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Everything posted by Michael

  1. It's nothing wrong with Blesta, it's the bounce emails set on the server aren't going to a blackhole but going to your inbox which is being piped like a normal email. If your using IMAP / SMTP the emails run with the cron job.
  2. Why are you moving folders? You just have to upload the language folders inside the language folder.
  3. It seems someone has opened a ticket with a fake email address, meaning you are getting a failed delivery, another email goes out by Blesta saying a reply has been received and then another failed message comes.
  4. The Stripe module doesn't have ACH supported yet: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/5812-stripe-ach/?hl=stripe
  5. Not sure Paul would have to come in to say. I personally change people's groups manually
  6. You can't have two it's just one (at the moment)
  7. Go to the profile page: Manage then change the client group. You can also set different client groups per order form so they are automatically put into that client group.
  8. Sounds awesome thanks mate.
  9. It could be the IP / Directory / domain etc might have changed. The cron job has it been set-up on the control panel or crontab?
  10. the vpn checker score: http://getipintel.net/index.php#web
  11. Your score would be: 0.53964000940323
  12. Have you set up the addons correctly? They should have a group which is attached to the product. Should see this:
  13. Nor me unless you don't have a smart phone. Safari & Chrome work well.
  14. Well I can Click Manage on the services row > Addons > select from the dropdown menu.
  15. That outputs the name servers for the server being used as far as I know and goes into the cPanel packages welcome email section so that's why I think it's your answer I could be wrong though.
  16. It should work with the server dns: {% for name_server in module.name_servers %} Name server: {name_server}{% endfor %}
  17. Michael

    Modern Theme

    he can keep it unliked he's so pathetic how on earth can he be webhost
  18. Michael

    Modern Theme

    Nope he just wanted to have the pleasure of moaning in a report.
  19. Personally I'd recommend you change hosts, crons should work out of the box. If you don't have a panel crontab in centos is built in and that works fine too.
  20. Awesome merci mate. You can do this however: SELECT contacts.client_id, contacts.first_name, contacts.last_name, contacts.email, contacts.address1, contacts.city, contacts.zip, contacts.country FROM contacts WHERE contacts.client_id in ( SELECT clients.id FROM client_groups LEFT JOIN clients ON clients.client_group_id = client_groups.id WHERE client_groups.company_id = ':chosen_id' ) ORDER BY contacts.client_id;
  21. That's manual activation.
  22. What the hell is your host telling you to do :s If you use cPanel you add the cron job to the cron tasks using /usr/local/bin/php since they do things arse backwards. Adding that hashbang won't run a cron job because the cron doesn't know it should run it.
  23. There's two ways: 1. the cron runs which applies the unpaid credit to their invoices. 2. They do it manually. Click Pay, tick the box saying credit and save. if they are doing 1, and your cron is working fine check if the credit is automatically applied: Settings > Company > Billing / Payment > Automatically Apply Loose Credits You can also check: Automatically Provision Paid Pending Services
  24. Never had that happen before so never tried it. I normally do it on the backend if they don't pay within a timezone.
  25. Yep mod_rewrite issue according to my inbox
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