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Everything posted by Michael

  1. @Mujahed has helped me get this working this guy is a legend :p. In each controller in /app/controllers/admin_*.php add the following code: $this->structure->set("blesta_staff_id", $this->Session->read("blesta_staff_id")); in this function: public function preAction() { } Eg admin_billing.php: public function preAction() { parent::preAction(); // Require login $this->requireLogin(); Language::loadLang(['admin_billing']); $this->structure->set("blesta_staff_id", $this->Session->read("blesta_staff_id")); [...] } This allows you to use this command to get the staff_id: <?php $blesta_staff_id; ?>
  2. Let me try mine. Edit: Works for me on both Licensecart and Licensedemo: https://screencast.com/t/Ex1cs343Q So it has to be something to do with the web hosting / vps set-up or CloudFlare or something else.
  3. it should work, unless you have an owned license which hasn't got the latest support and updates?
  4. You're welcome
  5. Ok I recommend a full re-installation to see if that fixes it. The structure looks fine on that table so it shouldn't have any issues.
  6. I did ask for the structure of the table so I can check it on mine. Is there any clients or services on your system?
  7. Yep and that's empty, so there's nothing there. What's the structure? It looks like something deleted the order forms.
  8. Are you using CloudFlare? did you run admin/upgrade/. Can you check the database under: order_forms table is there any results?
  9. I believe Paul wants that so it can be added to the support tickets.
  10. That depends on the Softaculous team mate they do it manually
  11. ok so it error'ed and only printed out the hostname correct?
  12. correct tools > logs > promox click the background row.
  13. Ok click on the proxmox row and there should be 3 boxes more or less whats in them?
  14. I always say manually.
  15. I believe a hostname has to be a subdomain.
  16. Michael

    Importing ClientExec

    Good luck mate if you need help I'll see what I can do.
  17. You have to clear the CACHE! /cache/ and in 1 remove "nav". it's posted a lot on the forum, that's why Naja7host made the admin tools clear the cache automatically.
  18. If you open a feature request at requests.blesta.com I'll +1 it. File needs to be editing I believe is: /components/auth/oath/oath.php
  19. Closing as not a bug.
  20. Michael

    create test account

    I'm confused now if you are a spammer, since you asked how to make a test account on Blesta, you never mentioned the website. You can only make a account on account.blesta.com if you buy a license. There's a demo on blesta.com/demo/ and it will give you a "clients" tab on the admin area. otherwise you are talking a load of nonsense.
  21. Hi guys, Is there a way to grab the current logged in staff ID in the admin area / client id? I've tried: $client->first_name thinking as they use the same table that would work. $staff->first_name & $admin->first_name trying to see if that works as the above didn't. Tried grabbing them like: $staff->staff_id & $admin->staff_id & $staff_first_name & $staff_id & $session->staff_id but none seem to work Merci.
  22. All the themes stuff are in structure.pdt, this is mine: <h1 class="headercrumb"> <?php // $this->Html->ifSet($logged_in) if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "customers") && $page_title != "Our Customers" || strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "order") !== false){ $today_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if($client->date_added == $today_date){ echo "Welcome "; echo $client->first_name; echo "..."; }else{ echo "Welcome back "; echo $client->first_name; echo "!"; } }elseif (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "category") == true){ echo "Categories"; }elseif( $page_title != '' ){ echo $page_title; }else{ echo ($this->Html->ifSet($title) ? $this->Html->_($title, true) : $this->_("AppController.client_structure.default_title", true)); } ?> </h1>
  23. Ah did you mean something else mate lol?
  24. Nice idea for a feature request: https://requests.blesta.com that should get a lot of +1's since it would be cool for vps providers, management companies who sell hours to do and webs designers maybe who want to charge per time.
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