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Everything posted by Michael

  1. The only reason I can think it would happen like that is if you don't have mod Rewrite enabled on the Apache itself.
  2. The plugin when installed stores the name the menu uses in the database. So you either have to change it all before you install it or edit the database to change it.
  3. There isn't one yet: CORE-1091
  4. Michael


    Why run it manually? It's automatically set to run every 5 minutes if you did the cron job probably. We put the cron time in the welcome email ourselves. So if it was ordered at 18:42, what's the next 5 minutes in the 40 time? 45 correct so the cron will run at 18:45 and sends the emails out then. What's the next 5 minutes? 18:50 well done .
  5. Michael


    Cron jobs run every 5 minutes.
  6. It might be your API, what version are you using? ATTN for Blesta: https://stripe.com/docs/upgrades?since=2013-10-29#api-changelog
  7. You can use HSTS, which is done via the apache file, or you can use other force Https:// You could try for example: RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^yourdomain\.com [NC] RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://yourdomain.com/$1 [R,L]
  8. Yeah in the UK we're GB, not sure why but the only time we use UK is on letters. Same with our pound it's GBP.
  9. Michael

    Support Tickets

    Probably is a British thing because if I did that in college or work I would probably be told to re-do it again, but saying that I get leaflets, letters and reading books and magazines and no-one does it.
  10. Yeah you need to edit the database for that, you could un-install it, and then change the language files stuff and then re-install.
  11. Sounds like it can't get the customer-id from Logicboxes or the database please check the logs and post them here. Tools > Logs > Modules > Logixboxes: click row
  12. Ah that's weird why does removing it fix it? If you have the .htaccess you can have nicer urls without index.php? Is it InterWorx? you could try this: RewriteBase /
  13. I think you are incorrect there, the links go to http://multihub.co.uk/account/ e.g.: http://multihub.co.uk/account/order/main/packages/reseller/?group_id=2
  14. Michael

    Support Tickets

    I was stating that you don't see people sending emails or support tickets with more than one line break at any company, if you do paragraphs you use two small paragraphs, which uses one line break. If you do please tell me where . Now with that preview why not have 4 paragraphs, why a line per line...?
  15. Well we have 2GB ram and up-to 1Gbps port speeds because the server I'm on uses the datacenter with that speed, I probably won't even get 1/100 of that but it's still better than using a computer. And we only have 2GB Ram because of traffic and the number of requests to the database, etc.
  16. You're using your PC and internet, unless you have a 10gbps connection it will be slow. Why not just get a small VPS Linux or Windows and you'll use the datacenter internet which is 1000x faster.
  17. Michael

    Support Tickets

    It's markdown and why would anyone want more than one line breaks for a ticket. Do you like it on the forum? does it make it more readable? Or do you want to show a section because you can use ----- for a line break it shows a hr line. maybe you like 5 line gaps.
  18. Maybe Paul could do some forum awards on IPB so we can have a smiley face for being a customer and a little one for thread of the year
  19. You can void the invoices (Edit > Void)
  20. Thread of the year Not a Blesta issue or even a PayPal issue, they have to make money... More information: https://www.paypal.com/uk/webapps/mpp/paypal-fees We help process payments for millions of customers worldwide. Our transaction fees are based on your total sales volume and range from 3.4% + 20p to as low as 1.9% + 20p per domestic transaction. So the more you sell, the less you pay. Calculator: http://www.clothnappytree.com/ppcalculator/
  21. he means for the client_notes plugin. sometimes it has a -master you need to remove that.
  22. Michael

    Theme Url

    Correct, unless you can add a .htaccess to the blesta root folder, it will put the url to /client/client/login. Or you can rename the client route in /config/routes.php and set like what we use which is customers, so you could have /client/account/login/ if you wish. You can find the .htaccess in the Blesta zip or from our KB.
  23. Michael

    Theme Url

    http://blestaurl.com/client/login/ Register depends on what you call it: Packages > Order form > Create and select Client Registration from the dropdown box.
  24. This is what we use and have no issues with it (no double invoices).
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