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Everything posted by Michael

  1. I think that's complicated because every root is different per control panel / operating system.
  2. Michael

    E-Mail Issues

    It should be like this: /chroot/home/lcadmin/licensecart.com/html/
  3. Sounds like a host issue: https://vanillaforums.org/discussion/28511/solved-help-suddenly-get-php-network-getaddresses-getaddrinfo-failed-no-such-host-is-known
  4. I get a blank error too mate on 3.6.1.
  5. Maybe the boxes on the right?
  6. Sounds good mate and yeah maybe a radio box for [none] [include cancelled]
  7. Ah never spotted that thought it said it had pending changes not the last bit .
  8. Maybe a way if possible mate to check a box on the package and if a client has one active or cancelled throw up an error on ordering?
  9. is it uploaded to the /uploads/1/invoices/ folder? When you add it, it should go there too.
  10. +4 (+2 for me and +2 for you Paul mate )
  11. The invoice being closed will tell the cron that the invoice is no longer waiting to be paid, therefore the cron will run and upgrade the service. So you will have to downgrade it again if I understand correctly. Never had someone upgrade and not want it
  12. Feature request so we can be ensured there is a CORE as I can't see it on the public tasks.
  13. I would void the invoice and then downgrade the service again. Or you can tell them that because they opted to be upgraded they can't cancel the upgrade.
  14. Nice theme / integration mate.
  15. They have integrated their website to Blesta: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3642-blesta-integration-33x-advanced/
  16. There's no way to choose them yet: CORE-1880
  17. I thought I posted this but I haven't but I think it would be an awesome way to show the credit card style when adding a card to their account or when checking out. It mimics the card they have now Pingdom did it in 2012 but I'm not sure if they used the idea as it was in beta in 2012. Pingdom = http://royal.pingdom.com/2012/11/27/new-credit-card-design/ Open source = https://github.com/jessepollak/card Demo = https://jessepollak.github.io/card/
  18. BlestaCMS 1.2.0 is in development, make Blesta into your website / blog and much more.

  19. Michael

    Check For Login

    Yeah you can use: $this->parent->requireLogin();
  20. oh ok so I'm not sure why then mate. Never heard of duplicate orders and when someone normally has two things at once it's either a cron issue or someone double clicking the button.
  21. Michael

    E-Mail Issues

    The root of your system is always /html/ or /public_html/ unless you are doing a subdomain.
  22. deleted?
  23. You can't at the moment I believe but the are looking at it I could be wrong, search the forums ;D and you can use a plugin to check with a cron and if there's more than one cancel them or prevent them ordering?
  24. credit card I think is in a pdt file because thats for every card payment processor.
  25. You have to un-install the plugin, and edit the plugin to change the name in the language file, then re-install.
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