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Everything posted by Michael

  1. I am using b3 mate. but it doesn't seem to log me in, it just links to the ip:port. And I did upgrade the module.
  2. Oh you click it but it doesn't automaticly log you in. On the other billing systems you click a button and it will auto log you in so you don't need the username and password. On the click section can you hide the password until you click the password. We're talking about this mate. On Blesta: There's no buttons like this other billing system:
  3. Not at the moment mate I made one and didn't see any buttons just a few dates and tarif and a stats page.
  4. That's me out already lol you know I can't do a simple thing like pulling prices from a database with Blesta. Does it begin with WH?
  5. Yep
  6. We have a unofficial facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/Blestafans Please remember we are not staff at Blesta and Phillips Data inc. We are fans of this fantastic software and we will keep you updated. Hopefully paul, Cody and Tyson like it and be admins and can answer your questions and etc. But only time will tell
  7. The man (Mark Bridger) who brutally murdered a 5 and a half year old girl (April Jones) has been sentenced to life imprisonment with a whole-life tariff at Mold Crown Court. Justice has been done. Poor soul RIP x More information at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-22717383
  8. I agree MemoryX2 but I can only put mine into production when we get a knowledgebase plugin on Blesta since this: (These are from 12pm GMT)
  9. Will there be Beta testers for the WH*** to v3 importer mate because I'm willing to test it when you've got it done.
  10. I love the new feature on Xenforo 1.2 to come out: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/user-group-staff-banners.51156/#post-547866 That would be cool on these forums but erm... IPB doesn't do it
  11. I'm waiting then I'm going to import over to V2.5 from WH*** and then convert to v3 when the importer from 2.5 to v3 is ready.
  12. Michael

    New Design

    I like it but the font looks a bit too in your face aha well on the price plans anyway
  13. Michael


    I love the way they created this software the name fits the purpose and it's just fantastic isn't it mate
  14. Michael


    Dam... Blessed Loving Excellent Stable Talent Agency == Philips Data LLC. Haha *cough* Added Paul's two words in
  15. Michael


    Blessed and stable fantastic idea Paul and the crew
  16. Michael


    Brilliant Loving Excellent Talent Agency == Philips Data LLC.
  17. Works fine for me.
  18. Like WH*** does, you can also log into WHM but I don't think they have Webmail.
  19. Thinking of ways to help the guys make Blesta stand out feature wise.

  20. Thank you Paul
  21. So you can do: - Additional Contact - Administration Contact - Technical Contact
  22. What are they for, I looked in the manual but I only see a screen shot of the box with Contact Type name: http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Company+%3E+General
  23. I agree Like Out of hours or Pending Review
  24. Yeah I'm going to move customers to CentOS 6 soon.
  25. http://vimeo.com/66895982
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