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Everything posted by Michael

  1. The issue I mentioned above is you have made a thread on the forum, but you are linking outside which are the same as in the thread you made here. And evidence to being scammed.
  2. I mean in the thread, else people who will see are the admin / mods and not the people in the thread.
  3. May I ask why you posted the links here as-well in the thread you made? It looks spammy.
  4. You should always provide proof to ensure people know you are telling the truth, but yeah Andy is a idiot since he's a administrator. See the WHT thread here.
  5. You have to do them manually their API I believe doesn't allow them to use configurable options.
  6. Michael

    Modern Theme

    I've uploaded the pictures with the themes now: https://licensecart.com/themes/
  7. Michael


    Hello Daniel, I've replied in our ticket this is a PHP 5.6 issue fixed in 4.0.
  8. Michael

    Modern Theme

    Yeah with the transparent feature
  9. I don't believe it's possible at the moment without editing the core or grabbing from the database.
  10. Michael

    Modern Theme

    Good idea will do that shortly
  11. Michael

    Modern Theme

    You can get them from the post above your post.
  12. I believe it would make integrating even harder because you'll theme your website / billing system to find out... you have weird order forms which you then have to customise as-well.
  13. Michael

    Release 3.6.1

    Lol there's being excited and then there's being irritating like a kid trying to get sweets... like you not understanding real words used in both Britain and Australia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloody#Origin
  14. The cron job for cPanel is /usr/local/bin/php since they like to be different.
  15. So you're editing core files to get it to work on your server? I would use a better webhost.
  16. May I ask why you are adding and removing .gz, you don't need to touch them on the SFTP server since it should gz them already:
  17. Could be a recaptcha error (AreYouAhuman) or the client group is incorrect on the order form.
  18. Won't happen it requires users and users cost money.
  19. yes you do it as an addon product.
  20. Michael

    Backup Automation

    Because it's ran by the backup system itself, it's not done via the cron job, that's why the "settings" are on the page itself and not on the automation page.
  21. Michael

    Backup Automation

    Settings > System > Backups: Secure FTP: You set the time you wish to do it (hourly / daily) Settings > System > Backups: Amazon S3: You set the time you wish to do it (hourly / daily) And it will be done when you set it. Once a day I would assume it's midnight. I have every 12 hours on FTP and it works for me. If it doesn't work (try testing the connection, it might be the port is closed or the IP is blocked in the firewall.
  22. Can't tell if this is a person or a spammer
  23. Don't need apps, the admin area is do-able on a smartphone / tablet. And the frontend is responsive.
  24. 1.) I don't think I've ever heard of anyone having complaints or issues with the cronjob time, I state it myself in my welcome emails and it's not recommended but: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4942-1-one-minute-cron-jobs/
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