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Everything posted by Michael

  1. You're welcome and agreed
  2. Lol I'm prepared.
  3. Not when you put it to end of term it will be cancelled no invoice.
  4. If i buy a 1 month package when the month is over its cancelled.
  5. Well it's common sense because if you didn't reply to it then the staff did, if the client replied it's open. Staff change the status to awaiting reply so they know it's the client.
  6. it's because they use the same class It's ok but not my cuppa tea as we say in Britain haha I prefer clean designs which aren't bulky unless they have to ;D
  7. That big bar for the blesta links
  8. Yes because it's open, when a client replies or a staff member replies then maybe then change it but the Open is what it says it's a open ticket, the same with the closed which is a closed ticket.
  9. When you open a ticket it's "Open"...
  10. If it's not suspended you can disable the auto suspend with the calendar or yes you'd have to us suspend it either do the first bit I mentioned or change the due date.
  11. I believe they want it to go from awaiting client reply to awaiting staff reply.
  12. yes it is a edit of the standard one shipped with Blesta.
  13. Have you updated the cron job? /usr/local/bin/php /home/avissplc/public_html/billing/index.php cron
  14. 1.) Take a backup of your database. 2.) Install the support_manager plugin. 3.) remove the tables for the support_manager. 4.) rename the support_manager_pro tables to just support_manager and see if that works, if not restore the DB. The Blesta's default Support Manager has the following tables: support_attachments support_departments support_kb_article_categories support_kb_article_content support_kb_articles support_kb_categories support_replies support_response_categories support_responses support_settings support_staff_departments support_staff_schedules support_staff_settings support_tickets
  15. a log in account manager. You can create client accounts and they can log in. And yes, you can do anything you wish with Blesta as long as you make the plugins / modules.
  16. It's a guide to help you, you have to do what I did with your own template. If it's conflicting and causing issues you need to ensure you don't have two javascript files or two css files which are the same. e.g.: bootstrap.css from blesta and bootstrap.css from your theme. Both will cancel each out.
  17. Michael

    Blesta Log Issue

    I believe it will y the cron job.
  18. Michael

    Database Access

    Have a look at Enom's module for it, but again they shouldn't use a password but a hash for APIs in my opinion.
  19. Michael

    Blesta Log Issue

    Sounds like someone is checking domains on your domain checker or trying to place an order.
  20. Michael

    Database Access

    Why do you need to decrypt passwords? if it was my password in that database and you could read it I wouldn't trust you again.
  21. It is updated, the only change so far is: <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $this->view_dir;?>javascript/jquery-client-3.2.0.js"></script> should be: <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $this->view_dir;?>javascript/jquery-client-3.5.0.js"></script>
  22. You sure the pro version doesn't have the KB? It's simply a copy of the core with different features, and from what I know there's no way to import back to default.
  23. Michael

    Database Access

    Please see: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4259-encryption-in-blesta/?p=31692
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