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Everything posted by Michael

  1. The database for the menus are in: plugin_actions but I can't find a contacts url so it must be hard coded in you'll have to wait for the developers to help on Monday.
  2. I just force https on the apache file (HSTS)
  3. Doesn't look popular to get on the to-do list.
  4. Copy and change the order form. If you not sure how I would wait for a developer to tell you how.
  5. I'd say you could use the admin tools but you can't remove it, so the only way would be removing it from the database or making your own menu, you could use our plugin for the custom menu (BlestaCMS). You can edit the html to change the name: Find: <?php $this->Html->_($contact->first_name);?> <?php $this->Html->_($contact->last_name);?> Replace: <?php $this->Html->_($contact->first_name);?> You can add via the database or use the BlestaCMS and add the menu's manually to your own Menu.
  6. No there isn't, not sure if many hosts charge you for terminating their services. But I suppose if that's what you like you can do a plugin to automatically charge them.
  7. Yes, on the Packages do the following:
  8. I think the modules are fine as they are but I've noticed it doesn't have a description like a few others e.g: Multicraft (ver 1.2.4) Author: Phillips Data, Inc. Provision Minecraft servers through Multicraft. So maybe: LogicBoxes (ver 2.2.1) Author: Phillips Data, Inc. ResellerClub, NetEarthOne & ResellBiz.
  9. Record a manual transaction for each payment.
  10. It's common sense... if WHMCS was securer they'd have less exploits to fix... I live in the UK, and the saying we go by here is: "Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer" http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ask-a-stupid-question-and-you-ll-get-a-stupid-answer I go by that with a nice British tone.
  11. See: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/5673-custom-report-paid-invoices-ids-per-day-of-month/
  12. Meh it's like going back to school haha. Look it should look something like this:
  13. Michael

    Cancel My Blesta

    read above your last post and still no reason?
  14. Do they all say that? if so use Yahoo, update it with that, then go back to Google.
  15. AreYouAhuman pop up works depending the browser, we have two forms, the AreYouAHuman and then a AreYouAHuman-broken for clients. But 99.9% of customers with us have no issues, so I don't think it's a bug with Blesta but the browser / and their captcha themselves. You can get them to show it on the form or do what we do. If you mean Google's recaptcha never knew they had a popup when selecting continue it's just displayed on the form.
  16. Its set when the client orders if they have AUD as preferred they checkout with it, they are then invoiced in AUD. Now if you order it on the backend it's USD.
  17. Michael

    Cancel My Blesta

    left it a month late? he could have told Blesta and they would have cancelled the order rather than paying twice and then needing to cancel the next month.
  18. Not sure how you would go about it but it's do-able since another company does it, but I don't think I would use it as it's one more less security. You could do Multicraft using the Shared Login Blesta provides.
  19. Michael

    Cancel My Blesta

    Go to your Blesta client area at account.blesta.com/client/ then on the services box click on Manage and then cancel options. May I ask why you are cancelling your license?
  20. You can't until this: CORE-718
  21. The normal cron job should work fine though on cPanel just change the php location to /usr/local/bin/php.
  22. I'd say about 4.2, as 4.0 is in dev, and 4.1 is for the domains revamp.
  23. Client area will have a dropdown box in CORE-1320 and a staff area improvement to allow staff to set a language for themselves in CORE-1750 if that helps.
  24. I don't know how ours works but I believe it's that file I told you about.
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