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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Github has notices but I will sort out a changelog soon as-well as restarting the tasks board: https://atlantis.plutio.com/p/cms
  2. depends if ioncube loaders work on 7.3.
  3. more work to do? the simple way Blesta does it?
  4. That works I suppose if it's a current client what about people without a client account? With Blesta you can have more than one contact so that would also cause issues wouldn't it?
  5. and not just spoofed but if you have more than one ticket open how does that reply go to the correct one?
  6. That's cause it needs 3 values to work not sure which ones though.
  7. It doesn't work because the support manager is looking for the hash in the subject. It' show it ties it to the authorised ticket I believe. You could probably edit the support system to use the ticket.code but then I could open a ticket reply with your ticket.code if I knew it and just add a reply to the random ticket no authentication.
  8. Did you apply the hotfix for the version of PHP if you use 7.0 or 7.1?
  9. developers can fork it and add to it or even push ideas to github, or let us know I have a lot of plans for the Premium edition.
  10. You can't yet sorry as it's not released fully, we're still working on ensuring it works fully.
  11. I'm not sure as it's the Community Edition which is fully "free" If they need support and updates for the better features then the premium version the user will need a license. I am up for it if Paul and Blesta is.
  12. Thanks mate it makes sense as I want to help Blesta grow and this may help and help grow with the premium side.
  13. CMS Community Edition 1.3.0 released. Since this has a new table and not backwards compatible I've had to release it as it's new version 1.3.0. You can download it from the Github or from our website: https://blesta.store/client/plugin/download_manager/client_main/download/29/cms-CE1-3-0.zip Without Recaptcha enabled (Without the icon at the bottom right): With Recaptcha enabled: Settings: Been hoping to do this for ages and @Joseph H asking for it last night I decided to try and get it implemented. Please hit upgrade to upgrade your CMS CE to 1.3.0. If you get an error or the blestacms_settings hasn't been created or populated please open: blesta_cms_plugin.php Find: if(version_compare($current_version, '1.2.6', '<')){ or if(version_compare($current_version, '1.2.8', '<')){ change it to: if(version_compare($current_version, '1.2.6', '>')){ or if(version_compare($current_version, '1.2.8', '>')){
  14. Hopefully mate and more move to Blesta because you can make your Blesta your website for free haha and that gif lol.
  15. Thanks mate
  16. Thanks mate wouldn't be possible without your help making the tickets and I'll fix that haha how is now in the future haha. Fixed.
  17. After a long and great time building the CMS we wanted to change our way we do business to help others get the best out of Blesta and we can grow a bigger community with Blesta. The BlestaCMS is now open-code and the "base" is free to everyone. That's currently 1.2.7. We will fix bugs and patch the version when needed for free but to upgrade to a new version let's say 1.3.0, you will need a license. We're still working on this to make sure the updates are safe and secure. You'll also need a license if you wish to get support from us with active support and updates. If you do need support you can go to our support ticket page, click on BlestaCMS Support and then enter your license key. This will allow you to submit a ticket. You can download the latest version of the BlestaCMS Base here: https://blesta.store/client/plugin/download_manager/client_main/download/26/CMS-1.2.7.zip Support: Valid: Suspended: PS: We've fixed the spelling on complimentary, sorry for the error on the screenshot. Cancelled: --- BlestaCMS previews: https://blesta.store/cms Share / View the code / Modify / fork freedom on Github: https://github.com/atlanical/BlestaCMS-Community-Edition
  18. It's something we don't know. have a look at your pending services. If it's paid it's probably trying to provision it. Settings > Company > Automation then go to Pending provision. You can clear the lock if it's available to do so. You can also disable it there too.
  19. Thanks mate
  20. Thanks @Tyson mate that return $this->valid($client_info); worked as I found I had to pass the variable through to the function to show the information on the views. However submitting another form it tries to run the first form post in the index function and not the post in the success function do I need to set something up on the forms to call each one? <?php class Validate extends SupportController { public function index(){ if (!empty($this->post)) { $data2 = (isset($this->post) ? $this->post : ''); if($data2){ return $this->valid($data2); } } } public function valid($data2){ if (!empty($this->post)) { $data = (isset($this->post) ? $this->post : ''); if($data){ return true; } } } } both of the forms have this in the views: <?php $this->Form->create(null, ['id' => 'validate', 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data']); ?> <?php $this->Form->create(null, ['id' => 'support_ticket', 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data']); ?>
  21. Thanks Tyson mate I'll try both
  22. Please see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/11233478
  23. Thanks mate. Is there a way to redirect to another function in Blesta for example: <?php public function index(){ if($success == true){ return self::success(); } } public function success(){ //run this function? } ?>
  24. You haven't applied the hot-fix it tells you there: was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.4 and cannot run under PHP 7.1 or later. So you need the hotfix71. Copy the files from /hotfix71/blesta/ to the root of blesta.
  25. Michael

    Email doing weird

    I wonder what they are doing to cause issues. @Paul
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