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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Yes it's normal and no-one really uses it unless they want to add more money to their account. I'm going to close this thread as it's not a bug. Text values are not bugs unless it's spelt incorrect.
  2. Please go to: getbootstrap.com and follow their guides and tips. And if you are really new to Html / css I highly recommend as you are young to use the site I used when I was 14. w3schools.com and that will help you a lot.
  3. Michael


    Ah yeah it's not a Blesta official plugin, that's coming in 4.0.0.
  4. Michael


    Check the folders it should have plugins/mass_mailer/ then the files like mass_mailer_plugin.php You can check the files from here: https://github.com/carriercomm/Mass-Mailer
  5. Michael


    I believe it's under tools after you've installed it: Settings > Company > Plugins > Available.
  6. does his site work for you mate? I see this:
  7. Bit confused your website is down. or something because clients.cyandark.com/order/ doesn't work and there's a black page?
  8. How would that work? because you need an account to store transactions and orders and even invoices?
  9. The bit in the routes.php is only if you changed client to something like I did, I don't use the default client route: client, I use customers.
  10. 1. No because how does Blesta know how many backups have been sent? That's for the backup server to know and fix, so you can setup a cron to remove them or just log in and remove them. 2. You can download a backup by clicking "Download Backup", and no you can't get an email..... When has email ever been secure? Have a look at this video: https://player.vimeo.com/video/104369003
  11. You can edit the /app/views/client/theme/structure.pdt and add the code at the bottom.
  12. Have a look at: How can I sell a product without a module?
  13. are you using the universal module?
  14. I'm asking as in what are you putting into that box e.g: Dear {client.first_name} {client.last_name}, PLEASE READ THIS EMAIL IN FULL AND PRINT IT FOR YOUR RECORDS Thank you for your order from us! Your hosting account has now been setup and this email contains all the information you will need in order to begin using your account. If you have requested a domain name during sign up, please keep in mind that your domain name will not be visible on the internet instantly. This process is called propagation and can take up to 48 hours. Until your domain has propagated, your website and email will not function, we have provided a temporary url which you may use to view your website and upload files in the meantime. New Account Information Hosting Package: {package.package} Domain: {service.cpanel_domain} Package Price: {pricing.price | numberformat 2, ".", ","} Package Period: {pricing.period} Cancellation Fee after 10 days of your first product with us: {pricing.cancel_fee | numberformat 2, ".", ","} Login Details Username: {service.cpanel_username} Password: **** [Password Hidden for security reasons] Control Panel URL: http://{module.host_name}:2082/ Once your domain has propogated, you may also use http://www.{service.cpanel_domain}:2082/ Server Information Server IP: {module.host_name} If you are using an existing domain with your new hosting account, you will need to update the nameservers to point to the nameservers listed below. {% for name_server in module.name_servers %} Name server: {name_server}{% endfor %} Uploading Your Website Temporarily you may use one of the addresses given below to manage your web site: Temporary FTP Hostname: {module.host_name} Temporary FTP Username: {service.cpanel_username} Temporary FTP Password: cPanel Password And once your domain has propagated you may use the details below: FTP Hostname: {service.cpanel_domain} Webpage URL: http://www.{service.cpanel_domain} Email Settings For email accounts that you setup, you should use the following connection details in your email program: POP3 Host Address: mail.{service.cpanel_domain} SMTP Host Address: mail.{service.cpanel_domain} Username: The email address you are checking email for. Password: As specified in your control panel. Thank you for choosing **Your Company Name here.**
  15. And what are you putting it?
  16. Can I ask what are you putting into something and where are you putting it? Support Manager / Emails / Packages
  17. Could be a blank space or something somewhere copy that content and then paste it in the text field, then copy it and paste it back in.
  18. Sounds like either the cron isn't running correctly or it's the information above: Domain name: yourdomain.com nameserver 1: ns1.hostdomain.com nameserver 2: ns2.hostdomain.com
  19. I feel like I'm talking to a teenager who can't understand how to install software minus Wordpress. I'm trying not to be an arsehole (which I know I am), but come'on I've tried to be nice in the other threads and I just feel I'm talking to someone who hasn't got any experience in the web hosting industry and you claim to be good with wordpress. Do you understand what a ROOT WEB DIRECTORY IS? It is where the bloody root of the bloody install is. So to a human being it would be: /home/username/support.mywebsitename.com/ because that is where you upload your bloody website or Blesta. Unless you have really installed Blesta in a uploads folder and that is where you make your website then fine. Temp Folder: Well that's self explanatory too, it's where the temp folder is on the server which is writable by everyone so you don't touch it. Uploads folder: Well I thought that sort of self explained itself too, it's where the UPLOADS folder is, the folder which should be called UPLOADS, and it shouldn't be in Public reach because any tom, dick or harry can view the bloody contents if they know what they are looking for (which would take a genius because they are hashed files unless you upload them manually), which in your case would be: /home/username/support.mywebsitename.com/uploads/ If you own the VPS you are on: nano /etc/php.ini memory_limit = 32M upload_max_filesize = 24M post_max_size = 32M then reboot apache.
  20. Not out of the box that edit Jawanet mentioned should fix it but I haven't had issues on a retina screen: (2880 x 1800)
  21. Can I just check with you, you do realise that attachments aren't sent in emails BUT should show up on the ticket in Blesta itself. and thinking about it, it could be a PHP setting which is preventing it because the attachment is bigger than they allow. This is why it's best to host yourself on your own vps so you can set the limits.
  22. That sounds like your hostname for the company is incorrect: Settings > System > Companies
  23. It depends on your website, does your website have bootstrap? If it does then it would be responsive like it should be. Otherwise it will not and won't look good either which your link to the login page works fine.
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