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Everything posted by Michael

  1. The only other thing I can think of, is are you using CloudFlare?
  2. I believe it's called "Logs"
  3. Disabling it would be the best option to go.
  4. I've never had anyone report that error with me, everything there is fine minus a few I've never heard about, but are you using Xcache?
  5. There's two ways: 1. Edit the database and if it breaks => software is useless 2. Use a plugin. But doing so could break your countries law. Like some countries you have to keep a record of invoices, client accounts and sometimes services.
  6. Because you can't delete a package which had a service attached and you can't delete a service, so just put the old packages in restricted and create new ones :).
  7. Michael

    Logicboxes Issues

    From the two guys above you will not be able to edit the domain UNTIL the domain is UN-LOCKED. But you must have found a bug because it's not showing you an error.
  8. Michael

    Logicboxes Issues

    Your first post says name servers, therefore people are replying to that, that's why you should post other issues in their own thread :).
  9. Michael

    System wipe

    You can get a csv report but that's it but that's not removing everything but the customers. Billing > Reports > Customize: Query: SELECT * FROM contacts Or get customers with their number Query: SELECT contacts.client_id, contacts.first_name, contacts.last_name, contacts.email, contacts.address1, contacts.city, contacts.zip, contacts.country, contact_numbers.number FROM contacts INNER JOIN contact_numbers ON contacts.client_id=contact_numbers.contact_id ORDER BY contacts.client_id;
  10. Michael

    System wipe

    Only by deleting everything and re-installing.
  11. What irritates me is WHT (vb 4.2.2 Patch Level 4) and Ubuntu forums (vb 4.2.2 Patch Level 1) haven't upgraded they are going along as if it's nothing. VB released a new patch called vb4.2.2 Patch Level 6, so they should be on that version, but they aren't so glad I don't use WHT anymore or Ubuntu because they don't care about their users. That or security is so low they are just waiting to get a nice hack page before they act.
  12. You can just go to their client profile page and on the support widget see closed tab, or awaiting reply or in progress.
  13. Aww did I upset you little boy for posting a email log with a first name of a guy claiming I put him on FraudRecord for no reason... Shame anyone uses your pathetic so called Vimhost business.

  14. Ah that's easy
  15. Yeah but what.... the widgets? the template design (integration), a payment button, the blesta copyright, the login page, the order form, support manager, etc. It's like saying I need to change something on the car, but it could be the wheels, the colour, the seats, the seat belts, the steering wheel, etc.
  16. I'm a user like you, but I'm not a psychic who can see what you can see or what you are trying to do, but if you wish, I won't try and help and you can wait for someone else Night.
  17. You need to explain better sorry, customise the client area presentation? In english means what? Customising the template, editing a order plugin or....
  18. All I see is: Now the bootstrap template is nothing to do with order templates. Blesta's client area is built on Bootstrap, and the default theme template is in a folder called bootstrap aka: /app/views/client/bootstrap/
  19. I provided you this tag: {transaction.amount | currency_format transaction.currency} Which converts it from $24.0000 to $24.00
  20. Have you tried the email template I pointed above since that works for us. Unless your using a API.
  21. If you want to edit the packages order you can just go to Packages > Groups click the group row and you will see all the packages there. Simply drag and drop the packages in the new order with the icon on the left. For the second question we will need a screenshot as I'm not sure what template you are using for the order form.
  22. If you're up for it can you pm me your teamviewer ID please.
  23. Would you like me to have a look with you?
  24. You have HSTS (via the SSL server file vhosts) or the htaccess file to force SSL. I've never heard of issues with redirecting so have you tried another server?
  25. Michael

    Updating Blesta

    If you are using SSH to upgrade your blesta you can note down which files you have customised and remove them from the new zip before you over-write, then do what Paul said for checking what has changed and add your edits to the new files if needed. And if you have your own theme as Paul said then you don't need to worry about the client side unless there are changed main features you will need on your own theme.
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