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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Hosted by Mike at XFHost, wow thanks will be looking at that site
  2. Welcome to the community Chris, been here since the Beta started.
  3. Michael


    Please visit: http://translate.blesta.com/
  4. Haha I love PS4 and Sony but that was hilarious and the xbox fans still love Microsoft while PS fans just laugh at how stupid they are I didn't say that haha
  5. Oh I love Sony! This just makes me giggle like a girl PMSL...
  6. Yep you can, when they announced it at the E3, everyone went mental, I'm surprised my neighbors haven't complained about me shouting and clapping last night haha.
  7. PS4 allows backward compatibility mate, xbox don't they also only allow you to trade games once, PS4 don't. You also don't need PS Plus to go online but there are rumors going about.
  8. Michael

    New Domains

    Namecheap for you mate, too many clients.
  9. I'm buying the PS4 then my PS3 will be upset but then we've replaced the PS2 and PS. $100 cheaper than the XBOne
  10. Michael

    Forum Logo

    Love it guys! So much Blesta'er
  11. Is anyone else watching the E3 2013 Ps4 conference? I've watched all of them so far: - Xbox One - EA - Ubisoft Next PS4 wicked... http://www.e3insider.com/press-conferences/ to join in.
  12. Michael

    New Domains

    I don't mate http://domainincite.com/12352-first-27-new-gtlds-pass-evaluation
  13. Michael

    New Domains

    Aww I just follow the tlds news and saw .inc and .software had been accepted.
  14. I agree I can't wait for Blesta's when everything is done
  15. Michael

    New Domains

    I was wondering if anyone will be getting any new domains? I want to get a few like .web and .hosting It would be cool if Paul, Cody and Tyson got these: http://blesta.software http://phillipsdata.inc I think that would be wicked.
  16. They used to be included they've only recently taken them out and lowered the price from $999 to $599
  17. Yeah they renamed the ask ceo and added more. They've stopped renewal fees though. The only decent thing about them is the order forms.
  18. Ah I see hows their support? Have they got rid of most of their bugs yet?
  19. Have CentovaCast even fixed and released their V3 yet? Last time I heard it was in Beta and their support was awful. As for the module, there will be a module probably but only will be completed in order of popularity.
  20. I personally wouldn't mind just a simple plain one for starters no fancy bits that can come later in other versions
  21. Michael

    My Try Haha

    Good luck.
  22. Michael

    My Try Haha

    Not really, I use it on my layout but I don't use the responsive grids. I removed the input sections and the btns which overwritten the Blesta buttons etc
  23. Michael

    My Try Haha

    Thanks yeah can't wait to see yours
  24. Thanks hope it helps people
  25. Michael

    My Try Haha

    Thanks mate. I like yours though
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