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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Michael

    Forum Logo

    Are you in the office mate? because you said you might get us a preview of your sexy new layout
  2. Michael


    Hi guys can you guys just check over our layout for the final time for me please: http://licensecart.com/site/ The only things that need doing are: - Privacy Policy - Terms of Service - More screenshots for Blesta. Thank you for your time guys EU Cookie Law has been added - only shows once per month. Brought: licensecart.co.uk, licensecart.biz and licensecart.net
  3. Michael

    Forum Logo

    Will do mate It will keep me warm haha and I'm thinking of buying a t-shirt soon as-well they look so cool and helps support you guys and advertise you. And I'm a BlestaFan haha.
  4. Michael

    Forum Logo

    Ordered mine haha
  5. Michael

    Forum Logo

    Wicked can't wait I wonder if I could buy a t-shirt saying I love Blesta haha
  6. My Manager at Britannia Parking pops up now and again at random, just to ensure I'm not cheating the system, which I wouldn't because I love working even though they don't care about this contract anymore *cough* Have a issue takes them months to do it now, then I don't blame them because it's not much of a contract anymore.
  7. Michael

    Forum Logo

    Can we have a preview please haha
  8. That's what this would do but also helps you work out how many hours they have worked so you can pay them. LIke I work as-well at Britannia. We have to clock in by telephone in the morning though Waitrose's telephone. It's the only way you can clock in you can't do it by your mobile or any other phone. You clock off for lunch and clock back on and also have to phone up to clock out. They use it to work out your hours and pay you.
  9. Well It's like this really. Anyone can log in -> Clock in at 9am then don't do anything and come back at say 4pm and then clock out. There's no evidence they did anything. That's my opinion though
  10. Ok so this may not ever happen to Blesta but I think it would make this billing system one step further away from the competitiors. I believe it should be an extra module like you pay for it like the Licensing system (In development). Staff Logs in Staff clicks Clocked in -> Sets start time. (00:02) -> Alert Administrators "{staff_username} logged in $num minutes late." *Shift starts* {staff_username} viewed {page_title} (00:02) {staff_username} viewed ticket $num (00:03) {staff_username} replied to ticket $num (00:03) {staff_username} viewed {page_title} (00:04) *{staff_username} went idle at 00:05* {staff_username} viewed {page_title} (00:10) {staff_username} viewed ticket $num (00:10) {staff_username} replied to ticket $num (00:11) {staff_username} clocked out -> Sets finish time. (00:13) *shift finished* Updates shift table -> Start Time (00:02) -> Finish Time (00:13) -> Idle Time (00:05) -> Time Worked (00:06) -> Staff Name ({staff_username}) -> Day (Monday) -> Date (24-06-13) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Time --> Time they clocked in. Finish Time --> Time they clocked out. Idle Time --> Total time they didn't do anything. Time Worked --> Total Time from Start to Finish taking away the Idle time. Staff Name --> The Staff name. Day --> Day they worked (Monday - Sunday) Date --> Date they worked. Just an idea I did inform Paul about this sort of idea before but this is just an advanced version and public for comments about it and maybe you might see the team have done it for a extra module for a price
  11. Love that idea mate
  12. Haha Paul seems you should release the new system so we can start re-selling your licenses If I become rich (In my dreams though) I'd invest money into Blesta
  13. Oh ;D Oh yeah so the custom fields you said means like we can pick which fields to check?
  14. Can't it check it against the database mate? For example this: Customer First Name: [Michael] Date of Birth: [21-01-1992] Zip / Postal Code: [b49 6BE] Customer Password: [****************] Checks fields against database == True Shows message: Thank you for confirming the information.. Click here to continue or something
  15. Yeah but that staff doesn't need to see it well without permission but then the admins can do that. And I thought it would be a good paid addon because like you say not everyone would use it, and it would take some time to code if I'm honest but someone can use your software for call center functions as-well as the billing system, etc, they can give the information by ticket if they wished but the client has to remember their password since they wouldn't be able to see it. They can change it if they know it.
  16. Michael


    Now this is something that should be done whatever people say, people love Kim's work, big companies / government don't like him but come on this is another good idea. Like Blesta is changing the Billing system industry... MegaBox would change how you interact to music... Rate songs, see what's popular, share, listen and buy in one place... What's your opinion
  17. Ok so this may not ever happen to Blesta but I think it would make this billing system one step further away from the competitiors. I believe it should be an extra module like you pay for it like the Licensing system (In development). Non Admins: You click a client's ID, you are then greeted with a box (Modal) asking you to enter the following: - Client Postcode - Clients Support Password If you click cancel you are re-directed to the client list. If you enter the correct information you can then see the client's account. Just like if you was phoning up Virgin Mobile (UK) or Sprint (US) you are asked for information before they can see your account, if you fail to do so they can't do anything to your account or even see it. However Admins: If you ticked the box on the Access Control List to allow Administrators to bypass Client Protection. They can view the client details just like now, edit their information too. ------------------------------------- However the Support Password is NEVER shown to the administrators, just the client who can change it at any time. - Encrypted to ensure security. They first set it up on registration.
  18. Michael

    Forum Logo

    Yeah I spotted the >> but I posted about the forum logo changing from the IP Board logo
  19. So if Blesta was open-source, that means I could buy it, redistribute it without charging people.... = No way!
  20. omelette is made with Eggs and can have ham or cheese in it.
  21. but that's not open source really because it's not 100% open sourced it's 99% open sourced.
  22. I prefer Blesta to be commerical as much as possible because they need to make a living some how. Open source bits is more than other providers and that's good but to have it fully open source to me is a very bad idea, people will end up giving it for free removing the licensing system... Now how can the developers make money to continue the product?
  23. Not going to lie I was thinking of using Blesta before, but WHM** had more features, etc... So erm I took that way to get started, but then WHM** told me they had a new update for security recently and I thought "For F**k sake another one..." Then I found out it broke something which is important since what's a webhost without domains?" So I thought to myself "I need to get away from this company, came across Blesta saw the deal $99, spoke to Paul and found out they did the refuge promotion as-well but one or the other, so I saved up and them brought it. But I was talking to our friends at FreshRostedHosting (FRH) and they was also thinking of moving and saw I was looking in moving to Blesta and informed me they was two considering and just before myself brought it . Now I have no regrets and I believe this is the best billing system I have used and this is the step forward they needed to get people in.. - Billing systems going downhill. - More features - Stable - Secure = Blesta 100%
  24. Trust me Paul, you will have at least 50% by next year and maybe more. I believe more re-sellers will be selling your product in hosting packs and on licensing sites. Myself I'm going to put it in some of our packages free (Resellers) and as I offer the other popular one at a price. This I hope will move customers to Blesta. Also you know my other brand I'm doing which is going to be Blesta only for a long time then I might add more licenses to the shop as you gave me that idea to compete but I want to dedicate it to Blesta I do believe you will be the main competitor shortly
  25. Michael


    Should have them on the Index page (4 boxes) and also the Products page Edit: [update 26-06-2013] - Services page completed. - Partners page done will need partners.
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