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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Michael

    Portal Styling

    You can change the colours: Settings > Look and Feel > Clients You can edit the portal and structure.pdt to change the feel, but you need to explain what you are trying to do. There's a few free themes here: https://licensecart.com/premade-themes#Free
  2. I prefer Cody's option if you have to edit the gateways, no complaints then.
  3. KH links directly to the package which you can do yourself, and if you change config to main you can see that they aren't using a domain and other order form but general. So that's not even directly relevant in your statement. And if you had Hosting then Domain they still get the same feel but then they are buying a hosting package without a domain and then what are they putting for a domain? N/A.com or N/A to get an error? It's common sense for god sake.
  4. Well to be honest, do you order hosting then go oh I need a domain? Or do you buy a domain and then buy hosting with it? You can skip the domain part if you don't need a domain, in my opinion and how it works when I worked in hosting and that's logical to me. That's also how Blesta runs. If you don't need a domain skip it, if you want a domain you order it with your hosting. But hey most people here only want the opposite because of their experience with another system. And if you order a domain it is even pre-filed in the domain.com part for cPanel, InterWorx hosting which saves time and if needed it can be changed manually if the hosting is for another domain.
  5. easy or not, they log everything as tasks. and it wouldn't be just this one any one which pictures would be changed.
  6. I use it for the clean cache but yeah it's safe to use now, it did have a issue back in the day, but I've not used any other feature.
  7. Only if you have a unbranded license.
  8. You can use MaxMind / FraudLabs Pro (Packages > Order forms > Settings) You can also use what we do, and use CubeData's fraud record plugin which checks FraudRecords DB, if it's a VPN / Proxy.
  9. Won't be on 4.0 they already have that sorted out: http://dev.blesta.com/projects/CORE/versions/10603 4.1 Maybe depending on the guys.
  10. Support Manager Pro is a "Third Party" most people don't support third party but the default system provided with the software. You can however edit the tables names, etc.
  11. Why would you want to send the payment reminders later than you set it on Blesta? Doesn't that defeat the object of setting a date?
  12. Michael

    Email History

    Looks like you have CSS in the Text box. Do you have TV? If so can you PM me your ID and password. I'm going to close this as it's not a bug in my opinion.
  13. Your server isn't getting the hostname for the IP. I use Piping so I can't help you much more sorry. I found this on Google: https://forums.cpanel.net/threads/cant-connect-to-smtp-server.358051/
  14. I'm out of ideas sorry mate I would say it's down to the third party addon.
  15. Why not do a coupon for the labour tax if you are charging labour or do two companies one for labour stuff and one for products / hosting?
  16. Ok so as I replied in the other thread 3 people have requested it... If there's not a lot of requests for it "here" it won't be moved up-to the to-do list or even on the short / long term lists. You can pay someone to do it as I stated in the post you quoted.
  17. Source? There's only two posts here... hasn't increased much....?
  18. Michael

    Email History

    Clients profile > On the left click the arrow and then click on Mail Log. It only shows the TEXT version. Is that all you are asking about or is it a function for the API?
  19. Ah never thought about that so you can have a if statement e.g.: <?php if($this->Html->ifSet($description_head)){ ?> <meta name="description" content="<?php echo $this->Html->ifSet($description_head); ?>" /> <?php } ?>
  20. Why not ditch Google?
  21. Michael

    Blesta Themes

    haha we'll register you up manually if it fails We are always on the forum to help
  22. Michael

    Blesta Themes

    Can you check your IP for me please: http://getipintel.net/index.php#web if it's over 0.89 that's why. Feel free to skype me or pm me if needed PS: I checked the one on the forum and that's a 0.39 score so that should have allowed you past.
  23. Michael

    Blesta Themes

    I'm not sure what you mean. If you buy a theme on the net it's mostly a layout you integrate it to Blesta. So the header and footer match your website. You can use just the header and footer integration as your blesta theme on it's own. Or you can use a custom Portal / CMS from editing the cms plugin, using the free Admin tools from Naja7Host or our paid one-time BlestaCMS. With either one you can make custom pages and make Blesta your website: https://licensecart.com is fully Blesta from every page, https://licensecart.com/porfolio Modern Integrations are also fully Blesta.
  24. Not sure I looked at the source and there's a /member/ for the theme.css so I thought I'd try it and then it showed the page. I then clicked home and that worked too so was a bit puzzled but glad it works now
  25. Have you upgraded Blesta and forgot about the structure.pdt or have you got two Javascript versions on the structure? Edit: Looked at your site and Safari is saying it can't load any CSS files or JS files? Eg: http://siteshop[<.>]ph/app/views/client/siteshop/css/bootstrap.min.css has a 502 error. Edit 2: https://siteshop.ph/member/ and then clicking home to https://siteshop.ph works fine.
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