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Everything posted by Michael

  1. The issue is the core isn't fully KVM from what I've been told and yours is just OpenVZ, people would pay for a full version
  2. I believe it's his marketplace http://blesta-addons.com
  3. It depends, if they cancel before the renewal date they should get a invoice. If they are suspended they are still invoiced because you are still using you resources. If it's doubling the invoices for the same thing and not of the above then have you got two cron jobs set-up by mistake?
  4. The other option is do you have CloudFlare? If you do, try seeing if you have the rocket loader, that f*cks up Javascript.
  5. Why not just tell them it takes 5 minutes for the cron to run, we do that and no-one complains.
  6. This is Invision Power Board or IPB.
  7. Looks nice mate, the only change I would do is make the colours fit in with the design itself. The colours look a bit to dark, and maybe the side nav full to the bottom.
  8. I do agree with the universal cart so you can have hosting, domain and ssl for example on one order.
  9. Michael


    We do it's Package X on the webhostbundle.com
  10. We are mate 3.6.1 and no upgrade button on PayPal.
  11. Michael


    You can do configurable options for extra IPs, space, etc please see the docs: https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/SolusVM#SolusVM-ConfigurableOptionsOverview
  12. True but you have to tell them like your other thread else they won't know what to add and could end up making useless ones
  13. That's what happens normally. You set-up the PayPal gateway: Settings > Company > Gateway > Paypal Standard > manage (after install) Set-up an order form: Packages > Order forms > create. Tick PayPal and the currencies at the bottom and then place an order.
  14. DirectAdmin Extended is what one of my customers I know would like that. I know the biggest asked module on my end is for a Proxmox module which does both KVM and OpenVZ fluently.
  15. Already coming: CORE-1075
  16. And I'll repeat this again "It's not good for accounting and not recommended to do. Feel free to make a plugin to do it if you wish but I don't believe Blesta would go back on the quality of software by following inadequate ways
  17. Not sure then :s
  18. You have to re-order so get your customer to do it.
  19. Not been able to try it mate I'll get Callum to try it now since he's installation is non testing .
  20. Clients can only change the language at the moment, there is a third party tutorial to add a dropdown now but that's up to you, it is coming soon though: CORE-1320
  21. To be fair when I saw your post I thought you meant a html closing tag which in the html world is <html> to </html>, searching "html tag" on google brings up this page too: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_html.asp
  22. i believe it's a one-time fee.
  23. In my example yes, but you can set whatever terms you wish you can have: 1 month 3 months 6 months etc.
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