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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Closing as not a bug, Blesta was built currently to insert the payment gateway names into the database when installed. See: - http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4955-gateway-name-in-multilanguage/?hl=gateway+names#entry36962 - http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4060-translation-of-gateway-name/?hl=gateway+names#entry29942
  2. You can use -10.00 on the current invoices not sure about QTY as -1 though, we do that for refunds to close the invoice?
  3. Why not for example: index.php encrypted. <?php if license is valid[ include(./folder/header.php); include(./folder/content.php); include(./folder/footer.php); ]else[ Sorry this website is not licensed ]
  4. Why not just make one index.php encoded which doesn't need to be customised but calls home.
  5. In plain English, they need to rip out the coupon system from Blesta, so you can't do any coupons, and re-build it from scratch to make it 100% more flexible which is what they are doing to the domain system in 4.1 to make it better.
  6. Nope
  7. Yes you can't use that tag in "From Name" so it won't work, so we do Licensecart: Support since it's a support ticket
  8. Ok so do I This is what I have in each subject: Ticket Received Licensecart {ticket.department_name} - {ticket.summary} #{ticket.code} [{ticket_hash_code}] Ticket Updated Licensecart {ticket.department_name} - #{ticket.code} has been {% if ticket.reply_date_added == ticket.date_added %}opened{% else %}updated.{% endif %} [{ticket_hash_code}] Staff Ticket Updated Licensecart {ticket.department_name} - Update to Ticket {ticket.code} - Priority: {ticket.priority} Staff Ticket Updated (Mobile) Ticket {ticket_hash_code} For the From Name I use: Licensecart: Support
  9. What plugin are you using for support? and what templates are you editing?
  10. We use this tag in our email titles: Licensecart {ticket.department_name} - #{ticket.code} has been {% if ticket.reply_date_added == ticket.date_added %}opened{% else %}updated.{% endif %} [{ticket_hash_code}]
  11. If you aren't happy why did you buy it? There was a trial, and we used it for hosting back in 2013 but then we closed that brand due to consent MySQL issues. Before that 2.5 because I was fed up of updating at 1-3am. Yes but it's not something everyone needs / wants, just the odd few, everyone is moaning about a mass mailer / domain system, both coming shortly. They aren't supermen.
  12. That's why you either do a recurring deal (every month) or a one time deal. Or what I do is special packages. You do what your system allows you or what you can do. Like you could have searched for this thread: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/993-coupons-per-tier/?hl=coupons which has: CORE-171
  13. Just apologies and say it won't happen again, it's either their fault for not cancelling or it was imported If you moved to Blesta.
  14. Void the invoice.
  15. Maybe Inactive / Closed / Fraud
  16. Correct.
  17. 5.6 is currently supported: [root@server ~]# php -v PHP 5.6.23 (cli) (built: Jun 22 2016 08:56:52) Copyright (c) 1997-2016 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.6.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2016 Zend Technologies with the ionCube PHP Loader (enabled) + Intrusion Protection from ioncube24.com (unconfigured) v5.1.2, Copyright (c) 2002-2016, by ionCube Ltd. [root@server ~]# 7.0 the ioncube guys need to fix something in the beta first.
  18. That's not supported by Blesta, but the third party who made it. I'm not sure what templates they look like but make sure you don't have both installed else you might have issues.
  19. It does as far as I know cancelling pending orders decreases the outstanding balance.
  20. Do you run a business? If you work in a factory, you have employees doing the work, a manager checking everything is fine and a boss who overlooks everything in the factory. How hard is it for one person to check orders? Enable the order email notices and use a brain we was born with.
  21. That's why you use either: 1. Cancel the pending order: Billing > Orders > tick the box and click cancel. 2. Delete the pending service from the services box and then void the invoice.. Blimey am I back at a school?
  22. It is automatic if 1. you have the plugin enabled. If it was fully automatic and you wanted to allow a client time to pay an invoice it would be cancelled and you would be moaning here again. But this time because Blesta was removing services you was allowing a client time to pay. You can't win. Really makes me wonder if you run a business or a lazy let it do everything for me business. No manual labour required.
  23. Never would have guessed that
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