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Everything posted by Michael

  1. The package information is sent with the welcome email you set in the packages, depending on the module you are using you can see these examples: http://licensecart.com/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/index/26/
  2. That has been already done as-well. External ClientLogin Form With Csrf Tokens Enable External Login CustomLogin Integration From Your Own Site. No. (Data-Toggle="modal") Whats with the the COLOURED text All over the Place, does it make you read it or does it annoy YOU because there is NO need to do so?
  3. Depends where you purchased your domain from, if you can provide me that I can help you a bit more
  4. You can just select the General Order form type they will need a domain however to create the cPanel, direct admin, interworx, plesk, etc as they require it. But you will skip the domain searcher. Not sure what you mean here, you can activate a trial by installing Blesta and click on free trial. You can process orders as normal as there isn't any limits on the trial minus the 30 days free trial. Correct use the information your reseller provides you. You can set the server label to whatever you wish however. If you are a reseller you can use the IP or the hostname both work. If you use Plesk I believe they require a hostname by default and refuse an IP. You have to create child name servers and point them to the server IP.
  5. Edit the portal plugin: Settings > Company > Plugins > portal and click manage then add the link for the support_manager pro instead of support_manager. Please try these basic things.
  6. Moved from support to contribute because that is what you are doing. You are contributing to the community.
  7. Ok so the only reason I can see you having an issue is you aren't entering a "value". See this video: http://screencast.com/t/i8B3t6oX So from my experience and testing on B3 is that it works as it does in v3.0.0.
  8. Still nothing for what?
  9. Can you please keep everything related to third-party addons in their own thread (the thread made by the developer) so they can help you and it doesn't take the attention from the normal Blesta addons where everyone minus the developer can help with.
  10. Thats my fault I disabled logs for protection use. As a admin you can. I'll close as its not a bug
  11. Oh sorry thought you wanted to have none unless they picked it. From your screenshots it looks like your ajax isn't loading the correct price in the summary?
  12. Sorry Addons packages aren't what you need but they have "none" already there, You need to make a nice row called None and 0.00 so that is selected first.
  13. On: Use: /usr/local/bin/php /home/username/support.mywebsitename.com/sub_folder/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php plugin/support_manager/ticket_pipe/index/1/ Notice the "local"?
  14. cPanel doesn't use /usr/bin/php they use /usr/local/bin/php
  15. So technically it's an email address for your mobile (That's what I and others I know use it for), and you can also set-up a SMS email and get texts. Doesn't mean it's just for that because I don't use cPanel :).
  16. When it says "Email" you put in a "Email" and not a phone number.
  17. un-install the support manager and install the support manager pro, remove the 1 folder inside /cache/ and it will clear the navigation cache.
  18. You see 2 links, go to /cache/ and delete the 1 folder then F5.
  19. Anything is possible with Blesta
  20. You have to make an option which is 0.00 with the label None it doesn't add that automatically, the only way to do that is by making addon packages.
  21. I don't think he understands what an "upgrade" means as he's said it like 100+ times here. You have to install the plugin first you don't upgrade something which hasn't been installed. It's basically common sense. Have you uploaded the folder to the plugin folder correctly and not a random folder made by the zip so it's plugins/support_manager_pro/ and inside there is: /views/ & /components/ & /config/ etc
  22. Exactly what it is, you can get emails on your mobile phone as-well as your main email address.
  23. I think Naja7Host ( @Blesta Addons ) was thinking of doing one. I could be wrong though.
  24. My Info > mobile email address
  25. in the server's php.ini file_uploads variable You can'r restrict file types just don't download them.
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