split personality thing going on here... heh. Well, it e-mails me if I remove the /dev/null portion. So that stays. Any thoughts on this, Blesta devs?
  10. The >>dev one is to silence the system. I didn't want to have my e-mail be full of e-mails from the system doing its thing. The -q portion... I'll remove that and see if that does anything.
  11. O_o; What the hell? Then the links should be sent out properly... I do not understand why this is not working as intended.
  12. True. Which is why I suggested a preview. Obviously, I've no idea how complicated it would be to set up something that would preview this particular setup... but from threads here and there that I've read regarding this issue... Blesta has SOME form of detection going on for its particular setup. Which seems like it'd be helpful to extend that detection into previewing this particular area. Or if no preview can't be done, simply have Blesta ask you what link you'd like to see and use that as its setting. For example, let's say you want to see https://licensecart.com/billing and you don't particularly care how it figures out how to do that, you just want it to be able to set links in e-mails to properly show to clients where to go... that'd be great for that. Obviously this needs more thought but I'm thinking it needs a serious discussion. Mostly because I've been struggling with this... and if I've been struggling with this, surely others might've been.
  13. Hmm... this is annoyingly difficult to diagnose... but I suspect your setup is slightly different to mine because you're using BlestaCMS... which allows you to pretty much skip out on using domain.com/billing. Unfortunately, I can't change the location, otherwise the cron breaks and then the system starts complaining about that. It seems that everything appears to be correct.
  14. Cron job. If that's the case, then that implies that this WebRoot setting is irrelevant since it uses the cron-job to pick up its location? That seems... not at all intuitive. OK, let's see... my cron job is set to the following: */5 * * * * /usr/bin/php -q /chroot/home/eidolon/eidolonhost.com/html/billing/index.php cron > /dev/null 2>&1 This should be correct... no?
  15. I'm pretty sure I had it that way... yup, looking at my e-mail, I see this: Which tells me I obviously properly set it... but for some reason is formatting the link in this way.
  16. Hi, A feature request that I'd love to see get implemented ASAP is to have a green checkmark icon next to the WebRoot path variable for your billing system. See this thread where I had issues with getting it to work properly. I'd suggest both a checkmark and a way to preview the effect of the WebRoot setting before we enable it for production sites so we can be sure we've correctly set it up so it displays links properly in e-mails it sends out to customers. Your documentation on this seems to have broken its link. It is now... actually, I can't find it in the documentation anymore. What happened to it?
  17. Bah. Just got an e-mail and it appears that setting it to simply /home/domain/domain.com/html/ on an InterWorx-based server doesn't fix the problem, for me. Annoyingly, the uploads directory and tmp directory are both marked as writable, so I know it's picking up things.
  18. That'd explain why I didn't see it in the docs, then. At least now I've got it set to be correct... I'd been wondering for months what the hell I'd done wrong to make it work like that and had been doing a fair degree of research which didn't give me any clear answers on how to properly resolve it. Until I decided to check the docs again in case I missed something again. Very annoying, that, I will admit.
  19. Yeah, I saw that in the doc. I at least understood that much before I went to bed. Edit: I must've skipped over this particular bit of the document when I initially set this up or misunderstood what it meant...
  20. EidolonHost

    E-Mail Issues

    Hi, So... I have a few e-mail issues that're conspiring to make it a real pain in the ass to deal with. Specifically, I thought I'd properly set the webroot path under Settings > System > Basic Setup for the server (ie, /home/derp/html/billing) so it shows up as: However... links to getting the invoice paid for are showing up as the following: Is my understanding of the webroot path correct? Or should I be setting the webroot path as seen by users in the browser? Edit: It appears I slightly misdid my setup... we'll see. I've currently set it to ie, /home/eidolon/eidolonhost.com/html/ I don't know why I hadn't found this specific documentation describing this exact issue Edit: The link appears to have broken. Next: What is the specific server settings via httpd that'd correctly allow Blesta to detect the server's webroot path? Edit2: See original edit. Hopefully I've fixed this. :| Thirdly: E-mails for invoices and e-mails for reminders to pay the invoice are sent nearly simultaneously. I'd set them to be 3 days apart, but Blesta seems to not be using that setting.
  21. That gave me a bit of a chuckle... but while that's true, there are legitimate uses for IRC. A lot of FLOSS projects use IRC on Freenode, for example...
  22. Personally, I prefer IRC.
  23. See: https://github.com/blesta All the modules by ModulesBakery is there.
  24. Looks like the documentation for all the modules are gone.
  25. It's now under Blesta's control as an open-source project.
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