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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Try: {invoice.date_due_formatted} not sure about the other you could try {invoice.date_billed_formatted}
  2. Nah nah don't use billing for your admin man use something like Area51, hidden, private, 123admin anything but not something which will confuse you.
  3. You can move the files up one, Paul stated you can but it will require a re-issue. If you sign up that would be all you need :). And as for the routes. You just change this file: /config/routes.php and change: /** * Client panel directory name */ Configure::set("Route.client", "client"); to /** * Client panel directory name */ Configure::set("Route.client", "billing");
  4. haha I love the videos mate
  5. You can change the client route to billing if that helps. But none that I know generate static files. Give it a spin? /config/routes.php and change client to billing.
  6. It depends where you purchase your license from but from Blesta it's $90 for an Owned and $5 per month. http://videos.blesta.com/video/65308950
  7. You can just move the files across to the / folder, I think that should be fine if not you can kick me
  8. I'm not sure what you are trying to do? Are you trying to do a Adobe dreamweaver where you make the pages and it's just static in the end? then you want Hugo or dreamweaver. The ones above are using Blesta for your website aka licensecart.com that is Blesta. Every page on my site is blesta.
  9. Rodrigo, Admin Tools and BlestaCMS are all Blesta addons / edits. Nothing related to being outside of Blesta mate.
  10. Just to add Blesta doesn't need you to do that as it sends the information over to PayPal automatically but sometimes PayPal plays up and it's nice to have a backup.
  11. I highly recommend you install Blesta manually it's so easy to upload the zip, extract the zip, move the files from the blesta folder and then just run the installer.
  12. You can use a normal license for the localhost as long as you have a hostname for the localhost IP else it won't work since localhost is taken.
  13. The recurring invoices part generates invoices with the cron job automically depending on what you have set it to do. I prefer using the services to "generate" invoices when they order it and when it renews.
  14. Well from what I can tell by that edit thread is you just go to yourdomain.com/services but I haven't used it so I have no experience with it I'm just guessing by what the guy posted.
  15. There is Universal Module haha. You can just create a package called Blank and just save it.
  16. you're welcome mate, I believe it's under Reseller permissions on WHM.
  17. If you select All do they show? If not it could be a reseller permission on WHM.
  18. I take it if you modify the core plugin you need to add more of these below the first section and change the content. case 'services': $this->structure->set("page_title", "*** INSERT PAGE TITLE ***"); $this->structure->set("title", "*** INSERT TITLE SHOWN ON PORTAL TEMPLATE ***"); // Placeholders won't work with this method, so let's use variables $url = rtrim($this->base_url, "/"); $blesta_url = $this->Html->safe($url . WEBDIR); $html = <<<EOT <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 portal-box"> <a href="{$blesta_url}services> <div class="well"> <i class="fa fa-cogs fa-4x"></i> <h4>Foo</h4> <p>Bar.</p> </div> </a> </div> EOT; $this->set("content", $html); break; But remember that it will be overwritten with a new version or a patch if the portal plugin has been updated.
  19. Michael

    Client error

    Are you using the beta? V4.0.0-b3?
  20. Michael

    Portal Plugin

    Yeah mate just log into: licensedemo.com/admin/
  21. Michael

    Portal Plugin

    Hi there we have a demo installed on licensedemo.com if you would like to give it a spin.
  22. Works for me: http://screencast.com/t/OHZr6Itq1Xm I'm using B4 however.
  23. It's shipped with V4 there's no need to download it.
  24. Think he's trying to customise the main one mate isn't that also set in the model? /app/models/navigation.php
  25. Michael

    Test Site

    If you have an owned license with Blesta, you can just open a ticket, if it's a owned license elsewhere that's down to the discretion of Blesta if they wish to provide one since they have to monitor the license to ensure it's private you can email sales [.at.] blesta or PM Paul.
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