Blesta has a built in importer which you can use: Settings > Company > Plugins: Import Manager.
And there's two tutorials:
PS: The importer works on v5.x.x and v6.x.x
The theme should work on v4, you may have to do a few edits on the v4 theme, but that's only really the js / navbar to include the order bit as far as I'm aware.
He wants to set the yearly as default until you change it in the dropdown. For example if you offer 3 terms and they click order they see monthly, well some want it on yearly by default.
Ken closed it due to personal reasons but not sure why:
I wonder if it's just a one off error which might be caused by double clicking or something else.
Since the base_uri only works on the portal pages (until 4.0 I believe) you can use this fix:
Above this:
$site_url = "";
That looks fine, on my installation 3.6.2 that line has:
<strong><?php echo $this->CurrencyFormat->format($this->Html->ifSet($total), $this->Html->ifSet($currency->code));?></strong>
Which is the same...