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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Try this: /app/models/navigation.php Find: $base_uri . "accounts/" => array( 'name' => $this->_("Navigation.getprimaryclient.nav_paymentaccounts"), 'active' => false, 'secondary' => array( $base_uri . "accounts/" => array( 'name' => $this->_("Navigation.getprimaryclient.nav_paymentaccounts"), 'active' => false, 'icon' => "fa fa-list" ), $base_uri . "accounts/add/" => array( 'name' => $this->_("Navigation.getprimaryclient.nav_paymentaccounts_add"), 'active' => false, 'icon' => "fa fa-plus-square" ), And remove it and then clear the cache by removing the 1 folder in: /cache/
  2. Dreamweaver is so awful, really is the worst software in the world. I make a list of every file I've edited: rm -rf ./plugins/support_manager/pipe.php rm -rf ./plugins/support_manager/views/default/client_tickets_add.pdt rm -rf ./plugins/support_manager/views/default/client_tickets_reply.pdt rm -rf ./plugins/support_manager/views/default/client_tickets_departments.pdt rm -rf ./app/views/client/bootstrap/structure.pdt rm -rf ./app/views/client/bootstrap/client_login.pdt rm -rf ./app/views/client/bootstrap/config.json rm -rf ./config/routes.php rm -rf ./components/modules/thesslstore/thesslstore.php rm -rf ./plugins/order/views/templates/wizard/config.pdt rm -rf ./plugins/order/views/templates/wizard/checkout.pdt rm -rf ./app/views/client/bootstrap/client_services_manage.pdt
  3. Or write the file down in a text file and when you come to update Blesta remove the files from the zip. Or put your custom design in it's own folder, and repeat the first step. And who uses dreamweaver ewww. They add lines and un-tidy code everywhere.
  4. They are there incase you 1. What to organise clients. 2. If you wish to give different customers different limits (maybe dedicated customers can get more time to pay, etc).
  5. Not sure why it's not listed but you can always use "Google"
  6. That's not the same page, that's totally different and you can see a thread on the forum by searching "Change PayPal"
  7. Then you didn't do what I said and you voided the transaction otherwise it's available credit unless it's already been re-applied because you did it before the cron ran.
  8. If you log in as a client you have to click pay or make a payment and then check the box saying use credit or use the partial payment for it. I let the cron job do mine for me.
  9. The cron job will run unless you have it turned off to not apply credit automatically, and then you can log in as the client and apply the credit.
  10. Michael

    Theme Tutorial

    Hi Allan it's been here for ages Also the old one:
  11. Click on the row of the invoice click manage on the transaction and click un-apply. Save and then edit it.
  12. But it's not the 30th of December yet?
  13. Not really since Blesta have the shared login which would work for this. Just need to work out how to connect them up to the forums.
  14. I believe so mate.
  15. Yep php-soap is installed and lib-xml and it just refuses to connect.
  16. You can use a pre-made theme from Themeforest or Wrapbootstrap, create your own, or use a cms and then just link them up-to Blesta. --- Puede utilizar un tema pre-fabricadas a partir de Themeforest o Wrapbootstrap, crear su propio, o usar un cms y luego vincularlas al Blesta.
  17. I'm not sure what you are trying to do? Are you trying to integrate Wordpress into Blesta, which you can't do at the moment, or are you looking for a way to show your products on a website? --- No estoy seguro de lo que está tratando de hacer? Estás intentando integrar Wordpress en Blesta, que no se puede hacer en el momento, o estás buscando una manera de mostrar sus productos en un sitio web?
  18. There's no integration for Hugo it's just Blesta uses it for their standalone website.
  19. I dowt it but be careful. I was lucky where no-one hardly used cards for webhosting at the time. See: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1254029, http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1504633 & http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1523843
  20. Anything made for v3 will work on v4. The big change in v4 is the minPHP & it supports namespaces.
  21. I haven't used 2Checkout for ages since they closed my account due to me offering a refund. Others have had their account closed for offering web hosting too. But here you go: http://help.2checkout.com/articles/FAQ/How-to-create-an-API-only-Username
  22. Michael

    Plesk and Blesta?

    There isn't yet you can open a feature request however: https://requests.blesta.com
  23. Michael

    Plesk and Blesta?

    Correct sadly it isn't completed, but you can add to it if you wish. @austenite & @ctalkington your customers can change the language at any time via the client info box change button and then click on change. They can then select the language. The only reason it's in english is because I'm logged in as an Admin and my admin area is set to English.
  24. Not sure mate, but when I had a IPv6 a client of mine didn't get the site, so I had to set-up the IPv6 fully for the domain before it would work, so I take it thats the issue here cause I see hosting brawl.com instead of clients.cyandark.com and Doug doesn't have IPv6 and can see the site.
  25. Do you see a black page with a boxing ring? I think you have what I have if that's true and I believe it's due to their site doesn't have an IPv6 yet.
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